A counter-revolutionary response of imperialism and its lackeys against the revolution in the North of Africa and Middle East and against the world working class
We must defeat Jackal al - Assad that massacres the Syrian masses on account of the imperialist powers and NATO!
It is the servants of imperialism Putin and Hu Jintao who are arming the murderous army of Assad to the teeth!
Down with the fifth column of the Iranian Ayatollahs and Hezbollah, supported by the World Social Forum, which backed and helped the counter-revolutionary attack in Homs against the exploited!
All of them are who, supporting al Assad and together with the military Junta in Egypt, guarantee the "peace border" to the Zionist fascist State of Israel
We must recover Homs, defeating the CNT in Libya and the military Junta in Egypt and make wave in Jerusalem the flag of the Palestinian nation!
We should break the siege mounted against the Syrian masses by the worker aristocracy and bureaucracies of Europe and USA.!UU, social imperialist parties and the “Trotskyist” renegades!
They smeared the people’s and worker’ militias in Libya and the insurrected masses of Syria saying that they were "NATO ground troops" and "agents of the CIA and the counter-revolution" so that the world proletariat does not rise up in their defense.
Arms for the Syrian masses! For international brigades of all worker organizations in the world to go and fight in Syria NOW!
A counter-revolutionary offensive by imperialism and the set of exploiters against the global working class has concentrated on Syria. The imperialist powers need to crush the chain of proletarian revolutions that have erupted in North Africa and the Middle East, for whipping a chastising lesson to the world working class, showing the workers of Europe, and all those who want to follow the revolutionary path of the Maghreb exploited, the fate that awaits them: Baba Amro and the whole of Homs reduced to rubble with several thousands dead lying on the streets, and dozens of thousands wounded tortured in the hospitals, while the neighbourhoods are dynamited after months of heroic combat and resistance. They are the martyrs of the international working class!
In 2011 the working-class threatened with a widespread revolutionary offensive worldwide, as a response to the brutal attack of imperialism against the masses.
The fierce counter-revolutionary coup that we see today in Syria is a forceful response from big capital to the mass offensive which shook the planet throughout 2011 against the fierce economic crisis plaguing the planet which opened a new historical period of clashes between revolution and counter-revolution.
The working class and the impoverished masses of North Africa and the Middle East, gave home to huge revolutions for bread, jobs and national independence. In January 2011 the exploited of Tunisia were the revolutionary spark that like a wildfire ignited the fighting in Egypt, Yemen, Bahrain, Syria and Libya, where the revolution came further, with the mass destruction of the bourgeois state and conquering the widespread arming of the exploited.
This revolutionary torrent threatened to cross the Mediterranean Sea and get to the heart of the imperialist metropolis. To the cry of "We have to fight like in Egypt!" youth and workers in the Spanish State would put in place the "Republic of the indignados". Workers and exploited in Greece returned to revolt, after starring in 14 General strikes and massive battles of barricades, and surrounded the Parliament of the exploiters following the path of the Argentine revolution of 2001 and its cry of "that all of them get away and never return, not even a single one" while the working youth of England blew with riots in Tottenham and across London.
In the Americas, the American working class began to join this revolutionary wave to face butcher Obama, despite and against the bureaucracy of the AFL-CIO and all the reformist left, servants to Obama; meanwhile in Oakland the movement "against the war" returned together with that of the immigrant workers, in the strikes of Wisconsin workers raised slogans of the Egyptian masses, the "indignados" appeared encamping in the squares accross the United States. They surrounded Wall Street marking the coordinates to all the world proletariat of who were their top enemies: the parasites of this super oligarchy of finance capital.
In the Southern Cone of the continent at the end of 2010, the working class and poor peasants of Bolivia defeated a sudden and super high fees rise by Evo Morales, confronting with dynamite tubes the traitors of the bureaucracy of the COB (Central Obrera Boliviana), and then in September 2011, factory workers and poor peasants returned to attack the Government of Morales, servant of the transnationals, who was again saved by the collaborationist bureaucracy. Meanwhile, the Chilean working class and youth raised in enormous struggles to the cry of "renationalization of copper without compensation and under workers’ control!" in order to have decent wages and free education, while identifying and confronting the strike-breakers from the Communist Party as the " red pacos (policemen) ", showing all the world working class which is the solution to all their demands: the expropriation of the capitalists, and that for doing so it was necessary to defeat the treacherous leaderships.
In this way, the exploited around the world began to put themselves in a position of counteroffensive to defeat the attack of the capitalists. And this was because the enormous revolution unleashed in the Maghreb and the Middle East not only called into question all the counter-revolutionary control devices of imperialism in the region, but it also blew through the air the containment dams and fences of reformism against the revolutionary masses’ fighting, which until then had guaranteed to tie the hands to the world working-class to prevent the victory of its assaults, subjecting them to the bourgeoisie country by country. The motion of the working class and the oppressed of North Africa to the whole world proletariat was to defeat the attack of the capitalists, that they had to fight for everything, with the methods of the proletarian revolution, ramming against the Citadel of the power of the exploiters, throwing down Governments and regimes that made starve their workers and were mass murderers.
I.e. at each step, the proletariat tended to coordinate its struggle at the international level, and it threatened to start in a true revolutionary rise, synchronizing the struggle of the masses of the colonial and semi-colonial world with the fighting of the proletariat of the imperialist countries.
Against this perspective imperialism centralized around the world all trade union bureaucracies, working-class aristocracies, social-imperialist parties and all the world reformist left, to save capitalism in bankruptcy and disperse and pour water on the fire of the revolutionary struggle of the masses.
To succeed, the masses do not reckon with a revolutionary leadership to their head. On the contrary, treacherous leaderships of the world proletariat gave time to imperialism to create conditions to launch its offensive against the masses responding to the revolution with the blows of counterrevolution.
2012 Begins with an imperial counteroffensive. This took its first steps with the betrayal to the uprising of the European working class on the part of Stalinism and the social imperialist parties; parliamentarians detours of the revolutionary processes in Tunisia; counter-revolutionaries blows as that of the military Junta in Egypt; and now… Imperialism has concentrated its forces to crush the exploited in Syria
Imperialism in crisis could not allow the revolution to open in the core countries. They needed to stop and defeat the offensive of the exploited that had begun. To do so, the reformist leaderships of the world proletariat acted relentlessly. Trade Union bureaucracies and social-imperialist parties stated that the revolutions in North Africa and the Middle East were "spring of peoples" and "democratic revolutions" against "dictatorship" and "autocracies", so that the working class did not take the power and the traps and diversions parliamentarians "Constituent assemblies" and "democratic forces” could be imposed. In Europe they claimed that there they had not to fight like in in Tunisia, Egypt, Libya or Syria, the output was that the workers were driven to fight country by country to put pressure on imperialist Governments and regimes so that they conceded to "moderate the adjustment" and to build a "Social Europe". Union Bureaucracies as the English or German ones launched chauvinist campaigns such as "English jobs for the English" or "We will not pay the crises of Greece" to bring the proletariats to kneel in front of their own bourgeoisies.
But in October 2011 the Libyan revolution gave a new leap with the working-class and popular militias executing Jackal Khadafy. All the bourgeois Governments of the world saw themselves in that mirror. Then, when the Greek masses stormed in the same month with a new general strike, this time besieging the Parliament Building to defeat the then Government of Papandreou, the bourgeoisie launched their dogs from the Communist Party that, to clean shovels broke heads to hundreds of Greek workers and young people to prevent them from opening the revolution in Europe. Thus the imperialist counteroffensive began. This spelled new assaults in China with the murderous army of Hu Jintao massacring more than 10,000 workers and poor farmers, in a clear counterrevolutionary coup against martyred Chinese masses who were beginning to revolt for their demands. In Egypt, the Mubarakist officers organized a raid against the masses, murdering dozens of exploited in Port Said Soccer Stadium and massacring hundreds of workers who were fighting in the Tahrir square. Thus the counteroffensive began of the great capital against the masses and it prepared for striking at Syria.
The labor aristocracies and bureaucracies of the imperialist powers, social-imperialist parties, Stalinism and currents of the Renegades of Trotskyism, mounted a real smokescreen, a true fence, telling the world proletariat that working-class and popular militias in Libya were "ground troops of the NATO" and that the insurgency in Syria was "armed by imperialism", either the central danger in Syria was "a NATO invasion", thus covering agent of imperialism al - Assad butcher, his back. They went to those extremes so that the world working class doesn't come out in defense of the Syrian revolutionary masses.
Without the action of the left such massacre could not have been accomplished. Suddenly, where the masses are armed as in Libya, or have began to do so as in Syria - where more than 50,000 soldiers moved into the camp of the revolution-for these currents "democratic revolutions," and "spring of peoples" disappeared from the stage, and insurrected masses became troops "armed by imperialism". All treacherous leaderships of the world working class were commissioned to leave alone and fenced the heroic Syrian masses!
All these currents said that NATO intervened to "defeat Qadafy" in Libya. They lie! There NATO intervened just to prevent the masses from coming to Tripoli and seize the power when they smashed Qadafi. NATO intervened to strengthen the CNT and so it put under its political discipline all the Qadafist officers. That's what NATO went to Libya for. Inclusive, it meant to put a limit to Qadafi not to allow him entering Benghazi because there he could be crushed by the masses, as it happened in the end. A that time the revolution was still alive and the rise of the masses of Egypt and Tunisia was ongoing; in July-August 2011 the exploited masses of Greece were uprising and the movement of the "indignant" of Madrid and EE.UU was strong and fresh. They fought the Spanish Crown and Wall Street bankers while the working youth burned Tottenham in London. Today the scenario is different. Thanks to the actions of the treacherous leaderships, the imperialist forces have "free hand" to go on with their counter-revolutionary offensive.
In Syria imperialism did not need to send NATO aircraft, as the army of Assad is who, as direct agent of imperialism, performs the dirty work of massacring the masses.
Thus, under a plan designed to the millimeter, imperialism gave a fascist blow against the workers and socialist revolution that began a year ago ranging from Tunisia to the gates of historic Palestine, threatening to destroy the fascist Zionist State policeman of Israel and cross the Mediterranean for breaking into the heart of the imperialist Europe of Maastricht. Today it is in Syria where imperialism has established its counter-revolutionary advanced detachment.
A "Holy Alliance" to crush the masses in Syria
Syria was the venue chosen by imperialism to give an accurate shot in its counteroffensive. Big capital could not allow that the ways of Libya, i.e. the insurrection of the masses, the workers and popular militia, the destruction of the bourgeois state and the execution of governmental agents of imperialism, had its continuity and victory in insurgent Syria.
The overthrow of Al Assad, the guardian of "the borders’ peace" of the Israeli policeman, would have meant the return of the Palestinian masses to combat; the Tunisia exploited’s defeat of the farce of the constituent Assembly and its Government; workers and the masses of Egypt’s flattening the Government of the murderous military Junta as they had done with Mubarak; and that the working class and the masses in arms of Libya could undermine the pro imperialist CNT to carry their revolution to the victory. Financial capital knew very well that if a higher revolutionary offensive of the masses unfolded against the traps that it had been mounting to expropriate the revolution, there also was in serious crisis the regime the Yankee protectorate in Iraq, the imperialist occupation of Afghanistan and all counter-revolutionary imperialism devices that guarantee the control of the " oil routes" in the region, starting with the Zionist fascist State of Israel. This situation would had become almost inevitable the irruption of the revolution in the bowels of Europe. That is why in Syria a counter-revolutionary "Holy Alliance" is acting directed by imperialism. With its servants of Russia with Putin and China with Hu Jintao arming to the teeth the Syrian army, true occupation troops of imperialism under the command of al – Assad have been unleashed to do the "dirty work" to crush the masses, with the collaboration of that fifth column of the Iranian and the Lebanese bourgeoisies, sustained by the "Bolivarians" and Stalinism.
Butchers of the Arab League, saying they "oppose" the massacre had already entered Syria to define the objectives of the resistance of the masses, and they withdrew to give free hands to Al - Assad so he could crush Syrian people to blood and fire, while the ghost of the Syrian National Council, very far away from the fighting, began to speak to the UN in the name of the exploited masses, trying to expropriate their revolution.
From the UN and the Arab League, smoke-screens were erected to cover up the massacre of Jackal Al Assad in Syria
A year ago in Syria a powerful insurrection unfolded city by city; people assailed police stations, divided the army and armed themselves. In early 2012, the masses were already fighting in Damascus, 50 blocks from the Government Building, and they threatened to turn Syria into a new Libya, demolishing completely the bourgeois state and executing Jackal al - Assad as the Libyan masses did yesterday to Qadafi.
Jackal Al - Assad and his army were those who performed the "dirty work" through a true fascist coup, bombing different cities of Syria since the beginning of February and for weeks; then they went House to House and crushed the Syrian exploited as they did throughout Baba Amro and the most hardened neighbourhoods of mass resistance. This "dirty work" was commanded by the staffs of the imperialist powers, whose "ground troops" were the troops of the counter-revolutionary army of Al - Assad.
Thus, Obama, Sarkozy and Merkel posing as "democratic" in the UN look "appalled" by the massacre of Al - Assad, with Hillary Clinton declaring that they "sent messages of peace to Syria, not weapons", while they gave to their "gurka" agents Putin and Hu Jintao the order to veto all resolutions of the United Nations on "humanitarian assistance" against Al - Assad. Obama "looked the other side" when the vetoes of China and Russia; they offered to arm to the teeth Al - Assad, so that US imperialism is not exposed as the Commander in Chief of the counter-revolution in Syria. The excuse of the "vetoes" collapses under its own weight in the light of the invasion of the United States to Iraq in 2003, when the UN Security Council voted against the Yankee invasion, and likewise Bush invaded Iraq and to clean bombings led it to the Middle Ages and began its colonization, as it had done previously with Afghanistan. Cynics! They filled their mouth talking about that "the conditions are not given for intervention", when they have some kilometers away the Israel gendarme armed to the teeth to massacre for yje sake of Obama and the imperialist powers. Imperialism did not need to use its Israeli hound-dog, as Assad has shown to fulfill very well his role of lackey of imperialism, ruthlessly crushing Syrian insurrected masses.
During the pantomime of the sessions of the UN, imperialism sent to the Pirates of the Arab League to Syria were devoted to traverse all the neighborhoods and cities controlled by the workers and exploited insurgents, to then retire saying that "they could do nothing to stop the massacre of Al - Assad". Were they that marked the coordinates of each of the bombs and gunfire that threw the army of Al - Assad against workers of Homs, Deraa and other cities of Syria!
At Syria we are in the presence of a genuine policy of extermination against the working class and the exploited, commanded by Al - Assad on account of the imperialist powers. It is what the Zionist fascist State of Israel has done against the martyred Palestinian masses or the butcher Milosevic in the Balkans during the ´90, when he caused a true genocide against the Bosnian masses and massacred without mercy several thousands of exploited in Kosovo, doing the "dirty work" of imperialism to crush the masses, as today Jackal Al - Assad does in Syria.
The Governments of Lebanon and Iran at the World Social Forum: A fifth column, legitimized by the "left”, namely by social imperialist parties and the renegades of Trotskyism, to impose the massacre in Syria.
The imperialist counter-offensive which today has focused on Syria could not have crushed the resistance in Homs without counter-revolutionary actions by the fifth column of the Iranian Ayatollahs and Hezbollah in Lebanon. The latter together with Assad share the juicy business of telecommunications and computer associated with imperialism; that is called "market socialism", that is: big business for the imperialism and the native bourgeoisie and hunger, exploitation and death for the masses. This is the background of the revolutionary uprising of the Syrian masses for bread.
Why did the bourgeoisie of Hezbollah in Lebanon, having expropriated the struggle of the Lebanese and Palestinian masses that defeated the Zionist army in 2006, send troops to Syria to sustain al Assad? Moreover it imprisoned the exploited Lebanese and Palestinians that supplied arms to the Syrian fighters.
Meanwhile, the Ahmadinejad Government of Iran, as every national bourgeoisie, showed its cowardice against imperialism. He threatened to disrupt the flow of oil in the Straits of Ormuz in his speeches though what he did was to mobilize ships to block Syria and defend murderous al Assad. Its objective was to prevent the brigades of fighters in the region from being organized, coming along or across the Mediterranean to the battlefield, to fight alongside their class brothers and sisters in Syria. It also mobilized their "guardians of the revolution", as ground troops, to strengthen the forces of the counter-revolutionary army of Al - Assad against the masses. Meanwhile, as we saw, Hezbollah stopped and murdered the best fighters of the Syrian resistance in Lebanon.
Against this, the cynicism of the world reformist left has no limits. These currents peddle to the proletariat the rotten fish that if it gets up with its class brothers and sisters massacred in Syria -that would strengthen the offensive of the State of Israel and imperialism against Iran. That’s a Lie! The Iranian Ayatollahs are used to crushing, making starve and massacring their own workers and people, in the same way as Mubarak, Ben Ali, Khadafy, or Al - Assad did. They hand out Iranian oil to Japanese, German and American imperialists, like Saddam Hussein and, like the lackeys of the new bourgeoisie of North Korea that threaten to "nuclear bombs" every time they want to negotiate food plans with imperialism. The cowardly native bourgeoisie are always engaged in negotiating with imperialism the portion of the oil income and the national added value they are to keep in their pockets.
Al - Assad and the Ayatollahs guaranteed you to the United States.UU. an orderly withdrawal and the stability of the Government of the Yankee protectorate in Iraq, disarming, then into the Government of the protectorate, the masses exploited the South had defeated British troops in Basra. This is not surprising. Full blockade of Iran, Japan still extracting Iranian oil and Germany is so refined in Europe and sells to the own Iran to sky-high prices all derivatives of petroleum fuels. Stop lying and passing of "anti-imperialist" to the lackeys of imperialism!
Former Trotskyists want to believe that Iran is which "stops the hands of Israel and imperialism"; however all it does is "stopping the hands of the revolutionary masses". If imperialism has not yet invaded Iran, it is first of all due to the huge revolutionary struggle of the masses of Tunisia, Egypt, Libya, Syria and across North Africa and the Middle East that has not been defeated, and secondly because the Ayatollahs were proposed to do good "dirty work" for imperialism. They have already crushed to blood and fire, in 2009-2010 the uprising of the Iranian masses, repeating the massacre against the Shoras ("Worker Councils") of the 1979 revolution.
The world reformist left wants to make everybody believe that due to a danger of an imperialist attack on Iran, one should paralyze class struggle in Syria. Traitors! They are submitting the working class of Iran, Syria and the entire region to the Assads and Ayatollahs, when far from "suspending the class struggle", we must deepen it as civil war in Syria and revolting the Palestinian masses to destroy the fascist Zionist State of Israel.
The most reactionary of the world situation marked because reformism, by dint of great betrayals, regained control of organizations struggle of the masses
The World Social Forum and its agents from the left of all colors and the rogues of Trotskyism applauded the "two States" plan of Obama and imperialism for Palestine, legitimizing the agreement between Fatah and Hamas, of accountability of the masses. This Pact is that ensures the "internal security" of the Zionist fascist state of Israel with the Palestinian masses ghettoized in concentration camps, while Al Assad, the Egyptian military junta, Hezbollah in Lebanon and the Iranian Ayatollahs guarantee " peace borders" to the imperialist enclave. While the revolution in North Africa and the Middle East calls into question this counter-revolutionary plan, former Trotskyists vindicated the Israeli "indignados" that demanded "more homes", i.e., more theft of lands to the martyred Palestinian masses to extend the Zionist settlements! This self-claimed "Socialist" left which occasionally dresses in an "anti-capitalist" guise, embarrassingly muffled the slaughter in Homs. They are nothing more than enemies of socialist revolution; bring out your masks, you’re the left of Obama! This Fifth column against the Syrian masses was completed with the Bolivarian governments like Chávez and Castro who mobilized “mass support” to the massacres of Al Assad supported by all Stalinists, globally. They were dedicated to slandering the militias of Libya accusing them of being "agents of the CIA" and "ground troops of NATO" in order to convince the exploited of the world that NATO was which had executed Qadafi.
All of them, together with the World Social Forum are the real fifth column against the Syria revolution and across North Africa and the Middle East! Their program is: "weapons for Al - Assad" and "international brigades to defeat the revolution"!
True anti-imperialist fighters are the militias of the working class and the impoverished masses, the ruined middle classes, the rank-and-file soldiers who refused to massacre their own people; the only servants of imperialism and NATO who are on the battlefield are al - Assad with its counter-revolutionary army and the troops sent by Ahmadinejad and Hezbollah with the support of the "Bolivarian" Governments!
The Renegades of Trotskyism were who assured by the "left" the siege against the revolution in Syria. Both the currents serving the "Bolivarians", which argue that Al - Assad is not an " direct agent of imperialism", and the pro Social Democrat variant of the former Trotskyists who claim that "the massacre of Al - Assad obliges NATO to intervene in Syria" (i.e., that Al - Assad is not massacring on account of NATO and imperialism), have all raised once and again, along with the 5th International that a NATO intervention was in the works in Syria against Al - Assad.
All these leaderships have unmasked themselves before the brutal massacre in Syria. The NATO intervention which they heralded never came. Its "ground troops" were those of al Assad’s.
This is the truth. Perhaps these currents want us to believe that Hu Jintao defends the "Socialist" al - Assad because it is not under the orders of Obama and his five military commands to dominate the world, when Hu Jintao and all the Chinese PC mandarins, are who guarantee the imperialist transnationasl millions of Chinese slave workers that produce under the worst maquila (sweatshops) conditions? Or that genocidal Putin, butcher of the masses of Chechnya, the Balkans and the Caucasus, is not an agent of the Citibank and the German Basf? The Renegades of Trotskyism, want to sell a fairy tale to the world proletariat, which is now counting its dead.
From the FLTI we affirm that if the exploited masses of Syria are crushed, no doubt the Zionist State of Israel will be in a better position, together with the United States, for attacking the Iranian nation and provoking new massacres against the Palestinians in order to settle firmly its "two States" plan”. At the same time Turkey will be in excellent conditions, with Obama, to attack and recover one of the largest reserves of oil in the world, arming to the teeth Azerbaijan, to grab the Nagorno Karabakh enclave for good, crushing the Armenia nation again. But otherwise, if Jackal Al Assad is crushed, the new onslaught of the revolutionary masses in the region will have at its head the heroic Palestinian masses to defeat all the traps of imperialism and its servants. This is what is today at stake in the streets of Damascus!
Upon the bloody torture and slaughter of the Syrian masses, imperialism wants to impose there the "peace" of the cemeteries
For crushing Al Assad, recovering Homs, for defeating the CNT in Libya and the military junta in Egypt, for the flag of the Palestinian nation flutter over Jerusalem!
Once Al - Assad, with the Ayatollahs, and Hezbollah, had massacred the Syrian masses; once he had recovered Homs and deepened his offensive on the bodies of dozens of thousands of exploited and murdered thousands of revolutionaries; once dozens of neighborhoods had been reduced to rubble, Kofi Annan, the Arab League and the UN’s Envoy, landed in Syria and met Al - Assad to "seek a peaceful solution to the conflict".
At the same time, the Arab League and Lavrov, the Russian Minister for Foreign Affairs presented a proposal for a "peace plan" for Syria delineated in common - and apparently accepted by al - Assad - which will be discussed in the Security Council of this den of bandits, the UNO. This plan establishes the "cessation of violence", the "creation of a neutral mechanism to monitor the ceasefire on both sides", "not foreign intervention", the "delivery of humanitarian aid" and "support for the Mission of Kofi Annan"
What a stark-naked cynicism! The Arab League, which today speaks with the UN had Ben Ali, Mubarak, and Qadafi as its most honorable members and was the same that massacred the exploited masses uprising in Bahrain and Jordan, along with their brothers and sisters of Egypt, Tunisia, Libya and Syria, etc. in the name of "peace". This "cease fire" that now all profess to ensure the "peace of the cemeteries" in Syria (while al - Assad is still massacring elders, women and kids mercilessly), confirms the clear plan designed to the millimeter that imperialism defined to launch its counter-revolutionary offensive in Syria. Once all of them together caused a real bloodbath in Homs and all Syria, now imperialism and their lackeys of the native bourgeoisie of the region, seek to intervene in Syria to preach "peace" and "democracy"... of the cemeteries.
You cannot rule out (and this is a card that they have reserved up the sleeve) that this "peace of cemeteries" ensure that with the "Blue Helmets" UN as troops of interposition on the pretext of "safeguarding the civilian population", so in fact that after such massacre is revolt the exploited the region and above all to ensure disarmament Syrian workers and maintain the borders of the State of Israel in shelter. This mission, consummate, pregonará "democratic" traps with "free elections" carried out on the bodies of the martyrs of the exploited Syrians. This is the same plan that in Kosovo where after ensuring that Milosevic's great Serbia massacred the Bosnians, the UN and its "Blue Helmets" intervened on behalf of "democracy" to turn Kosovo into a Yankee republiqueta.
Likewise it is no coincidence that is Kofi Annan, the UN Envoy, who was who mediated after the beating that beat them the Palestinian in the South of the Lebanon masses to the counter-revolutionary army of the State of Israel in the year 2006, by sending "Blue Helmets" to thus help avoid that said I victory military lever to revolt to all of the Palestinian masses and the entire region to crush the Israel Zionist State.
Thus, while Al - Assad deepens the massacre against the exploited Syrians, imperialism and the lackey bourgeoisies in the region, under the umbrella of the UNO, discuss behind the scenes their plans in order to finally settle their counter-revolutionary offensive. This prepares the CNS, a true "security valve", from exile as an alternative of pro imperialist Government to expropriate the revolution.
With or without Assad, if the masses are defeated, imperialism shall subjugate Syria with double and triple chains to his dominance of plundering and exploitation. The fundamental objective of imperialism is to turn Syria into the first factor of counter-revolutionary stability as a response to the workers and socialist revolution that runs through the region. At the service of this plan the imperialists will ultimately define if Assad is still of some usefulness or if it is better to send him to the Court in the Hague for saving their faces as "democratic" champions, after their dog has done all the dirty work.
If the imperialist counter-revolutionary plan is imposed, that would guarantee the trap "of two States", i.e. the submission of the Palestinian masses to the Zionist policeman; the bourgeoisie of the CNT will be strengthened in their offensive to disarm the Libyan masses and, ultimately, advance in recomposing all counter-revolutionary schemes of imperialism in the region, which were trembling with the revolutionary uprisings of the working class and the exploited.
No doubt, if the world proletariat does not prevent this counter-revolutionary plan from being imposed, imperialism will achieve new leaps in its counteroffensive that has started with its attack on the masses in Europe, new massacres against rebellions in China and retaking control of the revolutionary masses of the Maghreb and the Middle East.
Therefore the tasks of the moment are recovering Homs and all the embattled Syrian cities from the hands of counter-revolution and crushing the reaction; but this is a task to be taken by all the exploited in the region! We must crush Al Assad, recover Homs, defeat the CNT in Libya and the military junta in Egypt; and flutter in Jerusalem the flag of the Palestinian nation on the rubble from the destruction of the Zionist fascist State of Israel!
Stop the carnage! We must stop the massacre of Al - Assad, agent of imperialism, against the heroic Syrian masses! So: you have to break the siege all treacherous leaderships of the world proletariat have imposed to the struggling Syrian exploited! Let's arm the Insurrected masses of Syria!
In the streets of Syria and Maghreb the fate of the revolution and counter-revolution is played at the international level. The global working class should be already on a war footing alongside its class brothers and sisters in Syria.
Stopping the massacre in Syria and defeating the traps against the revolution in the North of Africa and Middle East is the same task as breaking the siege imposed to Syria and preparing conditions for victory. Therefore the immediate tasks are:
That the exploited of the revolutionary Egypt revolt against the imperialist rule of the killers’ military Junta! That the Tunisia masses, who were the spark that ignited this one and only one revolution along North Africa and the Middle East, turn again to combat, standing up against fraud and the trap of the constituent Assembly of the bourgeoisie and imperialism! That the working class and the masses of Libya who refuse to disarm, centralise their fighting organizations with the militias, to defeat the CNT and its Qadafist generals and politicians, servants of imperialism, and to take the power!
This is the way that could open a new revolt of the Palestinian masses in the South of Lebanon, Gaza and West Bank against Hezbollah and all Palestinian bourgeoisie’s and imperialist "two States" plan, to enter combat right now alongside the Syrian masses and against the State of Israel, together with the exploited throughout the region!
The martyred exploited in occupied Palestine, the vanguard undisputed masses of the region, have to stand up and lead this fight with heroic combatants who resist in Syria against the enemies who were clearly identified the Egypt exploited which burned yesterday the Embassy of the State of Israel and now come from surround the Syrian Embassy to the cry of: "North America, NATO, Assad and Hezbollah are caregivers of the borders of Zionism!"
You have to follow the path they propose the revolutionaries combatants of the Libya militia together with the Committee of volunteer workers internationalists from Libya:
We must break the siege tended around our brothers and sisters in Syria! A determined, coordinated and unified action of all the oppressed of the world is the path. "Let’s send weapons and international worker brigades to break the encirclement of the exploited and oppressed in Syria, for defeating murderer al - Assad!"
It is urgent to open a corridor through which the worker organizations and masses in struggle can send weapons, food, medicines and equipment for the Syrian insurrected masses and help defeat the counter-revolution! For international brigades of all labor organizations in the world to go and to fight to Syria right now!
The proletariat of Europe, a thousand times betrayed by the social-imperialist parties and working-class bureaucracies and aristocracies, servants of their own imperialist bourgeoisie, must break the corset that these treacherous leaderships have imposed to their fighting. Only getting rid of those leaderships which lead them towards powerless policies of pressure on the Governments and bourgeois regimes country-to-country, the European masses may begin a true revolutionary counteroffensive and get out in support of their class brothers and sister in Syria.
For a European revolutionary general strike to confront their imperialist Governments, move forward in destroying Maastricht and win the streets alongside and in support of their class sisters and brothers in Syria, North Africa and the Middle East! We must block all the ports and ships that carry weapons and food to the killer Al-Assad, and board and bring food and weapons to the heroic resistance of the Syrian!
From the core of the Libyan revolution an "Emergency appeal to all fighting worker organizations of the world” has emerged “in support of the Syrian people against Bashar", written by the "Movement of Revolutionary Workers and Militias of Libya" calling from the port of Tripoli to centralise the international working class solidarity to go to combat Syria alongside the exploited masses.
There’s no time to lose! This appeal must be taken in their hands by all worker organizations in the world! They are already underway forces to centralize the humanitarian aid for the exploited masses of Syria. The European working class must break the siege and put itself at the head of this task! Let’s organize right now, from trade unions and mass organizations a Convoy of humanitarian aid from the fighting workers to the Syrian workers and people in struggle!
The working class of China and Russia should revolt against murderous Putin and Hu Jintao! We must stop the counter-revolutionary war machine of Putin and Hu Jintao who are arming to the teeth the assassin al - Assad, and send weapons, ammunition and food to the combatants in Homs, Damascus, etc.! The Iranian masses should be standing to deal forever with Ahmadinejad and the murderous regime of the Ayatollahs, which are massacring today in Syria as they did yesterday to blood and fire against the Iranian exploited!
The American working class, all those that in Wisconsin, in Oakland and in New York, besieging Wall Street, (and many more US cities) have launched the war cry: "Let’s fight like in Egypt!", have a great commitment in front of them: to stop the massacre in Syria, set up the movement against the war, denouncing and attacking, a million times more, mass-murderer Obama and his banks, which are those who finance, along with his minions Hu Jintao and Putin, Al - Assad the Jackal.
The struggle of the revolutionary masses of Maghreb and Middle East should be the lever for the revolt of the exploited throughout South Africa; as yesterday the revolutionary uprising of the masses in Nigeria in early 2012 revolted to the cry of "go Jonathan, or die as Khadafy!". Today this task is more urgent than ever: the masses in Nigeria, Madagascar, Mozambique, South Africa, Zimbabwe, and all the rest of the continent must return to the fighting, alongside their class sisters and brothers in Syria, revolting against the "al - Assads" and the "Qadafis" across Africa!
In Latin America it is urgent to impose the break of the labor organizations with the "Bolivarian" and other bourgeois governments in the region, which are agents of imperialism and use to killing workers the same as Qadafy and al – Assa; the worker organizations must organize right now a struggle in defense of the Syrian masses.
The revolutionary struggle of the Syrian fighters must be the banner of the world’s whole proletarian struggles! We must win the streets besieging Jackal Al – Assad’s embassies worldwide, organizing walkouts and all kinds of measures in favors of the exploited being martyred in Syria!
Down with the murderous Government of Bashar Al - Assad! For the military defeat of the genocidal occupation army of Al - Assad and its caste of officers! Out with Hu Jintao and Putin, the Iranian Ayatollahs and Hezbollah, who are supporting Al - Assad, on behalf of imperialism! Neither the Arab League nor the CNS, all of them lackeys of imperialism! Out with that den of bandits of the UN and their Blue Helmets, they should not put a foot on Syrian territoriy! For a revolutionary provisional Government of militias, labor and poor peasants’ organizations, and rank-and-file soldier committees!
For the destruction of the fascist Zionist State of Israel!
Down with the shameful wall of Rafah and all concentration camps erected to keep the Palestinians as pariahs in their own land! Down with the agreement between Hamas and Fatah which includes the support to the two-States plan of Obama and the Zionists! For a single, free, secular, democratic and non-racial Palestine under a Government of the self-organised and armed masses! Out with imperialism and its murderous troops from Iraq, Afghanistan, Middle East and North Africa!
Down with the V International that has its hands stained with the blood of the Syrian masses, down with all the Renegades of Trotskyism which support it from the left! The revolutionary toiling masses across North Africa and the Middle East and around the world need a revolutionary leadership to conquer the victory of their struggles: For the foundation anew of the fourth international of 1938.!