viernes, 11 de enero de 2013


December 2012



  It must carry out to their end the tasks of the revolution that have been left incomplete in order to get bread and freedom by expelling imperialism, and to destroy, together with the Palestinian masses, the Zionist-fascist State of Israel

 The government of Mursi and the Muslim Brotherhood, together with the caste of officers of the Supreme Council of the Armed Forces, all of them continuers to Mubarak have tried to hijack the revolution. With parliamentary traps, fences and tricks, supported in the blows of the imperialist counterrevolution, as the massacres in Yemen, Gaza or the genocide in Syria by Bashar Al Assad, the Egyptian bourgeoisie advances its plan. However, the masses that threw down Mubarak to get bread and freedom have not yet got anything of what they needed, so they are again working for opening a breakthrough to go on with their revolution. The world crisis continues chastising the masses beyond any borders. The price of food, according to the very same FAO (Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations) will escalate to the sky next year at the same time that the Egyptian debt to the IMF increases beyond any possibility of repayment.

 Cornered by the economic crisis and the increasing fiscal deficit, last November 21 Mursi decreed the end of the government subsidies to the public services. In order to have the strength to keep the attack going, he gave himself “full state powers” as an ancient “Pharaoh” as the masses denounce. At the same time, the Mubarak-designed judges amnestied the “Camel-men”, that is, the fascist lumpen elements that in 2011 had attacked Tahrir Square aiming to smash the revolution. The Muslim Brothers demonstrated to be so much pro-imperialist as the very same Mubarak! Then the hatred of the masses followed quickly. From the same day of the decree of “full powers” they rallied in a mobilization to the zone of the government palace. In their chanting and banners, the masses proclaimed “The people wants the downfall of the regime” and “The Muslim Brotherhood must be dragged along the streets as dogs, there is no bloodless salvation after what they have done to us, Mursi must fall down!” Tahrir Square in Cairo was again the epicenter.

The working class during many months was staging a process of strikes in its main concentrated workplaces (around 1000 strikes in the first two months of the new government), took the vanguard and attacked and set on fire the offices of the Muslim Brotherhood. When “Pharaoh” Mursi unleashed repression and the first people’s martyrs fell under the truncheons and bullets of the police and the fascist gangs, the working class detached its advanced battalions and realized actions in the streets at Suez and Alexandria (the cities with the most concentrated number of workers)

A column of 5000 textile workers from the gigantic Misr textile state factory and other factories in Mahalla el Kubri headed by women workers and their pickets, filled with courage the masses’ hearts in Cairo, which marched to take again Tahrir Square, fencing the Presidential Palace and confronting the repressive forces. Tuesday, December 4 Mursi fled like a rat from the Presidential Palace, thanks to the military that covered his escape by rounding the place with tanks and barbed wire. In several towns in the heartland the irruption of the masses took the upper hand in the streets and multiple clashes took place with the police and the fascist gangs of the ruling party; the repressive forces were led by the officers’ caste of the Supreme Council of the Armed Forces (SCAF), taking a toll of more than 30 people’s martyrs.

 Mursi could not show. The army had to take the stage again and pose as “friend of the people” to safeguard the interests of the ruling class (most of which consists of the same members of the high layers of the army), calling for “calm”, “peace”, “respecting the law” and “solving the crisis within the constitutional framework”, created by themselves to support the Egyptian bourgeois state when Mubarak was thrown down.The objective was that the masses did not take the power and take them to the trap of the referendum for rejecting or approving the Constitution. So the army called to assemble a “dialoguing board” formed by the government and the “opposition”, inducing the masses to be channeled through an opposition front formed by former presidential candidates with a Mubarakist past -as Abd el-Menem Abd el-Fatah and El Baradei who returned suddenly to Egypt when the revolution erupted to try stopping it. This opposition front as named National Salvation Front (NSF).

In this way the NSF, so much pro-imperialist as Mursi, all of them try to hijack from the top the mobilization of the masses and submit it to the dialogue board and to the vote for NO in the Referendum. Imperialism and the bourgeoisie are conscious that the proletariat quickly took its place of vanguard to lead the rest of the oppressed in the streets, and that could signify the beginning of the end for their power and domination.

 The task of the moment for conquering bread and freedom, and disband all the general staffs of imperialists, Zionism and their servile partners of the native bourgeoisie, is to throw down the government of Mursi with an insurrection of the masses that destroys the officers’ caste of the Mubarakist army with the worker and people’s militia and the committees of rank and file soldiers, setting up the power organizations of the fighting working class and exploited. The ghost of revolution continues running around the world.




 The worker and socialist revolution that started in 2010 in Tunisia and runs around all over North of Africa and Middle East, has put in crisis the bourgeois states and regimes in the region. The down fall of Ben Ali, Mubarak, and Qadafi, the successive crises of the transition governments in Tunisia, the heroic fighting that pervives even before the genocide perpetrated by Bashar Al Assad for the sake of imperialism in Syria, and the split of the army in Libya where the masses have not yet given up their weapons, all of that have left in crisis the the counterrevolutionary devices of imperialism in the region, its states, regimes and governments. These states, that were true counterrevolutionary devices imposed by imperialism, Zionism and the native borgeoisies for guaranteeing the oil routes and the looting of the nations, continue in crisis, becuse they are not able yet either to get the masses out of the stage, or to  smash them definitively. Those “in the top”, the general staffs of the pentagon, the Zionist-fascist State of Israel, and the desperate native bourgeoisies cannot achieve the stabilization of the situation.


Before each attempt of the bourgeoisie to advance against the working class and put a decisive stop to revolution, the working class stands up at the head of the whole of the exploited, replying the bourgeois blows with great revolutionary actions. The mere attempt of defaming and stigmatizing the culture of the exploited, as was the diffusion of a video organized by a fascist priest abusing the masses in last September incensed with anti-imperialist hatred the whole Arab and Islamic world, which from Morocco to Libya to Bangladesh, went out to the streets marching against the US, Zionist and other imperialist embassies, and put them on fire. The Zionist bombings over Gaza under the command of Obama were replied by a huge rebellion of the Palestinian masses and of the rest of the region, as in Egypt where the working class took the streets at the cry “Let’s arm ourselves and march to Gaza”. The steaming of the Palestinian masses -which also in Jordan took the streets against the Hashemite dynasty’s sudden increase of the fees and fares- achieved stopping the advance of the armored ground forces of the Zionist state, which were ready to invade the Gaza Strip as they did in 2008-09 during the Operation “Cast Lead”, under the command of both (former president) Bush and (then just elected president) Obama. Thus, the Operation “Defensive Pillar”, namely a “Cast Lead II” aiming to chastise and serve as an example to the masses of the whole North of Africa and Middle East and together with the Syrian genocide to stop decisively the revolution, could not achieve its objective.

With the irruption of the Palestinian masses, the brutal crisis of the Zionist State of Israel has been exposed, the sharpest one since its fictitious creation. This is the moment when a decisive assault of the masses in the region could make blow the Zionist fascist State of Israel up in the air! That would be a big defeat to imperialism!


 Precisely, the background of the new revolutionary mobilization shaking Egypt is not only the crac and Mursi’s attempt to shield its government! What encouraged the proletarians and the exploited there, no doubt, it was the Palestinian masses in Gaza which resisted heroically the counterrevolutionary offensive by Zionism. The combat of the Palestinian exploited shook the whole region and particularly the Egyptian masses, which tried very hard at each step pulling down the Rafah Wall that divides the Gaza Strip from the Sinai Peninsula (Egypt); Mursi the rascal presently supports the Rafah Wall as Mubarak did before, guarding the Zionist borders as an agent of Obama and Ms Clinton.

In Jordan the masses are confronting the increase of the fuel prices and the shortages and proclaim “down with the Monarchy!”; in Tunisia the exploited throw down the local governments and break with the farcical National assembly supported by the leadership of the UGTT (Central Union); in Libya, where the US embassy burnt to the ground ad the US ambassador was killed, and where the revolution went further, destroying the army and arming the masses, the latter do not give up their fight for bread despite the traps tended by the government of the NGC. Now the masses in Egypt have retaken their assault Revolution in the North of Africa and Middle East must be headed by the Palestinian masses to lead it to victory, destroying the Zionist fascst State of Israel and expelling imperialism and its servant governmentes! The Libyan workers are rejoicing the combat of the Egyptian exploited. They tell their Egyptian brothers and sisters: “You see, the Muslim Brotherhood was not a good choice; it is necessary that you complete your revolution. You should attack with any weapons you have now and you may attain along your way to the moment the regime falls down!”. The exploited in Syria suffering the genocide see in the alestinian masses and in the new rebellion in Egypt the forces and the posibility of defeating Bashar al assad the dog, and his army servant to imperiaism.

That’s why today at Tahrir Square and the streets in occupied Palestine the fate of the working class and the exploited is atstake in the entire North of africa. Middle East and the world.


The Egyptian masses aain are identifying their enemy, they shout “the Muslim Brotherhood has robbed us of our revolution!”, “Let’s march to fight in Gaza!”





The Egyptian bourgeoisie, desperate and cornered as it is, is trying to reign over the asses to abort this new revolutionary irruption. While Mursi is cornered by the masses and could not talk, is calling for a “dialogue” and to respect the law, preserving “not repressing” openly. So they send the fascist gangs attack mercilessly in a selective way the most militant sectors of the working class and the exploited. They marcherd in “support to the Muslim Brotherhood, to support the new constitution, the laws, the new order, to workd in order to re build the country, so on”. They confront the rally of the exploited ones.  While the army save the life of Mursi and the Egyptian bourgoisie institutions through disguises and closing with concrete fences and barbed wire around the Presidential Palace, and calls he seeks to put doiwn the mass demosntration and to guarantee “order”. The objective is obliging the masses to vote at gun point on December 15 and 22 the constitutional referendum, which is entirely Bonapartist and anti-democratic; there is a 100% possibility that the results could be falsified, as it happened in the first run of the presidential elections this same year or even worse.


El Baradei and the National Salvation Front (NSF) want to pose as “fighters for a true democracy”, and so they “denounce” the new Constitution that was edited under the control of the (pro-Mubarak) Supreme Council of the Armed Forces (SCAF), the bourgeois parties of the Muslim brotherhood and the Salafists (religious ultra-conservatives). But the members of the NSF are all pawns of imperialism and the MNCs; all of them are supporters of the Rafah Wall and Zionism; all of them agree on going on supplying gas to Israel at a subsidized price: all of them guard Zionism its “peaceful frontiers”, and have agreed with Mursi and the SCAF to realize the referendum. Down with Mursi! For the dissolution of the fraudulent Constituent Assembly of the SCAF, the Muslim Brotherhood and the “opposition”! Down with the referendum and the new pro-imperialist constitution! Hands off the mobilization of the masses, bourgeois politicians!


US and world imperialism, genocidal Zionism and the native bourgeoisies, conspire continuously to smash the working class, which has challenged them with this heroic revolution all over the North of Africa and Middle East. The government of Mursi and the entire imperialist media worldwide are intent in presenting the present developments as a fight between “Islamists” and “seculars”, when it is crystal clear that it is the working class that has appeared again at Tahrir Square. The military rattling in Turkey sow that the imperialists consider Bashar al Assad as having finished off his “dirty work” in the Syrian genocide and now they seek to impose a well thought-out exit of the old regime so as not to lose the control of the masses as it happened in Libya. The Free Syrian Army was devoted to contain the armed fighting of the masses, hoarding the armament so that the masses cannot use it, and just now, after a whole year of unequal fighting, the FSA shows that it does have anti-aircraft artillery. Meanwhile the imperialists are already recognizing a “new government” of the “opossition” Syrian bourgoisie in exile together with Assad Generals without Al Assad.


This “dirty work” of smashing the masses is the same Mursi is playing with the Muslim Brotherhood, and the new governments in the region. The masses have already thrown down the old autocracies; the pro-imperialist Muslim native bourgeoisies could impose traps, fences, parliamentary distractions and submission to the bourgeoisie, supported on the betrayal of the reformist leaderships of the proletariat and counterrevolutionary blows. However there is not yet bread: the masses are not defeated and they still want bread!


As a part of this role-played by the bourgeoisie of the region we saw the return of the highest leader of Hamas, Jaled Meshal to Gaza, after being exiled in Egypt under the protection of the Muslim Brotherhood; he performed an ultra leftist phrase-mongering act calling to strengthening the ‘holy war” against the Zionist Occupant. If we analyze his speech, Jaled Meshal has left the renegades to Trotskyism clearly to the right wing embraced to the Zionist “indignados”.


What is the meaning of this maneuver? Precisely, in this moment the Palestinian masses in Gaza are in a war footing and on the other side of the Rafah Wall their allies the Egyptian masses have started to irrupt. If Hamas does not “radicalize” its (verbal) standing, it risks losing the control of the masses.

Hamas radicalizes its verbal standing because while the Palestinian masses fight against the occupier Zionist, the ones that said to be from their own party, the Muslim Brotherhood are in the Egyptian government repressing the workers and watching out the borders of Zionsim. The disguise of Hamas is, while it keeps an anti zionist discourse, it calls to Al Fatah in West Bank to a “Palestinian National unity government”.   In this way, Hamas trys to subordinate Gaza to the imperialist plan of “two states”, supported by imperialism who have already finished to make up a “Palestinean state” that the UN recognizes. This was the last step of the countrarevolutionary policy of agreements in North of Africa and Middle East.  It is an agreement between imperialism, the Arab bourgoisie and Zionism in order to smash the revolution. These bourgeoisies have been exposed as the guarantors of the continuity of imperialism and Zionism by supporting with their full forces the Camp David Accords.


The military rattling in Turkey sow that the imperialists consider Bashar al Assad as having finished off his “dirty work” in the Syrian genocide and now they seek to impose a well thought-out exit of the old regime so as not to lose the control of the masses as it happened in Libya. The Free Syrian Army was devoted to contain the armed fighting of the masses, hoarding the armament so that the masses cannot use it, and just now, after a whole year of unequal fighting, the FSA shows that it does have anti-aircraft artillery. 

Meanwhile the imperialists are already recognizing a “new government” of the National Coalition of Revolutionary and Opposition Syrian Forces (NCROSF) in exile together with Assad Generals without Al Assad. This “dirty work” of smashing the masses is the same Mursi is playing with the Muslim Brotherhood, and the new Islamist governments in the region. The masses have already thrown down the old autocracies; the pro-imperialist Muslim native bourgeoisies could impose traps, fences, parliamentary distractions and submission to the bourgeoisie, supported on the betrayal of the reformist leaderships of the proletariat and counterrevolutionary blows. However there is not yet bread: the masses are not defeated and they still want bread!

As a part of this role-played by the Islamist bourgeoisie we saw the return of the highest leader of Hamas, Jaled Meshal to Gaza, after being exiled in Egypt under the protection of the Muslim Brotherhood; he performed an ultra leftist phrase-mongering act calling to strengthening the ‘holy war” against the Zionist Occupant. If we analyze his speech, Jaled Meshal has left the renegades to Trotskyism clearly to the right wing embraced to the Zionist “indignados”. What is the meaning of this maneuver? Precisely, in this moment the Palestinian masses in Gaza are in a war footing and on the other side of the Rafah Wall their allies the Egyptian masses have started to irrupt. If Hamas does not “radicalize” its (verbal) standing, it risks losing the control of the masses. The Muslim bourgeoisie has been exposed as the guarantors of the continuity of imperialism and Zionism by supporting with their full forces the Camp David Accords.

Precisely, the immediate task for the revolution in the North of Africa and Middle East is to destroy the counterrevolutionary Accord of Camp David signed by Egypt and the Zionist fascist State of Israel in 1979 with the underwriting of UNO and the Arab League, an agreement that was guaranteed by world imperialism and the class collaborationist leaderships of the proletariat. This agreement, together with that signed by the Zionist State and Jordan, is what allows the State of Israel to control its borders with the support of the native bourgeoisies in the region. All the Arab bourgeoisies, without exception, as true hound dogs of Zionism have protected its borders with their armies and condemned to the Diaspora of the Palestinian people to the “refugees’ camps” where they have had to suffer unheard of massacres, unemployment and misery. 

Today Hamas radicalizes its standing –in the words- because, as the Palestinian masses are fighting against the Zionist occupant, the Muslim Brother, who are the leaders of Hamas, repress at will the Egyptian and Tunisian working class to guard the Zionist borders for the sake of the Zionists. The trap mounted by Hamas consists in calling Fatah in the West Bank to assemble together one “United Palestinian National Government” while it (Hamas) embraces an anti-Zionist speech. In this way, Hamas will aim to subordinate Gaza to the “two-states” imperialist plan supported by the US imperialism that has just invented a “Palestinian state” recognized by UNO. This is the last link of a chain of counterrevolutionary deals in the North of Africa and Middle East. It is a pact among Imperialism, the Muslim bourgeoisie and Zionism to smash the revolution.




To stop the siege of the revolutionary masses, the government of Mursi and the Muslim Brotherhood have launched a referendum to approve or not the new Egyptian constitution edited by the president and his cronies, with the blessing of the Mubarak’s army that only allowed for some few amendments to the old constitution of Mubarak. To the bourgeoisie it is indifferent if the winner is the “yes” (Mursi and the Muslim brotherhood) or the “no” (NLF, el Baradei, and all the bourgeois opposition with the collaboration of the “April 6th Movement” and the reformist left) position. Both with the “yes” and the “no” the essential of the old constitution is maintained, therefore all the businesses are beneficiated of the MNCs and the officers caste, the Mubarak’s generals that posses and manage thousands of businesses, as the gas with which they supply the state of Israel and the USD 1,3 billion that they receive directly from USA.


They need to call this referendum to channel the fury of the exploited, take them out of the streets and barricades, so that the Egyptian masses are deviated from their current revolutionary course. Therefore. The real trap of the bourgeoisie against the people is the very same referendum, which is in itself a totally antidemocratic and Bonapartist mechanism where the organizations of the fighting masses are dissolved in individual ballots, i.e., where a vote by a social parasite that produces nothing has the same value than the vote of a worker or toiler. Moreover, the poll days have been divided into two dates for votation (Dec 1 and Dec 22) where in those 7 days the bourgeoisie wil rigg the votation. In this referendum the workers and other exploited are obliged to “choose” between only two bourgeois alternatives: either you vote for “yes” (Muslim Brothers) or for “no” (the bourgeoisie of el Baradei and the NLF). Whichever wins, the bourgeoisie will keep control of the state and the bosses and the imperialist MNCs will have guaranteed their interests and property: no one of the bourgeois fractions will lose.

All the reformist currents subordinated to the leadership of the “April 6th movement”, the only attitude possible before the referendum is campaigning and voting for NO to “weaken Mursi”. Under different arguments they try to hide their servile attitude before the institutions of the bourgeois regime. And this is twofold criminal in a moment when in Egypt some hundred thousands of workers and youth are refusing to participate in the referendum trap and are, contrariwise, seeking for an independent way to advance towards revolution. Today in Egypt all the fighting organizations of the working class and the masses have before them the task of calling for and organizing the Active Boycotting against this true trap and deception. Just now the fighting organizations of the masses, the unions, etc., must call to organize this action with pickets, walkouts, strikes, mobilizations and calling to set up worker and people’s militias to confront the counterrevolutionary gangs of Mursi and the Mubarakists, dissolve the police and win over the rank and file soldiers for the revolutionary fighting for seizing power in the hands of the exploited.


This is why the reformist leaderships hide which support the raps of “parliamentary distraction” of the revolution; what is before us is not “more democracy” but the traps of the electoral referenda to prepare the conditions for new blows of counterrevolution. The recent developments in Tunisia are a proof of what we assert here, where a demonstration by the UGTT whose leadership supports the fraud of the National assembly, was dissolved by means of the truncheons of the fascist gangs on account of the government and its anti-worker regime. The dilemma continues being either revolution or counterrevolution in Maghreb and Middle East.





It is not a coincidence that the textile workers and particularly the women workers are the revolutionary vanguard.

Those workers gestated the revolution that irrupted in 2011 with historical strikes that shook the entire population; even the so-called “April 6th Movement”, notwithstanding its conciliator leadership, was called after the grandiose strike of the textile workers on April 6th, 2008.

 The downthrown of Mubarak, among other things, allowed the Egyptian working class to break with the fascist unions completely embedded in the state and to found new unions, most of them backed by factory assemblies and factory committees that are a true dual power in the heart of production, confronting the manager-generals of the army. The most outstanding of this process was the revolutionary appeal of the Revolutionary Association of Textile workers of November 29, 2011, which was hidden under the carpet by the entire reformist world unionism. In it, the workers proclaimed:

“Now, after ten months, we see the remains of the old system recycled, and opportunist attempts of the political forces with religious authority to ignore the revolutionary legitimacy of the masses at the Squares (…) The Military Council and its allies in the corridors of power and the political parties are preparing a Parliament to widen their presence and legitimacy.  The hour has come for the masses in the Squares to set up in place organizations of popular revolutionary democracy in Tahrir, Alexandria, Suez, Mansoura and Sohag (…)

·          Public vote of the fighters in the barricades at Tahrir Square in order to create the first Revolutionary Popular Council electing 100 revolutionaries from within those in the Square to express the demands and legitimacy of the revolution

·         The Revolutionary Popular Council should form elected committees, which should take their decisions by vote… (…)

·         Revolutionary Popular Councils should be set up in Suez and Alexandria, after Tahrir, and they should coordinate for achieving the objectives of the popular revolution.

·         The Revolutionary Popular councils are the most mature form of democratic expression of the aspirations of the people to justice, Equality and Freedom. They represent the revolutionary legitimacy against the “legitimacy” of Mubarak’s and of the council that he held together with his allies (…)”


There were these same workers –whom the reformist leaderships prevented from conquering that way trying to make them go back to economical struggles of pressure on the bourgeois state- who irrupted in Tahrir Square and guaranteed again that the masses “take preeminence in the center of the ring”. With their struggle they have conquered milestones of a new revolutionary program for the offensive, as are the exemplary anti imperialist actions against the US embassies, the setting on fire of the offices of the bosses’ parties, as is the Muslim Brotherhood.

Today more than ever this program must be taken to victory. Only the working class with its self-organization bodies independent from the bourgeois state, irrupting with its own methods of struggle, fighting mercelyless Mursi´s government and the SCAF will be able to head and lead the exploited and impoverished masses of city and countryside. It is necessary to centralize the fighting organizations that the masses have already conquered, their unions and factory committees, organize the committees of unemployed and of revolutionary students with a working class program of emergency.


Expropriation without compensation and under worker control of the Suez Channel and of all the MNCs! Out with imperialism! Disavowal of all the debts underwritten with the IMF and the International Banking system! Worker control and starting production of all the factories which have shut up or are closing their gates, suspending or laying off personnel! Sliding scale of wages and working hours! Expropriation without compensation of all supermarkets! Elimination of the entire chain of middlemen and trade brokers to guarantee cheap food! Workers and popular committees to control prices and supplies! Public works plan under control of the worker organizations to guarantee housing for everyone! Expropriation without compensation of the land to give plots to the poor peasants that want to produce without exploiting other workers! Expropriation without compensation of all the Banks! For a single state Bank under worker control and cheap credit for the ruined middle classes of city and countryside! Freedom for all the political prisoners! Worker and popular courts to punish Mubarak, his cronies and accomplishes and all the murderers of the people! The power of the exploited is irreconcilable with that of the exploiters. So that the only power we should recognize is that of the factory, unemployed, students, rank and file, committees, gathered together in Tahrir Square in a congress of delegates, voted 1 out 100 fighting exploited. Everyone to Tahrir Square to organize our own power!


To impose the break with imperialism and conquer bread for the exploited, let’s go



The question of the moment can only be solved through fighting for the seizure of power. World reformism, before the fighting for demolishing the bourgeois state, is devoting its forces to shove sand on the eyes of the exploited. They seek to prevent a “new Libya”, where the armed masses destroyed the bourgeois state. The caste of officers of the Supreme Military Council is financed by imperialism, besides it is the owner of big businesses in pilfered Egypt. Their property those officers will defend guns in hand. Therefore from the fighting organizations of the masses and their pickets of self defense we must surround the barracks, with the Revolutionary General Strike, calling the rank and file soldiers, sons of workers and peasants in arms, to break with the officers and to organize their own committees of rank and file soldiers. For the immediate dismissing and disarming of all the Mubarakist officers! For Committees of rank and file soldiers and for workers militias! For the dissolution and disbanding of the police forces and of all the repressive forces! For a Worker and Popular Government supported in the fighting organizations of the masses and their generalized armament!


The route of revolution leads to Jerusalem




Revolution in Egypt can only succeed as a part of a single revolution in the entire region. The route of revolution leads to Jerusalem, no partial victory would be sure until the Palestinian flag waves very high in Jerusalem. The masses in Egypt, the whole Middle East and the North of Africa need to unite their ranks and march to the Rafah Wall, to untie completely the Palestinian masses’ hands and assault the State of Israel. From the independent unions conquered in Egypt when Mubarak was overthrown, it is urgent to call now to hold a great International Conference in Tahrir Square of all the combative unions and worker organizations worldwide for breaking the fence imposed to the masses of Libya and Syria, and organize the assault against the Zionist State, pulling down he Rafah Wall and making the masses of the whole region revolt. This Conference the revolutionary militias of Libya will no doubt attend, as well as the Tunisian unions attacked by the Salafists gangs; the fighting worker organizations of the whole region, as well as the fighting unions of the entire Europe that everyday have to confront the merciless attacks to their gains on the part of the imperialist Maastricht governments. The self-proclaimed Revolutionary Socialists that lead and influence the independent Egyptian unions must demonstrate why they call themselves so, and break with the British Trade Unions; they must put themselves in disposition to advance these tasks and make this international appeal.

Down with the Rafah Wall! Down with the Camp David Agreement and all the economical, political and military agreements with Zionism and imperialism! Down with the monarchy in Jordan! Out of Syria Bashar al Assad and the imperialists, all the power to the coordination committees of workers exploited and rank and file soldiers!

 For a National Palestinian Assembly of delegates from its entire historical territory without bosses and class collaborationists, for sweeping away the fictitious borders that the native bourgeoisies grant to the Zionists and disarming the Palestinian police of Hamas and Fatah and guarantee the armament of the exploited! For the destruction of the Zionist fascist State of Israel! For a single Palestine, a free, secular democratic one under a worker-peasant government of the self-organized and armed masses with its capital in Jerusalem! For a Federation of Socialist Soviet Republics of the North of Africa and Middle East!



In order that the revolution in the North of Africa and Middle East succeeds, the European and US working class must raise their banners in the heart of the imperialist beast!


The Tunisian, Libyan, syrian, Egyptian, Yemeni, etc., working class is staging one of the most significant pages of the History of the world proletariat. With their revolutionary actions, in these almost two years of revolution they have thrown down bloody dictatorships, broken armies and armed themselves; they have set up their own fighting organizations through self organizing; they have confronted Zionism and imperialism; they have soaked the sands Of North of Africa and Middle East with the blood of their martyrs.

To these heroic masses, the reformist and social imperialist leaderships, from their comfortable balconies of worker aristocracies and bureaucratized unions, from the University fellowships and academician offices, are now “counseling” the Egyptian exploited to take a “true independent actions”. These “magical formulas”, these recipes launched today, are hollow phrases: the masses have already realized those “independent actions”; they have already conquered milestones of socialism with their combats. Nothing more can be demanded from them. The social imperialists are only covering the backs of their own bourgeoisies, for the only  “independent action” that the working class of the North of Africa and Middle East -which is a fundamental battalion of the European working class- need is the revolutionary irruption of the European, the US and Japanese working class, marching to the embassies of the countries of their class sisters and brothers, organizing the general strike in their own countries, boycotting the help that the imperialist powers lend to the native bourgeoisies for them to smash their working classes, and setting up on their feet from the combative worker and student unions and organizations, international brigades for guaranteeing help to the exploited with weapons, food and medicines. This is the way the working class of the imperialist powers must take in order to defeat the attack against its gains from the part of the parasite governments and bankers.


 For a European General Strike Now from the Atlantic coasts to the Ural Mounts! Down with the Troika in Greece! Down with Merkel and Bundesbank’s Germany! Down with the Fifth French Republic! Down with the British Crown and the Bourbons in Spain! They are who attack the European working class and support genocidal Zionism and the servile native bourgeoisies! For the Socialist United States of Europe! In Japan, the movement against the US military bases and the imperialist war must take the streets and rally to besiege the Egyptian and Zionist embassies. In USA it is necessary to put up again the March of a Million Workers movement and together with the youth of “Occupy Wall Street” and the rest of “Occupy” groups, they must confront that 1% of bankers and Yuppies of Wall Street that loot the world under the protection of Obama and the pentagon. As the Wisconsin striking workers said in 2011: “We must fight as in Egypt!”. For the Socialist United Sates of North America!



The working class in the North of Africa and Middle East need a revolutionary leadership to achieve victory!



The reformist left worldwide has devoted to salnder the Libyan worker militias affirming that they were “NATO ground troops”, or that the Syrian revolution was “fueled by imperialism”. In that way they fenced and isolated the masses in the region from the European and world proletariat. Tday before the events in Egypt the appear with their pacifist  of “constituen assemblies”, “organizing democratic unions”, or with their theory of the “Spring of the Peoples”, deceiving the proletariat with the worst of fake democratic illusions. They have kept as a secret that the working class must arm itself in order to succeed, it must destroy the army and put itsef to the head of an armed insurrection in order to be able to conquer bread by expropriating the expropriators. Those traitors have concocted in orter that never more there could be a “new Libya” able to destroy the bourgeois state. They are against raising the program of the mineworkers in Marikana – “a wage rise or we kill the managers!”-, of the Asturias mineworkers -”if this is not put upright, that means war, war, war!”-, and against uniting the world working class against that “1% of Wall Street parasites”.

The defenders of Qadafi that are still weeping for his death, the supporters to Bashar al Assad, the servants to the Zionist “indignados” (that rally to demand more Palestinian land -and corpses) in fascist Israel, the champions of the “democratic revolutions” are biting the tip of their tongues and write rivers of ink to justify their negative to demolish the bourgeois state and unify the world working class, which in a way is putting to stake the fate of the revolution in the North of “Africa and Middle East in the streets of Palestine and Tahrir Square.


We Trotskyists that are combating hand in hand with the masses in the Region in the Sevian al Laith (Leon Sedov) Brigade in Syria, in the Revolutionary Militias in Libya and alongside the Movement of Internationalist Volunteer Workers of the North of Africa and Middle east, are fighting for founding anew the fourth international that is the leadership the working class and exploited of the region need and deserve for getting victory. For breaking the siege imposed to the heroic masses of Libya and Syria, and to fight for the destruction of the State of Israel we call to set up on its feet immediately a International Conference of the forces of Principled Trotskyism and the revolutionary worker organizations.


Revolution is live and well! Long Live Socialist and worker Revolution!


(International Leninist Trotskyist Fraction)