lunes, 23 de enero de 2012


January 22nd, 2012 at 8 pm- Bengasi


Last Thursday in Bengasi, we marched against the NTC vice president, Abdul Hafiz Ghoga, who tried to organize a honor ceremony in Ghar Yunes University to the martyrs of the revolution who defeated the dog Khadafy.
The dog of Ghoga ended runing away by the back door of the university protected by their
On Friday the NTC detained 11 student fellows, accusing them to lead the protest against Ghoga.  We cannot allow it. It was for that reason that last Saturday we made a huge demonstration in Bengazi in front of the NTC office lead by the wounded militia men asking for the freedom of the 11 comrades detained, for the compensation promised by the NTC to the ones who were left wounded from the fight against Khadafy and for food.  We were shouting: “We do not want Ghoga!” “The martyr’s blood would not be over in vain!” and “Opportunist!”
The NTC president, Mustafa Abdul Jalil, who usurps the power and has as hostages our comrades, went out to talk to us, but we all repudiate him shouting: “Out! Out!”.  The NTC forces, with the money stolen to the people, launched a repression with tear gasses. But we that we confront the massacre of the executed dictator, we are not going to allow that this dogs with new leaches want to silent the forces.  We defended ourselves making the sky dark with stones and metal clubs which clashed the doors, windows and walls of the NTC building.  We got into the buildings and went into Jalil, who cowardly scaped by the backdoor covered by his security men.
Only some time ago, 4000 students and militia men marched in front of the NTC office in Bengazi. Later on, the NTC vice president, Abdul Hafiz Ghoga, needed to resign. Recently, we knew that because of our fight we have kicked out the Bengansi mayor Saleh El Gahzal.
Thousands of our comrades have given their lives fighting against Khadafy but the Khadafy men are still in power with the NTC, and we cannot allow this.

viernes, 20 de enero de 2012


The most standing facts from the Libyan revolution in the last two months, told by the fighters from the battlefield itself.

Almost three months has passed since Khadafy the dog has been slain. But today the main demands that motorized the upraising that carried out the workers and the poor people are completely unsatisfied. The starvation is getting deeper day by day, as much as the rage to the plunder of the natural resources in the nation. There is no work and the few who are working get misery wages, while those Khadafist politician and generals of the NTC launch price hikes decrees that make the existence of the ones who left our lives in the battlefield to conquer the bread more than unbearable.
It is clearer that this NTC came to usurp our revolution. The discredit and hate against these “dogs” increase every day among the Libyan masses.

First report: The first demonstration against the NTC government because of the general discontent of the entire people.

At the beginnings of December some demonstrations of the militia started in the Western side of the country against the NTC, the high cost of living (there were increases up to 35% in the food) and the unemployment. Responding to that, the NTC organized a counter-march, but only a minimal quantity of people assisted, paid by one of the dictator daughter, Aisha.
While that happened, between 2.500 and 3.000 militia men of Zentan, the western side of the country, marched to strengthen the occupation to Tripoli airport, to avoid that the NTC take it over again. In December, these militias prevent a businessman who was getting into a plane in that airport to run away with a case full of money. At war cry of: "The money is for the people!", the militias prevented the businessman to run away from the country.
The hate against the NTC officials is increasing since they were collaborationist with Khadafy. An example of that it is that on December 10th in one of the Tripoli neighborhoods, the workers and militias of Zentan tried to execute the Major State of the NTC Army, Kalifa Heftar, but unfortunately they didn't manage to do it.

Second Report: The fight against the Khadafyist officers of the NTC

From the west, the mass demonstrations grow day by day.  By last December, in Bengasi there were attempts of the militias to adjust the NTC vice president, Abd al Hafidhz Ghoya, who was in the “Tibesty” hotel, the most luxurious hotel in the city. The members of the NTC do not suffer the hanger and misery that we live.  The militias attacked this hotel shooting it, they were follow by the Bengasi people, from the youngest to the old ones and also the women. All of them were shouting: “Liars! Corrupts! Where is the money of the youth and people?” Unfortunately, Ghoya saved himself from Bengasi masses hate for chance
There was a demonstration of the militia demanding the dismissal of the Economy Minister of the NTC, Taher Sharkas.  This was when they discovered that Khadafy named him as Minister the last August 18th. The other day, Sharkas needed to dismiss.

Third report: the port strike of Tripoli

The great actions developed in Bengasi reached the entire Libya.  First of all to Tripoli, where 1800 workers from the biggest business harbor of the country went to strike demanding better work conditions and also asking to expel from the port all the Khadafy collaborators.  300 armed workers, the dock militia, are part of the strike picket.  From January 1st the workers blocked the main entrance of the dock, blocking the access route.
It is about a harbor that in 1980 was destroyed after a terrible storm.  For example, the water supplies are cut up to day.  Since then, neither Khadafy nor their followers of the TNC have done anything to prevent it.  This question was worst after the bombs from these “craven from the heaven” of NATO which destroyed even more the installations of the port.
There were tough armed military confrontations. Many well-known Khadafyist from the harbor were executed and this was taken in NTC advantage in order to murder also some militias.

Appeal: For an international campaign in defence of the rising masses of Libya and their worker and popular organizations for the struggle

We call on all the militant student, popular and workers organizations to take up the task of the defence of the rising masses from Libya and their organizations of workers and the poor people for the struggle, in moments when all the enemies of the Libyan exploited people are joining hands with the killers from NATO, UN, NTC and all the Gaddafist generals and officials that are today under their command. They are unified to chase, judge, jail and annihilate the rising masses, particularly their truly genuine heroes from the worker and popular militias of Misrata. Those militias where the ones that set up a tribunal and made justice against the murderer Gaddafi. We defend the legit right of the exploited masses to self-organization, insurrection and make justice with their rulers-executioners.
We have to break the siege that imperialism and its servants from the native bourgeoisie have imposed to isolate the rising masses in Libya and its righteous cause: bread, work and national independence. Today, new forces of the exploited are entering into the fight. They are our best allies. We call on the dock workers of Oakland, the “outraged” of USA that placed a siege on Wall Street, the workers and exploited in Greece, the Chilean youth, the heroic Palestinian masses and the indomitable masses from Northern Africa and the Middle East to take up this campaign in their hands. We call the internal commissions, the delegates of the factories, the unions, students associations, unemployment movements and militant neighbourhood assemblies to stand together in this anti-imperialist campaign, which goes together with the fight for the release of the political prisoners and the end of all legal process of the fighters.