viernes, 20 de enero de 2012

Appeal: For an international campaign in defence of the rising masses of Libya and their worker and popular organizations for the struggle

We call on all the militant student, popular and workers organizations to take up the task of the defence of the rising masses from Libya and their organizations of workers and the poor people for the struggle, in moments when all the enemies of the Libyan exploited people are joining hands with the killers from NATO, UN, NTC and all the Gaddafist generals and officials that are today under their command. They are unified to chase, judge, jail and annihilate the rising masses, particularly their truly genuine heroes from the worker and popular militias of Misrata. Those militias where the ones that set up a tribunal and made justice against the murderer Gaddafi. We defend the legit right of the exploited masses to self-organization, insurrection and make justice with their rulers-executioners.
We have to break the siege that imperialism and its servants from the native bourgeoisie have imposed to isolate the rising masses in Libya and its righteous cause: bread, work and national independence. Today, new forces of the exploited are entering into the fight. They are our best allies. We call on the dock workers of Oakland, the “outraged” of USA that placed a siege on Wall Street, the workers and exploited in Greece, the Chilean youth, the heroic Palestinian masses and the indomitable masses from Northern Africa and the Middle East to take up this campaign in their hands. We call the internal commissions, the delegates of the factories, the unions, students associations, unemployment movements and militant neighbourhood assemblies to stand together in this anti-imperialist campaign, which goes together with the fight for the release of the political prisoners and the end of all legal process of the fighters.

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