After overpassing all the barriers put by the NCT, 225 militiamen went to receive medical treatment in India, although it was promised to go to Greece. But the medical attention received was terrible. They received the compulsory vaccines to go to India three days after their arrival, received less money than the rest of the groups, the hotel was in very bad conditions, the hospital was with very little instrumets and medical staff, the staff was not well qualified. Even more, there were cases where the operations caused the opposed result, for example knees operations that left the patient in wheelchair, an eye operation left blind a wounded, etc.
One of the militiamen was received in these conditions. The first day he was told that blood was going to be extract so the analysis can be done to proceed with the treatment. But in fact the blood was for donation and he was left without analysis. When he expressed his complain, he realized the whole situation of what they were trying to do. He was angry and he made the point with the people in charged and after that he went back to Libya.
Many other militiamen exppressed their rage against the hotel, the hospital and even against local authorities, who went to try to calm the rage of the Libyan revolutionaries, but finished lowered by them.When they informed this situation in Libya, the NTC anwered "you cannot complain because you are all druf addicts and alcohol addicts". NTC never got responsible for anything and they did not cared about the issue. They did not even give the 2400 dinars that all the Libyan fighters received because they fought against Qadafy (because they were outside the country and they deserved their share in Euros, this is approximately €1500).
Today many Libyan are imprisoned in Indian jails, being tortured by the police forces of that country. This is the case of Mustafa al-Faytouri and Masaoud Jedik al-Warfally, among others Libyan fighters.
Nowadays in India there are around 80 militiamen waiting to go back to Libya. But all of them, as well as the ones who already went back, did not received their appropriate treatment. The NTC was in charge to hide everything and give money so that the relatives or the wounded themselves do not speak.
But the Libyan workers and all the workers of the world must know this situation, since their brothers need their help. They need an international action to free the prisoners who took the Libya revolution ahead, they need that the world worker organizations guarantee the medical treatments to all the Libyan wounded, in the best conditions, in the best hospitals of the world, even taking them under worker control as the bosses have already shown not to be able to give health insurance.
We call all the workers of Libya and the world to follow this way of solidarity with their wounded brothers in the battle, and to fight against the Libyan government, who once again showed to be enemy of the Libyan fighters and the obstacle to win today to take the Libyan revolution to the triumph.
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