martes, 3 de abril de 2012

reports from the Revolutionary Fighters of the Militias of Libya and the Committee of internationalist worker voluntaries.

From the battlefront of Libya

Despite the isolation, fence and slanders of treacherous leaderships against the heroic Libyan masses…
Despite the attacks of TNC and its Qaddafist Generals against the working class and exploited people…

The revolution is alive! Long live the revolution!
Between friends everything is forgiven

 On March 27th the Military Court of Libya, submitted directly to TNC, integrated by masked Qaddafist generals, officially ruled pardon to the soldiers loyal to the dictator captured during the battles. Soldiers who to defend the imperialist interests have shot in many times against unarmed civilians, and even plunder houses and abused women and girls.
Facing this, the armed masses, honoring the blood of their martyrs, positioned in front the prison shouting “if you release them, we kill them”. The fear that masses executed them leads the prisoners even to declare that they are guilty and that they deserve to stay in jail.
This event exposes even more the corrupt government of transition created by Qaddafist Ministers and Generals.
As Qadafy supplied cement and iron to the Zionist-Fascist State of Israel to build the hated and condemned wall of Gaza Strip, while he kept an anti Zionist and anti imperialist rhetoric, today the TNC offers pardon to his friends to whom yesterday the TNC said to confront; it is only to confuse the rebel poor masses.
It is clear now that justice won’t come from the TNC, the Military Court or any Qadafist dresses as revolutionary, but the real justice will only come from workers and popular courts set up by fighters and families of the martyrs. They are the only ones who have legitimacy and power to judge and punish all the leftovers of the Qadafist regime.

More protests against the government lead to new ways of demanding

Due to the cost of living that Libya is suffering after the overthrow of the dictator and the insufficient and famous 2,400 dinars given in a desynchronized way to the fighters in different cities, different sectors of the Libyan masses returned to their protest.
Rank and file soldiers of the old regime, who disobeyed the orders of the Qadafist Generals when the insurrection started in 2011 and fought side by side with the revolutionary masses, started a protest before the National Bank of Libya, claiming for their right to collect the 2400 dinars that the government promised for all the fighters. The second day of protest, these soldiers blocked the street, inaugurating the method of picket in Libya (until now inexistent) causing that many young men and women from the marginalized districts of Benghazi, who had created urban guards to protect themselves in the beginning of the insurrection, joined and even blocked other streets in other points of the city claiming their right also to receive the money. In the mean time, in the square of Liberation of Benghazy, the workers of the pipes’ factory protested demanding 4 months of wages that the company due them. One of the leaders talked to Al Jazeera expressing their support with their class brothers of Syria, and even Iraq, calling on them to rebel to get released from the oppression.
 Facing this situation, the transitory government of TNC promised to give 3,000 dinars to the fighters who were protesting in the streets. Thus we see the paradox that while TNC is hated by 99% of the Libyan people, at the same time, it is the same people who by demanding the TNC are sustaining it on its place, since they don’t pose the TNC’s overthrowing, even when the conditions to carry it on are right there.
With this example, the sectors of the militant masses who had charged the 2,400 dinars are planning to continue those ways of protests, since it was proved that such money is more than insufficient to cover the needs of over a year.
Only with the rumor that the militia men would take up the fusils again but this time against the provisional government, the TNC started to promise around 25,000 dinars per person; for the time being it is only a promise.
As regard the immediate period, it is given the payment of 3,000 dinars; as a TNC’s attempt of dis-coordinate the fights.
On the other hand, the engineers who are the leadership of the union of oil workers (of the corporation that gathers all the oil companies of Libya, NOC) that centralizes over 12,000 workers, say that they have exact and precise information of the money that goes in and out, as regard oil and its derivatives, from the Northern African country.
They even know from where the money is going out and by who or whom. But they don’t see so far that now it is the right time to reveal that information, since they state that the masses are armed and they know that, as there is no strong government settled, the reaction of the masses would be to cut the heads of the bastards who steal the wealth of the poor people of Libya.
This shows the huge amount of wealth that should belong to the workers and poor masses of Libya plundered by different foreign companies, leaving a part in the country, but under the administration and corruption of TNC, and with the scrums of that the TNC is trying to appease, discoordinate and silence the militant sectors of the masses.
That is why the Libyan workers and fighters not only should receive 3,000 dinars, but they should get all the wealth of the Northern African country. TNC is not the one to administrate or decide for us, but it is actually accomplice of the plunder.
The only way of conquering decent life conditions is if the fighters and workers take in their hands the control of the oil and wealth of Libya, expropriating the oil companies without compensation and placing them under workers’ control.

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