domingo, 5 de agosto de 2012

Emergency Release


Neither “NATO ground troops”, nor “Groups armed by Washington”, nor “terrorist cells of Al-Qaeda”! The revolution of the working class, exploited and oppressed men, women, children and youth continues all across Syria for bread and freedom against the murderous and genocide regime of Al-Assad!

In the last few days the fights between revolutionary militias against the genocide regime of Al-Assad increased. They even reached Damascus and fights concentrate in Aleppo, the economic capital of Syria. This is due to a great masses insurrection. More and more the resistance of the Syrian people advances against the troops of the Syrian Army, which are occupation troops of imperialism, and more and more increases the number of martyrs killed by Al-Assad.

This is the current situation of the workers and oppressed people of Syria after a year of fence imposed to the revolution by imperialism, the Arab League and all the bourgeoisies of the area. It is absolutely necessary be on the side of the Syrian people in this revolution. But as we state in the call to set up an “International Committee to support the Syrian masses” made on July 5th: “Despite this, and the huge silence of a great strip of the world left, which keeps shooting in the back of the Syrian exploited, freeing the hands to Al-Assad to keep slaughtering; the workers and the Syrian people don’t surrender, and keep resisting heroically with whatever they can use, and in this moment they are fighting against the troops in the outskirts of Damascus, keeping in suspense all the powerful ones of the world.”

Today the revolutionary masses are fighting in the downtown of Damascus, Aleppo and tens of districts; several borders have been occupied, which are essential for the supplies, and the fence is breaking because the heroicity of thousand workers, youth and internationalist exploited ones from all over the world, from Iraq, Tunisia, Libya, Lebanon, Turkey, Checheny and Jordan. They march to fight in Syria against Al-Assad, the agent of imperialism. There are even hundred of Palestine workers who fight side by side with the Syrian workers because they know that their fight against Al-Assad is part of the fight against the Zionist fascist state of Israel because the Syrian regime looks after the borders to the Zionist gendarme.

Imperialism is frightened before the perspective that militias kill Al-Assad, as they did with Kaddafi. This would risk the plans of the imperialist powers in Northern Africa and Middle East, where it is trying to drawn and expropriate the revolution with massacres, Constituent Assemblies and fake elections as it held in Tunisia, Egypt and Libya. That is why imperialism, from UN, the Arab League, it is negotiating, behind the backs of those who die in the Syrian streets, with the “opposition” National Syrian Council (NSC) and with the former Generals of Al-Assad who “changed” sides to the resistance in the last minute (who are conspicuous for their absence in the streets and districts where the real revolutionaries resist and die). They are negotiating a “tidy way out” to guarantee the continuity of Al-Assad’s regime. The same trap it is trying to be imposed with the TNC in Libya, i.e. a Kaddafist regime without Khadafy. Change the figure

Before this, imperialism is trying to set up a new fence against the Syrian revolution, propeling the close and militarization of the borders in Lebanon, Turkey, Iraq and Israel to fence the resistance within the Syrian territory, isolating them from the huge internationalist solidarity from workers and exploited people who are travelling to help their Syrian brothers and sisters. As part of this fence the imperialist powers started, through the media, against the workers and people who are fighting in Syria, slandering and accusing them as “cells of Al-Qaeda” to show them before workers and exploited people of the world as “terrorist” instead of showing them as armed workers in a revolution for bread and freedom against imperialism and a genocide regime that is slandering men, elderly, women and children. With this campaign the international bourgeoisie, imperialism and world powers want to prevent any kind of internationalist solidarity with the revolution of workers and militant organizations and from those who try to support it. This campaign of slanders, which labels as “terrorists” those who fight against the regime and the fighters arriving from different places all over the world, joins the campaigns already started by the Bolivarians as Chavez, brothers Castro and all their lackeys started on the Libyan revolution. They accused the worker and popular militias who killed Kaddafi of being “NATO ground troops”. Now they justify the massacre stating that those who fight against Al-Assad are mercenaries of the Free Syrian Army, when actually its leadership are just a few former Al-Assad Coronels (agents of imperialism) who try to place themselves at the head of the masses and they are just a minority in the leadership of the revolutionary process. They have nothing to do with the privates who take their weapons and change to the side of the resistance. Because the faith of the Bolivarian regimes is with Al-Assad, as it was with Kaddafy. Not only because they have common business, but also because they are scare to death with the idea that the Latin American masses follow the path of the exploited people of Syria, Libya and the entire Northern Africa and Middle East, who are showing the way forward to the working class and exploited people of the world to confront capitalists’ and ruling bourgeoisies’ onslaught. This is why Chavez openly says that “Venezuela is and will always be with Syria and the brother peoples who need that great wealth (oil) that God’s hand and nature give them”, proposing to Al-Assad to “join as watching member of the Bolivarian alliance of the American people, in the way of setting up agreements of all the countries in ALBA with Syria”. In the same sense, Raul Castro, recently denounced the existence of armed groups, protected by Washington, who pretend to create bases in Cuba “to do the same they did in Libya or what they are trying to do in Syria”. Thus, not only slander once again those who fight in Libya and Syria as agents of Washington, but alos, send a warning to all those who in Cuba would dare to stand up following the example of their brothers in Northern Africa and Middle East, in times when brothers Castro apply the program of the European powers like Greece, Spain, France, Italy, etc, by laying off 500,000 Cuban workers.

 The members of the Committee to Support the Syrian Masses in Argentina are on the side, as we have done since the beginning, in the same trench of our Syrian comrades and we support their combat unconditionally not only against Al-Assad but also against all those who silence their fight based on slanders, as they did with the Libyan revolutionaries. We will multiply our actions, as the ones we already held supporting the Syrian revolution and to break the silence imposed by those currents which want to hide and justify the massacre, as we did in the demonstration to the Syrian Embassy in Argentina last June (the only action against the massacre made in Latin America). We insist, as we have stated in the call to set up an International Committee to Support the Syrian Masses, that this fence of silence that imperialism is trying to impose over the heroic masses who resist every day the attack of Al-Assad, doesn’t “didn’t prevent, and won’t prevent that from different sides of the planet, the masses and the revolutionaries who embrace and make as our own the fight of the Syrian people, will organize to break the fence imposed over the revolution, and to fight for the triumph…  Today more than ever, the Syrian people need the solidarity from workers and revolutionaries from all over the world, and also they need a centralization and international coordination of all those actions that are being held in their help to be able to make efficient the help to the resistance.” There are more examples of internationalist solidarity all over the world. As part of them there is the call propel from this Committee which different worker and student organizations already endorsed. We have received endorsement from Chile by the ACES (Coordinating Assembly of High School Students) and Collective “A 112 Fighitng” who state on their letter “let’s not leave a single revolutionary alone”; from Venezuela the Liga Comunista de los Trabajadores (Workers’ Communist League) and Topo Obrero raise their voice against Al-Assad’s massacre from the heartland of the bolivarians and against the support of Chavez himself. They are moving from words to facts and posing the motion in workers rank and file organizations to “stop the supply of oil from Venezuela and the world the bastard government of Al-Assad”.

 Workers, youth, women and exploited men from all over the region, together with the revolutionary Syrian masses show their heroism. The members of the Committee in Argentina are part of those fights. It is time to centralize the forces of those who fight side by side with our brothers and sisters of Syria. Even more in times that the genocide regime of Al-Assad, fully armed by Putin and Hu Jintao and supported by all the imperialist powers, is the middle of a counteroffensive fencing Aleppo with tanks, planes and helicopters shooting the entire population. It is time to move from words to facts. We can`t wait another minute. That is why today more than ever we call to propel campaigns of counter-information, demonstration and agitations, learning from the Syrian revolution and raising the voice of the oppressed people against the killer Al-Assad, doing all the possible activities to stop the massacre. In this sense we reivindicate the call to set up immdiately an International Committee to Support the Syrian Masses to centralize internationally a campaign of Solidarity “where we can collect all kind of goods for the Syrian resistance: from medicine, food, cloth, money and volunteers to go to fight with them as they already do the Tunisian, Libyan and Palestine workers from their organizations”.

 We are convinced that we, workers, youth, students and those who fight against the massacre and for the triumph of the revolution, those who send the aid to our comrades in Syria. If they smash the revolution in Syria, the next target will the working class and masses in Northern Africa and Middle East; therefore they will conquer the conditions to smash the exploited peoples all over the world. There is no time to lose. Let’s start working.

Neither “NATO ground troops”, nor “Groups armed by Washington”, nor “terrorist cells of Al-Qaeda”! The revolution of the working class, exploited and oppressed men, women, children and youth continues all across Syria for bread and freedom against the murderous and genocide regime of Al-Assad!
Let’s stop the massacre against the Syrian masses! Out with Al-Assad who is slaughtering on behalf of Obama and looks after the borders to Zionism!
No imperialist intervention! Out with UN and the Arab League! No “tidy way out” by NSC and the Coronels of SFA who aren’t fighting!
Long live the Syrian revolution and all over Northern Africa and Middle East!

“Committee to Support the Syrian Masses in Argentina”

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