martes, 28 de agosto de 2012

The Committee in Support of the Syrian Masses is set up in Chile!



As part of the campaign to set up an International Committee in support of the Syrian Masses…


08/ 16/2012


We, who endorse to this statement, in an Assembly convened the past Tuesday on August 14 in Santiago from Chile have agreed to put all our militant forces at the service to break the isolation imposed against the heroic exploited Syrian masses. Heroic exploited Syrian masses that develops a historical revolutionary struggle against the murderous regime of Al Assad, lackey of imperialism.


Of course, we endorse all along the line to the appeal launched by the Committee in Support of the Syrian Masses from the University in Buenos Aires, Argentina; an appeal we republish.


We call on all the workers, students, and political organizations that say to defend the interests of the working class and the banners of proletarian internationalism to endorse to this campaign and put all their forces at disposition to break the fence the exploited are suffering in Syria, a key link in the chain of revolutions opened more than a year ago in the entire North of Africa and Middle East.

This Committee is set up also to denounce the reformist left as enemies of the working class and revolution that in a shamelessly way accuse the Syrian masses to “be agents of the imperialism” that “seek to overthrow the comrade Assad”. On the contrary, for us- internationalist revolutionary Chilean youth and workers- the only agent of imperialism is Assad who sold out all the wealth of the Syrian nation to the imperialism and guard very well the frontiers of the Israel State, a true US military base of imperialism in the region.

For these reasons, we set up this Committee in Support of the Syrian masses that is part of the International Committee in Support for the Syrian masses. And we call on all the revolutionary workers and youth to endorse to the struggle for the victory of the revolution of Syria, in the entire region, and for defeating Al Assad and the imperialism.

For this, we must propel from now on, the collection of  food, money, medicine, and advance towards set up internationalist brigades to fight side by side our class brothers and sisters in Syria.

 Asamblea Coordinadora de Estudiantes Secundarios (ACES); Colectivo A-112 de Pie en la Lucha (Liceo Ciencia y Tecnología, ex A112 of La Cisterna); Colectivo Leon Sedov de Buin, Comité de Huelga del Liceo A-119 in Talagante; Juventud Contra la Corriente; Colectivo Rapero Shatos Krew in Arica; Estudiantes Independientes del Liceo El Llano de Pirque; Soledad Salas Rodríguez, trade union’s delegate of Konecta; Partido Obrero Internacionalista-Cuarta Internacional, member of the Fracción Leninista Trotskista Internacional, FLTI; dismissed mineworkers in the strike of El Teniente on May 2011; and revolutionary students of the Cordon Agustines. 

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