viernes, 14 de septiembre de 2012

BREAKING NEWS - “Arab Spring of South of Africa” Lies! This is the beginning of a revolutionary uprising of the black workers


With their self defense committees the mine workers of Marikana deepen their fight and it spreads in the reion

The white men are shaking!”, “The police forces that shoot us are shaking!

 The fight of the mine workers of South of Africa is deepen with theor strike committees and self defense pickets, the mine workers of Lonmin started to spread their fight, armed with sticks, machetes and spears went shaft by shaft and mine per mine uprising the other mine workers and lauching the strike in the other mines of the region, not only the platinuim mines but also the gold fields as it is the case with the transnational KDC. Long live the heroic fight of the mine workers of south of Africa!
The mine workers in their fight formed a Was Committee against the transnacional, the governemnt of Zuma and the bureucracy of NUM and COSATU.  These committees are formed by the mine workers of Lonmin, North Wast Platinium, the Anglo Platimium of Bleskop mine. The mine workers of Marikana voted to intesify their fight to 5 weeks since the strike started.  In this way, the fight of the South African workers continue and spreads to the country.

 On monday, while the government togethere with the management and the rotten NUM bureucracy tried to negotiate to see how they stop the strike of the mine workers, 10.000 workers marched from a mine to the the other one of Lonmin transnational.  The mine workers demonstration  was 1.5 km using both sides of the highway, and were surrendered by the police who were fully armed.  Thus the 10.000 mine workers armed with sticks, machetes and spears moving with the cry war of: “The workers who went to work, if we found them we kiil them” , “The white man is shaking”, “The police forces who shoot us are shaking!”.  This is the way to fight, this is the way to fight agaisnt the transnationals, this is the way to fight agaisnt Zuma’s government and the rotten union bureucracy of NUM, COSATU and CP!

 But the workers with a clear class instinct, they know tat they fight will be long and after an assembly, one of their representatives asked to the ones who live with their women go back to their rural areas in Eastern Cape, Lesotho, Mozambique and Swaziland.  He asked the men to let the women and children go home. “There is no food, let the women go”, as the workers did not get the paid for August and the lack of food and the heat are increasing more and more.

 This heroic fight shows how certain the workers are in order to get their demands of R12.500, work, better life conditions, health, education, decent living conditions, the worker need not only fight agasint the management of the mine, but also against the trecheorus bureucrats of NUM-COSATU.

Out with Zuma and ANC-SACP, continuty of the regime of Mandela, Apartheid and the imperialist transnational! Down with the union bureucracy of NUM-COSATU!

The reformist left said that it is necessary to fight agsisnt the Zuma’s government, but How?… making a demosntration to the parliament of Zuma to put pressure, so this is “better and Hill less workers”.  Shameless! In this way all the reformist currents supporte the CP and the Zuma’s government and deny to stand up the slogan for Revolutionary General Strike in the entire South of Africa and Worker Congress in Marikana with delegates of the entire region because their demands are the demands of the entire labour movement in the region and around the world!

 The bourgoisie press ask if this is not the beginning of “Arab Spring of South of Africa” Lies! This is the beginning of a revolutionary uprising of the black workers who proudly are shouting: ““The white men are shaking” and “The police forces who shoot us are shaking!”.  Long live the revolutioanry fight of the black workers of South of Africa!


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