17th, 2012
Facing the
provocation of US imperialism
Long live the new
revolutionary uprisings of the masses in The North of Africa and Middle East
for bread and against imperialism!
As in Tunisia yesterday the hunger made the youth immolate in protest…
today, fairly, the fire makes burn and the masters of the dictatorships, the
chief of the plunder and exploitation of the working class and the oppressed
The revolution is alive, long live the revolution!
US imperialism set
up a real provocation against the exploited peoples of Maghreb and Middle East.
A Zionist US director of San Francisco, Nakoula Basseley, supported and
financed by a fascist religious sect of USA presented a movie called “Innocence
of Muslisms”.
The imperialist, on behalf of their
Hollywood liberalism, after slaughtering, harassing and tortured the Libyan
population, after taking the Palestine land and supported the killer Al Assad.
After bombing and destroying nations as Iraq and Afghanistan. After plundering
the wealth of the oppressed nations and support the counterrevolutionary
butchers and jailers as Hu Jintao and they make “the last drop to
full the glass” to fall: they make fun and humiliate the culture and the
beliefs of the exploited they called “Barbarians”.
For that reason, a new mass anti
imperialist uprising started in all the countries of North of Africa and Middle
East, where there is an ongoing revolution to which the servant governments of
imperialism are trying to expropriate or slaughter. But this new anti
imperialist uprising of the masses show that the worker and socialist
revolution for bread, work and national independence is alive and goes for a
new offensive. Echoes of these
uprisings are reaching Indonesia and Bangladesh where more than 3 million of
workers and children worked for U$2 per day for the great textile companies and
first brands of the luxuries shops from New York, Paris or Frankfurt.
These great mass actions of the
exploited of Maghreb and Middle East are a step forward and the best allies of
the fight of the mineworkers of South of Africa who rose up going on strike for
more than 40 days and setting up a picket against the Anglo American, Lonmin,
etc., against the reconciliation regime with the “Apartheid” of the ANC, president
Zuma and the Stalinist of COSATU. They,
the colored workers, after being slaughtered by the murderous police of the
imperialist transnational took the fight of the workers of Asturias and their
war cry of “if this is not solution; war, war, war!, launching a motion to the
world exploited with “R12500 or we kill
the management!”.
Tired of so much plundering, living
aside, hunger, sufferings, unemployment, harassment and repression: the workers
and exploited of the region marched by thousands against the US embassies. The
first ones to do it were the Egyptians, who by thousands in El Cairo burnt the
US building which was defended by the Mubarak army troops. The scenes were
everywhere and the US embassies were the “aim” of the deep rage of the masses
in Yemen, Turkey, Iran, Iraq, Tunisia, Lebanon, Palestine, Pakistan, Sudan,
Bangladesh, Libya and dozens of other countries. This is a great help to the Syrian masses who are being slaughtered on
behalf of imperialism by the genocide Al Assad! This is also a great help for
the working class and the youth of USA, Japan, and the imperialist Europe in
bankruptcy, where the workers are facing a brutal attack to all the conquest on
behalf of the bankers and the imperialist transnationals. The embassies were surrendered and burnt
defeating and making go backwards the clash forces of all the states submitted
to imperialism. This, by itself, shows the bureaucrats and social imperialist
parties who denounced that only “small groups” should have burnt the imperialist
embassies. But in order to burn the
embassies it was necessary to break the siege of the murderous police and army
which watch out the interest of the transnationals in Maghreb and Middle East. How?!
Is it the work of “small groups”...?! They are masses revolts disgusted
by being tortured and then made fun of their beliefs.
The most intense action was on
Tuesday September 11 in Bengazi (Libya).
There, supported by theses huge
actions of the masses in the entire region, workers and exploited ones went
against the US consulate. With the
weapon conquered from the revolution which defeated the autocracy of Khadafy,
this servant dog of imperialism, the workers set on fire the building. There
the US ambassador was inside with some officials and several security officers
who lost their lives due to breath the gases of the fire. This fact was
celebrated by millions of exploited ones, from Caucasus to Maghreb, from the
Indic Ocean to the Pacific. Hundred of
demonstrations took the streets celebrating at the war cry of “Death to USA and Israel!” The
imperialists and their lackeys now are seeking the so called “responsible
terrorist”. But, who “these responsible” are? The heroic masses making justice with huge revolts and spontaneous
actions, showing clearly the killers of their sons, fathers and the hungers of
their people!
In Sudan the Germany embassy also
was in flames. While the Palestinian masses of Gaza and West Bank, finding in
these fights against the US, UK and Germany pirates, the forces that help them
in order to reinforce the fight against the high price, the terrible high cost
of living and against the occupied Zionist-fascist state of Israel. The
Palestinian masses joined with their demands to this extraordinary
anti-imperialist revolt.
Let`s see again the Pentagon
applying its theory of “civilization war”, where US would be the ones who take
the “civilization” to the “backward nations”.
Imperialism launches this campaign against the masses trying to legitimize
their counterrevolutionary slanders and attacks. The imperialist cynics treat the exploited of Libya and Maghreb
as “fanatics barbarians”, when US far from expanding “civilization”, only
spread barbarism and declining by bombing the world, invading countries and
killing people as in Iraq and Afghanistan. They talked about “civilization”
when they threw 2 nuclear bombs after WWII as in Hiroshima and Nagasaki in
order to resolve their business, threw with napalm Vietnam and slaughter the
Balkans. They talked about the “backwardness of the Muslims” when they
supported and funded all the genocide dictatorships of North of Africa and
Middle East; they talked about “fight against terrorism” and have thousands of
secret CIA jails in the world where the exploited are being tortured.
The imperialist pirates say: “we
represent civilization”. False. They
are who use for their transnational
companies millions of workers in concentration camps as in China, Thailand,
Bangladesh, Malaysia in the entire Africa and in wide areas of the world. The ones who talk about civilization are
those who sunk the European working class in the worst conditions and imposed
on more than 50 million US workers to live with U$ 3 per day... they are the
same that reduced more than 80% the health and education budget in all the
imperialist countries so the bankers can get the money of their thief,
parasitism done against the people. They are the Barbarism.
The militant forces of the exploited
are the only safe way to save the human civilization even from the fascism and
new wars. So: the terrorists, murders are the US and all the imperialist vandals!
They are the Barbarism!
The mass
anti-imperialist demonstrations are a real class justice episode against
imperialism. It is about making justice against the fascist and racist generals of
Obama’s Pentagon. It is a mass uprising, a real anti-imperialist revolt of
the oppressed that have identified clearly the enemies they have to defeat in
order to win and succeed to get food, national independence and freedom. As in
the revolutionary uprisings of 2011 of the oppressed against the murderous
dictatorships supported by the imperialist powers, it is about this time to
fight against the counterrevolutionary generals of Pentagon who from their
embassies and military bases in the region and from the clandestine CIA jails
coordinate the slaughter against Syria, the military occupations as the one in
Bahrain, the bloody repression as in Yemen, support the fascist Zionist state
of Israel. Meanwhile they organize the electoral fraud so the followers of
Khadafy, Ben Ali, Mubarak, etc., can continue in a sweeten way.
Imperialism from
their embassies and military bases control the world in a Bonaparte way. From the Africom (military command of
Pentagon in Africa), one of the five commands USA controls the world in the 5
continents… together with their imperialist partners, they also organized the
slaughter in South of Africa against the disarmed Marikana workers shot by the
police and the security private forces of the imperialist transnational
Lonmin. Workers killed in order to
defend the food and decent living for their children. What are those traitors of the labor movement of the reformist
left crying for? If they together with Chavez and the Castro Brothers send
condolences to Obama and other bloody exploiters of the oppressed nations. Why
do they cry for? We send condolence to
the exploited, to the hundreds of thousands slaughtered, to the ones bury in
common buries in Syria, to the 4 millions of tortured workers in DRC by the
imperialist transnational, to the dozens of thousands also put in common buries
in the genocides of Chechnya, Libya, Afghanistan, Iraq and other slaughters
launched by imperialism. We cry for them, they are our martyrs and they are
being counted today by dozens of thousands in Homs and Deraa. That CIA, Wall
Street and all their lackeys cry for their ambassadors!
The revolutionaries defend unconditionally the right
of the working class and the exploited masses to upsurge and make class justice
against their bosses and oppressors. These are spontaneous revolts
of the exploited that have seen clearly the enemy. Those in rebellion lost
their children, parents in slaughters and genocides and they have
self-sacrificed as in Tunisia in order to get bread. The ones that upsurge are
tired of no change after so much fight and death.
We, the revolutionaries, that fight to refound the 4th
International affirm: never again a youth or a worker self-sacrificed to ask
for bread and justice. If to achieve
this it is necessary to burn all the US embassies, so, that they all burn in
the fire and all the plunderers of the oppressed people.
The flames reached
here because the spark of the revolution in the entire region is still alive.
We affirm that
religion is used by the ruling classes to oppress the exploited. We pose that
these uprisings express the national and anti-imperialist feeling of the
revolutionary masses of the entire North of Africa and Middle East that last
year stood up in a great chain of revolutions from Tunisia to Syria. They all have the very same enemy: USA, this
is the real chief of Ben Ali, Khadafy, Mubarak and now of the genocide Al Assad
and all the transitional governments who are seeking to expropriate the proletarian
revolution. It was not the imams of the
Mosques nor the “Sunnis” bourgeoisie or the Chita, or the Salafist sect the
ones that launched the attack to the US embassies. They supported all type of
oppressed government imposed by imperialism in North of Africa and Middle East.
It was the masses who understand from their own experience of fighting for
bread, that the jihad, the holly war, IS THE REVOLUTION, THAT IS, THE FIGHT FOR
The president
Mohamed Yusef al Magrif of the Libya National Council (LNC) accused the
anti-imperialist fighters of Bengazi to be “allies
of the old regime of Khadafy” and he put in jail and is torturing with the
Khadafy methods dozens of exploited accusing them of being “murders and cowards”. Magrif, as good lackey of imperialism, also
said: “we ask forgiveness to USA, the US
people and the entire world”. Nothing else to say. On one side, the
subservience to US and on the other side, all the rage against the anti
imperialist fighters of the Libyan masses shows that they-the LNC- are the real
Khadafist, the biggest agents of imperialism who guarantee the plunder of more
than 1 million 400 thousand of daily oil barrels (their antecessor and master
Khadafy guarantee 1 million 600 thousand). The
ones that have risen up and are shaking the world are the workers in arms that
fight against the greatest bosses of the world working class!
A witch chase has
started in the cities of Libya. The aim is on behalf of “peace” to disarm the
masses. Meanwhile the US planes over flight the most important cities of Libya.
The mask is moving aside. The US imperialist navy ships and planes continue as
yesterday with Khadafy on the Libyan coast to guarantee that the BP, ENI and
Total extracted, as before, the oil. Therefore, they keep extracting oil with
the old Khadafy politicians and generals that are with the LNC.
and the Castro brothers, supporting Al Assad, as it cannot be in other way,
they sent condolence to Obama
All lackey
bourgeoisies repudiated the revolutionary masses of Libya: as the lackey
Chavez, brothers Castro and all the “Bolivarian” governments of Latin America,
like the anti-worker Kirchner (Argentina), as well as butcher Putin (Russia)
who sent condolences to Obama. They accused the heroic militias of Libya of
being “agents of NATO”… and now they denounce them because they took justice in
their own hands against the embassy of their friend Obama, NATO and CIA boss.
Bolivarian bourgeoisies, like brothers Castro (who moved openly to the field of
capitalist restoration in Cuba) prove being lackeys of Obama and therefore they
support with Putin and Hu Jintao the massacre of Al-Assad in Syria, as they did
with Kaddafi.
Let’s tell the
truth. All of them give fuel, weapons and helicopters to Al-Assad to massacre
the masses of Syria… THEY SEND CONDOLENCES TO THEIR BOSSES. The mask has fallen. Al-Assad, Putin,
Hu Jintao, Chavez, Castro: they are all enemies of the revolutionary masses,
their fights and actions. They are all
servants of US imperialism; they are all hungers, oppressors, murderous of
their own peoples! They are on the side of Obama, they are servants of Wall
Street bankers, they are who really support that 1% who sink the world in
barbarism and massacre!
We insist. Now the
musk has fallen. We insist on it, they affirmed that who rebelled in the
uprisings of Maghreb were “tribes friend of imperialism”… and now when the mask
falls and the truth gives its verdict what it is clear and no one can deny is
that the only loyal tribes to imperialism are the henchmen of the bolivarian
bourgeoisies or like the bourgeoisie of Zuma (South Africa), who kills slave
workers of mine TNCs. Their loyal tribes are the labor aristocracy and
bureaucracy and their socialimperialist parties who share with imperialism the
crumbs that fall from the plunder and exploitation of the working class in the
semi-colonial world.
days and days of silence: Stalinists, renegades of Trotskyism and
socialimperialist parties slander and denounce the anti-imperialist rebel
masses as “terrorist”
Meanwhile after 8
days the entire world reformist left, the European social imperialist parties
and renegades of Trotskyism kept in deathly silent… they were mourning. What
are these currents going to say now, after accusing workers and popular
militias of Libya of being “NATO ground troops” or “agents of imperialism” when
the truth is that the masses gave their lives fighting against imperialism?
What are they going to say when the very same militias get rebel and take class
justice in their own hands with the representatives of NATO in Libya? The
Libyan exploited remembers very well that NATO bombed Misarrata so they don’t
reach Tripoli to do justice with Kaddafi. Since the first moment the
insurrection and civil war started The Pentagon’s generals sustained Khadafy
for him to slaughter thousands in the insurrection of Tripoli in common graves.
They know perfectly well that US Embassy and NATO Generals made Kaddafi escaped
from Tripoli to Sirte, to hide and protect him. The rebel masses sought him
there and found him as a rat in drain. Now they have gone for his bosses.
The government of
Kaddafist politicians and Generals today dressed up as democratic of NLC had
been provoking the most advanced militias that defeated Kaddafi slandering them
saying they were “Kaddafi’s troops”. In different counterrevolutionary
operations, the officers of the new army tried to impose –advised by US
Embassy- the new government of the NLC; hundreds of armed young men and workers
were prosecuted. The attack to the US Embassy in Libya is a new excuse used to
disarm and submit the masses to the government of the Kaddafist politicians and
So during the last
eight days, Obama’s left, the club of crybabies of Kaddafi kept in silent. But
their capitalist bosses force them to break it. They didn’t dare to say that
the actions against the US embassies were “putchist”, “ultraleft” and
“terrorist” actions of sectors “far away from the masses”. But they finally did
it. It is what national sects say, as LER-QI from Brazil (a small satellite of
PTS from Argentina). At any cost, they try to escape from life which has doomed
them and in order to achieve it they must keep telling lies… “Anyway something
will remain”.
SEP, a Zionist left
current lackey of Obama, have said shamelessly that the mass actions in Libya
and other countries in Maghreb are
provoked by “right-wing” factions…that is, masses attack “by right” against
USA?!! These people sustain Obama and Romney…What are they talking about?
Let’s speak
clearly, they try to accuse masses rebelled against the imperialism of
belonging to…Al Qaeda. These lackeys of imperialism would have to tell CIA –who
in fact monitors Al Qaeda- that mourns their dead calmly since they guard CIA’s
backs very well.
Any observer
minimally objective will see that we are witnessing already 8 days of huge
clashes and confrontations between the vanguard together with vast sectors of
masses and the repression forces that defend the embassies. If in several countries
the masses achieve to enter embassies and set them on fire, it means the fence
of the murderous police is broken because they are not “isolated terrorist
groups” fencing the yanquee embassies. Thus, we are facing a true
anti-imperialist revolt where most militant and advanced elements -expression
of this huge mass action- make justice on behalf of exploited. The masses that
today set on fire the embassies have defeated and broke the fence of all the
bourgeois State’s repression apparatus defending embassies beforehand. “Putchist” actions or “Islamic sects”? Lies. We
say it again: antiimperialist mass
The imams and some fractions of the religious bourgeoisie when cannot
prevent the mass uprising, they try to mount on this process to control and
divert it as the Islamic parties are doing so far with the electoral traps and
fakes in an attempt to expropriate the revolutionary process as in Tunisia,
Egypt, Libya, so on. The “Sunnis”, “Chits” and their imams as the Kurdish
Stalinist leadership in Syria imposed on the masses a terrible pacifism to make
peaceful demonstrations so after praying, they could be slaughtered by Al Assad
helicopters, planes and tanks.
Also it is clear now that the currents that get the socialism dirty and
prostrate it, none of them called to any mass action to the US embassies
against such an outrage and slaughter against the oppressed nation in the world. Why didn’t they call to stop the war machinery within the imperialist
powers by which the oppressed nations are killed? They cry crocodile tears.
They cry for their bosses. They do not care about the Syrian cities of the
workers and poor peasants that are totally destroyed, as in Stalingrad or
Warsaw ghetto in WWII or in the slaughtered Gaza and tormented by “Cast Lead”
of Obama and Zionism in 2008.
The self called “socialist from Egypt” is the voice that represents the
entire renegades of Trotskyism in the region. They state that the anti
imperialist fight cannot be reduced to ultra-leftist actions in front of the US
embassies because this cannot “substitute the fight from bellow for the
independence and the national freedom”. Do they think, as they said in Chile in
the 70s and today in Greece with Syriza, that it is possible to finish with the
imperialism and conquer national independence, demolish the state machine of
the bourgeoisie states via the “pacific way to socialism”? They are liars.
In order to conquer the national independence… it will be necessary to
do something more violent and give a real lesson to the bourgeoisie, bankers
and their transnational than to set the US and European embassies on fire and
expel their ambassadors.
It is necessary to expropriate the plunders without paying them a single
penny and their transnational that enslaved the oppressed people. In order to
defeat imperialism, it will be necessary to expropriate the bourgeoisie, defeat
the officer caste of the army and armed the masses. It will be necessary to set
up self-determination organizations of the working class and a soldiers committee,
expel without payment the transnational companies and the bankers. Today, these
socialists “in the words” and agent of the great capital in fact are threatened
and horrified with the flames of a simple imperialist embassy. They are enemies
of the socialist revolution, they are paramedic of capitalism. They are the
real ambassadors within the labor movement in order to betray all their fights.
They are, in last instance, who take care the left pocket of the bankers and
save the bourgeois state from the mass hate.
Here things are clear, the
reformism is unmasked. We are facing socialist, enemies of the socialist
revolution… the veil has fallen… it is clear that they are from the crybaby
club of Obama.
With these leaderships the working class cannot fight, even less win.
They are saying that the transnational companies peacefully will stop paying
U$3 to hundreds of millions of workers enslaved around the world. Will happily
the bankers and parasites of Wall Street pay for the crisis they provoked? They
are lying. They have never dreamed of socialism neither to launch a serious
fight against imperialism. This fight assumes the expropriation of the
expropriators and the conquest of a revolutionary government of the working
class supported by the self organized and armed masses.
Probably many of these left currents of Obama, as erudite and chatter
box, will keep talking on the “backwardness” of the conscience of the exploited
in Libya and the entire North of Africa and Middle East who upsurge due to the
“Koran”. Here the social-imperialist
“opium” and “poison” of the left, friends of Obama, showed to be a million
times more damaging for the mass fight that the “opium” itself of the religion
which the native bourgeoisies use to control them. This would not be possible
if the working class from USA, Europe and worldwide fight against the
imperialist embassies in all the countries of the world. This would be the shorter path for the
masses of Maghreb and Middle East to break with their native bourgeoisies.
The anti imperialist masses of the region show to be a thousand times
bolder than all the general staffs of the reformist left who never called to
fight seriously against imperialism anywhere. These masses have lost thousands
of martyrs killed by the lackey governments who defend US imperialism. On the
other hand, the reformist left was in charge of submitting the US working class
and the entire world to Obama’s feet, this “coloured Bush” who killed hundreds
of thousands of exploited in the world and left millions of unemployed workers
and workers without houses in USA and arrested more than 100 youth who
demonstrated in the anniversary of the Occupy Wall Street movement while in
Guantanamo he still has hundreds of anti imperialist fighters of Iraq and Afghanistan
in jail.
The current silence and
gobbledygook of the World Social Forum’s reformist left of Bolivarian,
Stalinists renegades of Trotskyism is to hide that they are the left of
Obama. They cannot hide what the life
proves. These same masses they accused
to be with imperialism for its
maneuvers to defeat the “national and popular governments” (as they
still call today to Al Assad) are who really fight against the imperialism,
Pentagon, NATO, CIA that from the embassies of the region organized the plunder
and slaughter against the oppressed ones.
They justify an imperialist intervention when they accuse masses to be
“right-wing fractions”, “isolated terrorist groups”. They are in the field of
the counterrevolutionary imperialist democracy of Obama and Wall Street and
they are not with the fight for the main democratic revolutionary task for the
working class of the oppressed nations which is the split and expulsion of
imperialism and the expropriation without payment of all the transnational and
World working class must rise up in defence of the heroic Bengasi militias and
the antiimperialist masses in the whole region!
The huge
antiimperialist movilizations all acros the region show that the North of
Africa and Middle East’s governments are all lackeys of the imperialism and
that only the working class leading the whole exploited can stop the
imperialist pillage, the bloody repressions and conquer bread. The worker and
socialist revolution in the North of Africa and Middle East must succeed!
In Libya the revolution has
reached further and must be the vanguard to lead revolution to the victory in
the entire region. It is urgent to conquer a National Congress of the Worker
Organizations and the Revolutionary militias who neither disarm nor sell out to
the the government to centralize the dual armed power of masses to lead their
revolutionary and anti imperialist struggle to the victory. Expropriation without payment
and under workers’ control of all the oil companies and transnationals! Down
with the Khadafist government of the National Congress enemy of the revolution!
Impose a revolutionary provisional government of the working class and
exploited masses based on the revolutionary militias and the organs of
self-determination and direct democracy and armament of exploited!
Libya is te vanguard of the struggle against
the plunderers of the planet. The second revolution threatens rises up in
Libya. For the victory of the Worker and Socialist Revolution! This is
the aid the heroic Syrian masses need.
In Egypt
we have to return to Tahrir Square and send delegates of all the fighting
organizations of the working class and opressed masses to centralize the combat
against the Muri government, agent of USA and zionism, and to set up the worker
and popular militia and break with the murderous army.
Tunisia it is a need to be on warpath to recover the revolution, make real the
war cry “down with the government and dissolution of the Constituent”,
overthrow the colaborationist UGTT bureaucracy and send delegates to Sidi
Bouzid to set up a huge National Workers’ Congress of delegates from the
factory committees, unemployed workers’ committees, and rank and file soldiers’
committees and the trade unions won from the UGTT bureaucracy to impose the
revolutionary general strike.
Palestinian working class is fighting in each militia and barricade of Syria
and in the demonstrations all across the region. An urgent task the revolution
has is to smash and destroy the fascist zionist State of Israel, gendarme of
the region. The forces for this task are the millions upsurged exploited. To the Abbas’ head falls down, as the
Palestinian masses chant, the struggle of the 2000 revolution must be taken
again by assaulting the police stations of Hamas and Al Fatah, those jailers of
their own people!
This is the path to break with the fence
against the revolutionary Syrian masses massacred mercilessly by jackal
Al-Assad for the sake of the imperialism!
Let’s Stop the genocide in Syria! Out yanquees and all the imperialists
from Iraq and Afghanistan! Down with the government of the iraqi protectorate!
For the destruction of the zionist-fascist State of Israel! For the
expropiation without payment of all the transnational companies plundering the oil
and all the wealth of Maghreb, Middle East and the entire semi colonial world!
The fire of the embasses must be a new leap forward to conquer these historical
tasks by the method of the socialist revolution. For a Federation of Soviet
Socialist Republic of North of Africa and Middle East!
In this attack on the
US embassies, masses have taken careful aim confronting the true enemy as the
students in Wall Street do saying that the 1% starving and plundering the world
is there. Masses take careful aim and thus prepare the next revolutionary
offensives to recover the revolutions expropriated, the struggle for bread
restricted and to prevent the massacres, already true genocides, like in Syria.
Palestinian masses in Lebanon, Jordan, and the West Bank foreshadowed this huge
antiimperialist action of the exploited when attacking hardly the Palestinian
police that administer the Palestinian refugge camps in their own land through
inflation and high cost of living.
The treacherous leaderships of the proletariat
and native bourgeoisies send messages of condolence to Obama, as we have
already said, or they tell masses to be careful to make “ultraleftist” actions
and go too far -as masses already went-.
For the
revolutionary socialists who fight to refound the IV International, these revolts and spontaneous mass
antiimperialist waves are expression of a struggle already advancing new steps
forward, running up new stairs, but it hasn’t done enough to win yet. It is
also necessary to defeat te governments of the fake elections in Tunisia,
Egypt; it is necessary to smash the murderous pro-imperialist caste of army
officials, it is a need to upsurge the Palestinian and Middle East masses to
crush the murder Al Assad and make dissapear of the earth the fascist
counterrevolutionary State of Israel.
This is
the beggining of a new revolutionary mass offensive that must expropriate
without payment all the imperialist transnationals that declared a brutal war
on exploited by stealing their job, salary, education and health, and the best
children massacred like in Libya, Syria, Yemen, Palestine, and the whole
From Wall
Street, Bundesbank, the London City and the Japanese coorporations, they have
already declared war on workers. Workers only defend themselves like in
Marikana where after the massacre suffered they chant “either 12.500 rands or
we’ll kill the managers”. The working class respond and defend themselves.
Women raped and children working worse than the early 18th or 19th Century, coloured workers enslaved in the
transnationals’ mines similarly or worse than in the cotton and sugar cane
harvest centuries ago. Today they make justice, set on fire managers-rapists of
their daughters and women like in Suzuki- India-, or Tonghua and Linghzou in
Exploiters declared war on us, and from the
heroic mineworkers of Asturias the respond emerged “If there is no solution for
this, war, war war “
Only one class, only one struggle. The
US, European, and Japanese working class must stand up side by side their class
brothers and sisters already fighting all across Africa
revolts against the US embassies are only to strengthen the US working class’
fight against Wall Street and the vile “republicrat” regime of Obama , Bush,
Romney and those criminals Clinton. They have led 50 millions of US workers to
live with U$S 3 per day, to lose their jobs, education and health. They chase
violently millions of immigrants they introduce in USA to do the worst jobs,
gather the harvest and on top of all, they are chased and killed by the fascist
We don`t have doubt that thousands of workers
and youth yearn to give their punishment to that 1% of bloodsuckers and
parasites of Wall Street; millions of workers in the world will take as theirs the fire of Wall Street of those
killers that plunder the planet, massacre and enslave workers. Millions of
workers will vibrate with the set on fire of Wall Street.
The US
working class today is strengthened to double his fight against US imperialism
at home. It is a need to set up again the “one
million workers movement” against the war that the militant dockworkers in
Oakland will propel together with the militant immigrant workers in USA.
Obama, nor Romney nor Pentagon gave or will give anything to the US exploited.
From Egypt to Bengashi, from Yemen to Oakland
and New York, one single struggle against the 1% of that finance oligarchy that
with its political parties, generals and counterrevolutionary forces are leading
the whole civilization
to barbarism. The struggle for the
Socialist United States of North America is inseparable of the antiimperialist
fight of US working class with their class brothers of the semicolonial world.
the left of Obama will frighten, get alarmed before a new leap forward of the
revolutionary fight of the US youth and working class. They would say, as they
say today on Middle East: “that’s not the way to confront the imperialism”. For
such a Left, the bankers’ offices on fire with the bankers inside would also be
a “far-leftist” action on the part of
who knows what sect in United States. Would they say that?
vanguard of the US working class and youth must know that the main ally of
those fencing Wall Street are those who today set on fire the US embassies in
the world; Embassies that represent the interests of the imperialist bankers
defended by counterrevolutionary armies that massacre the world masses.
The US
workers together with his class Brothers, the revolutionary masses in Latin
America, have the task of being the vanguard in such fight against the US
imperialism that plunders the Latin American nations. For that, the first step
must be break with all the bolibourgeoisies in the subcontinent; stop the road
to the capitalist restoration of the Castro brothers in Cuba and guarantee free
the antiimperialist prisoners from Middle East tortured and killed in the jails
of the CIA, and the Pentagon in Guantanamo. The democratic US politicians and
generals of Pentagon act in that way in Guantanamo, that is, as vile torturers
that would make pale the Gestapo of Hitler.
treacherous leaderships and social imperialist currents prevent the combat
inside the imperialist powers. Those who today get horrified due to the violence
of the “religious sects” in Maghreb are who called to support Syriza and the
“pacific way” to socialism in Greece and silenced totally when the Greek CP
broke the head of the worker and youth vanguard who wanted to fire that
parliament of the Troika, expropriator of the workers and their families’
lives. These currents defend the parliament and embassies of the imperialist
European working class far from sustaining Maastricht must prepare a
revolutionary offensive to set on fire Bruselas, the Bundesbank, the City of
London and all the imperialist pirates discharging the most furious crisis
against the exploited in Europe. When they set on fire the neighbourhoods from
where they fought, the youth of Tottenham, the English students and immigrant
youth in the Cities of Paris were treated like terrorist vandals by Zarkozy,
the Queen, and the left lackey of the European bankers. They were isolated and
separated from the worker organizations as they try to do now against the
antiimperialist masses in Magrheb and Middle East.
despite and against them, from Spain emerged the fighting cry for all the World
working class, from the mineworkers of Asturias: “ if there is no solution for
this…war, war, war”. Even more and more
the working class and exploited of the world take this demand.
don’t give peace or calmness when is in bankrruptcy, instead more war, fascism,
and counterrevolution. We can get nothing from capitalism by good maners or
peaceful way. The sample is the
mineworkers of Lonmin. They carried out 50 day-strike, left 34 massacred
workers, have hundreds chased by the police to get a minimal 22% increase in
salary and bonds for future increases. This shows that only by revolutionary
struggles and fighting for everything it is possible to win the most minimal
only give something when frightened they realize they can lose everything.
fighting for the socialist revolution putting the foot on the capitalists’
chest, it is possible to gain here and there any demand but if exploited don’t
fight and don’t conquer power till the most minimal gain will be lost. This is
the law that rules in this rotten capitalist system in bankrruptcy declining in
the history that only survives by sinking the whole human civilization.
The Japanese working class, as his youth, want to defeat and expel the
Yankees military bases like the Okinawa one in Japan, but to do so it must lead
the fight to expel Japanese transnational Companies and their murderer
Government, partner of U.S. imperialism that occupied the islands Diaoyu in
China, a few miles from Okinawa, by order of the Yankee Navy that gave the
islands to them in 1974, as the Anglo Yankees pirates did with the Argentinean
The working class and the Japanese youth face at every step the new
imperialist military adventures of Japanese and U.S. multinationals in the
world and particularly in China. Japan, associated with U.S. loots the oil in
North Africa and Middle East, with its 22 thousand companies and corporations
and together with the rest of the imperialist powers enslaves the Chinese
working class controlled by the whip of the murderous new Chinese mandarins of
Hu Jintao.
Japan, sustained by the United States, occupies
Chinese island , anticipating that before the global crisis U.S. imperialism
and its Japanese ally will survive only tying with double chains all the
nations and peoples of the Pacific. The masses of North Africa and Middle East
have clearly identified and face the great enemies of the working class and the
exploited peoples of the Pacific, in the first place, the murderer Al Assad
supported and armed to the teeth by the murderer Hu Jintao associated with the
butcher Putin. And today they attack the Yankee, German and other imperialist powers’
embassies that loot all the oppressed peoples.
The Pacific masses have to continue the anti
imperialist struggle and against all the oppressors in the Maghreb and Middle
East, confronting and defeating Hu Jintao, the Gaddafi murderous Al Assad in
the Pacific, and settling accounts with the Japanese and Yankee imperialism,
that is, the bosses of the bandits and pirates of the Pacific.
If you burn Yankees embassies in Libya, Egypt Yemen, etc, the Yankee base in Okinawa must be burned and expelled , and not only Japanese embassies must be fenced but U.S. and German embassies throughout China as well, expropriating without payment their transnational and banks.
The Japanese working class must stand alongside the oppressed peoples of the Maghreb and Middle East and claim for justice and punishment to all the murderers managers and executives of Japanese multinationals, like Suzuki in India where hundreds of workers are imprisoned or dead only for the crime of fighting fiercely for wages and dignity.
If you burn Yankees embassies in Libya, Egypt Yemen, etc, the Yankee base in Okinawa must be burned and expelled , and not only Japanese embassies must be fenced but U.S. and German embassies throughout China as well, expropriating without payment their transnational and banks.
The Japanese working class must stand alongside the oppressed peoples of the Maghreb and Middle East and claim for justice and punishment to all the murderers managers and executives of Japanese multinationals, like Suzuki in India where hundreds of workers are imprisoned or dead only for the crime of fighting fiercely for wages and dignity.
The struggle for bread and against imperialism of the
exploited people of the Maghreb and Middle East:
a struggle of the entire working class
a struggle of the entire working class
The role of all the treacherous leaderships of the proletariat is to break
the unity and synchronization of all the struggles of the world working class;
they try here and there to subordinate them to their own bourgeoisies. They are
terrified when the masses spontaneously pushed by their sufferings break the
siege imposed on their struggle to defeat the oppressors.
cries about "religious backwardness" of the masses of the Middle East
and the Maghreb. Why are the Maghreb masses going to be socialists and have an
advanced ideology, when the "European socialists" treat them like
pariahs when they do the worst jobs in the imperialist Europe? Why won’t Muslim
bourgeoisie manipulate the consciousness of the heroic martyred Muslim Maghreb
masses when all the reformist left supported Gaddafi yesterday and today Al
Assad? They have been more than "members of religious sects"
but also murderers of their own people and agents of imperialism. Why do these
socialists that have dragged through the mud of treason the true socialism
complain about religious culture of the oppressed peoples when they have not
sent even a doctor, or a bandage, neither a militant nor minimum solidarity of
labor organizations they lead so the masses can liberate themselves from the
bloody dictatorships lackeys of imperialism and can overcome and break with the
native bourgeoisies who manipulate their heroic battles?
The world proletariat’s treacherous leaders have got organized to prevent
this international unity of the working class. They are frightened, horrified,
telling the masses of the Maghreb and Middle East “you” are
"ultra-left", "members of religious sects"
"terrorists". They're constantly denigrating the actions of the
masses dressing with rose silk the rotten capitalism in crisis.
They cried to mourn Gaddafi and today the Yankee ambassadors, who together with the murderer of Vietnam and Afghanistan, General Petraeus, are commanding the slaughter in Syria.
Despite them, thousands of anti-imperialist fighters in North Africa and Middle East, have broken the siege and fight together with their brothers of Syria. The exploited masses join their struggle despite and against the leaderships that divide them. Therefore, in the spontaneity of the masses it is the "embryonic” of consciousness hidden, we will never get tired of asserting this. It is already happening among the internationalist combatants fighting in the martyred Syria. Its shout is becoming heard in every barricade, city and worker neighborhood: "THIS IS NOT THE JIHAD, THIS IS THE REVOLUTION".
They cried to mourn Gaddafi and today the Yankee ambassadors, who together with the murderer of Vietnam and Afghanistan, General Petraeus, are commanding the slaughter in Syria.
Despite them, thousands of anti-imperialist fighters in North Africa and Middle East, have broken the siege and fight together with their brothers of Syria. The exploited masses join their struggle despite and against the leaderships that divide them. Therefore, in the spontaneity of the masses it is the "embryonic” of consciousness hidden, we will never get tired of asserting this. It is already happening among the internationalist combatants fighting in the martyred Syria. Its shout is becoming heard in every barricade, city and worker neighborhood: "THIS IS NOT THE JIHAD, THIS IS THE REVOLUTION".
The genuine socialism will not be refund by these
socialimperialists-, or aristocracies and labor bureaucracies in the world or
by their parties. In these battles in North Africa and the Middle East, the
task of setting up the clean banners of socialism has been left in the hands of
the Trotskyists who struggle to refund the Fourth International, who fight in
the same trenches that fight, live and die the exploited masses throughout
Africa and the world. Only then, and from there, gaining authority in the front
line, the revolutionary Marxism, as the Third International did with Trotsky
and Lenin in the early 20's will be able to influence and lead the peoples of East and win them for the
USSR, Muslim republics included.
Because Muslim workers saw that the greatest ally to crush the British general
who oppressed them were the Soviets of the USSR and the parties of the Third
International confronting capitalism and European imperialism inside their own
The World Social Forum's left tells the masses they have go so far!
The Trotskyists, the revolutionary socialists of the Fourth International say: this is just the beginning; the fight is for the socialist revolution. Even it hasn’t been done enough yet to defeat the enemies of the world working class. This is just a new and powerful step forward in the fight. Ahead!
The World Social Forum's left tells the masses they have go so far!
The Trotskyists, the revolutionary socialists of the Fourth International say: this is just the beginning; the fight is for the socialist revolution. Even it hasn’t been done enough yet to defeat the enemies of the world working class. This is just a new and powerful step forward in the fight. Ahead!
For the working class to live,
imperialism must die!
Long live the world socialist revolution!
For the refund of the Four International!
Long live the world socialist revolution!
For the refund of the Four International!
Movement of Internationalist
Worker volunteers-Libya
Brigade Sedof Al-Laith
(Brigade León Sedov) - Syria
Workers International League (WIL) - Zimbabwe
Liga Trotskista Internacional (LTI)
– Bolivia
Liga Trotskista Internacional (LTI) – Perú
Partido Obrero Internacionalista (POI-CI) – Chile
Liga Obrera Internacionalista (LOI-CI) – Argentina
“Comuneros” Grupo Socialista Revolucionario Trotskista Leninista – Colombia
Liga Comunista de los Trabajadores (LCT) – Venezuela
Núcleo Obrero Revolucionario (NOR) – Perú
Comité por la Refundación de la IV Internacional de San Pablo – Brazil
Liga Trotskista Internacional (LTI) – Perú
Partido Obrero Internacionalista (POI-CI) – Chile
Liga Obrera Internacionalista (LOI-CI) – Argentina
“Comuneros” Grupo Socialista Revolucionario Trotskista Leninista – Colombia
Liga Comunista de los Trabajadores (LCT) – Venezuela
Núcleo Obrero Revolucionario (NOR) – Perú
Comité por la Refundación de la IV Internacional de San Pablo – Brazil
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