October 1st, 2012
The embassies of the
imperialist powers are on fire in the North of Africa and Middle East…
The imperialists concentrate their forces to impose their counterrevolutionary
plan in Libya where the socialist revolution of Northern Africa and the Middle
East has advanced the farthest
1-USA air forces, helicopters included, are staging a violent armed show
on the most important cities of Libya. 2 US war ships are patrolling the Libyan
coasts with thousands of marines able to take any action. They show their power
by shooting missiles without any specific target so far, with the aims of threatening
the entire population after the events in the US consulate in Benghazi. This has
allowed the LNC government’s getting social base on the middle class and the
business bourgeoisie who want “order” and “peace”. This was seen at its utmost
in Benghazi, a city where the plan of “democratic” counterrevolution appears
most settled as the government has got legitimated after the last elections.
Dozens of officials paid with the funds coming from the plundering of Libyan oil
have been contracted by the new regime to reconstitute the bourgeois state.
Most of them are former Qadafists and members of the rich classes of Benghazi. They
were the main elements in the demonstration on Friday September 21st
against the militias.
We have insisted many times from the FLTI, that the objective conditions
to take power in Libya after the overthrowing of Qadafy were existent in
different opportunities. We denounced systematically the bourgeois plan was to
isolate the militias who came out of the heart of the working class and the
exploited in order to disarm them by getting social base against them.
We also insisted that the militias with their weapons should support
more than ever on the working class and the exploited that is where they come from.
In order to do that, it was fundamental to organize a National Congress of the
worker organizations and their militias, with factory committees that allow the
militias to control and dispute the production process to the capitalists,
i.e., act with full independence and break with any collaboration with the
power of the bourgeoisie in crisis. This was to create the conditions for a successful
The decentralization of the militias, who occupy the public buildings in
the entire Libya, their split from the masses, the non-existence of the self-determined
mass organizations (democratically and massively elected by the rank and file) so
they can state their problems and vote and resolve how to get their solution -with
the militias as their armed branch under the direct leadership of the self-organized
masses, all this prevented the effective dual power from settling among in the
masses and behaving in a centralized form, and independently from the
government. The masses carried out a huge revolution, which without leadership,
ended up giving up the power to the bourgeoisie.
The masses took a policy of pressure on what they thought to be their
friendly government. They trusted in their own forces, increased by the initial
weakness of the bourgeois government expropriator of the revolution –the former
This has happened since Qadafy was overthrown. Each militia put pressure
to the government to make it meet the demands of hospitals and schools in the
cities, for the pay of the wages of the workers who did not get paid, or to
demand the payment of the war compensation to the youth militia men who when
demobilized did not get a post in the production but to die of hunger with the
misery wages and never an save for getting the dowry to get married. And if
notwithstanding that they get married, the children of the working class are living
crowded in shoddy rooms, one up to the other one, built with substandard
materials on the roof of the houses, without any sewer, running water,
electricity, or any decent provision … while the new and old rich try to put
back in place the palaces with their gold taps of Qadafyist Libya.
Taking this role of pressuring the government, the militias were strong,
as they still are in Misratah, in Sirte, in the Nafusa mountains (Zentan,
Yefren, Malut, etc), in the West and in many other cities.
Even this dual power -even though disorganized and with the masses full
of fake illusions in the “new Libya”, keeps armed and without giving the
weapons, as hunger is not yet resolved; thus they prevent the bourgeoisie to establish
a “normal” state of domination. The armed dual power does not only destabilize
permanently the bourgeoisie power but it is irreconcilable with it, because it does
not allow the state of the exploiters to monopolize the weapons to control the
class that it exploits.
Settling on in its genocide in Syria, world imperialism moves forward in
its attempts to expropriate and defeat the Libyan revolution
2. As the masses did not take power, the government of the Qadafist
politicians and generals, disguised as “democratic” has put the masses to the
electoral trap and could, even in a super structural way, legitimize the boss
government called LNC. TNC did not have this legitimation. It was a very weak
government, one of transition and with strong elements of Kerenskyism; that is,
nothing of what it ordered was done.
Due to the crisis of leadership the masses did not take power. Neither
when they arrived at Tripoli, nor when they killed Qadafy or when they had the
chance to defeat the weak TNC government that emerged from the expropriation of
the revolution. The masses could not take the power in their hands
expropriating the oil companies and all the imperialist MNCs without compensation
to resolve the problem of hunger, sufferings and backwardness of Libya, as part
of the one and only revolution in North of Africa and Middle East.
A complot of all the counterrevolutionary leaderships of the world
prevented it, fencing the Libyan revolution as they had done with that of the
entire region.
The organizations of the world working class led by the parties of the labor
aristocracy and bureaucracy were forced to show the cold shoulder to the
revolutionary masses of Libya. This was the decisive element that made the work
of the bourgeoisie in Libya easier to expropriate the revolution.
In cities as Benghazi and part of Tripoli, as the new legislative
assembly began to be settled, the LNC government was winning social base with
the aim to disarm the militias and smash them. That is, to liquidate the dual
power established by the masses, without which liquidation the “electoral trap”
cannot be thoroughly imposed, because it s impossible to re-build all the
institutions of the bourgeois state while the masses are armed.
The LNC government, emerged from the last elections, was already applying
a counteroffensive which combined deception, demagoguery, smoke screens and
direct attacks on the armed masses. The imposition of the electoral trap meant
not only that the working class did not take power when the possibility was
right in their hands, but also something more dangerous: as the workers did not
do it, the bourgeoisie with the electoral plan broke the revolutionary alliance
between the working class and the middle class. This government now tries to
give the middle class a solution saying that with “peace” and “order” it is
possible to reach progress and re-build Libya.
The pendulum of the layers of the middle class has gone from left to
right. The working class -due to the betrayals of its leadership- could not
give an alternative to the ruin of the nation and the plunder of imperialism. Now,
it is the bourgeoisie which tries to win sectors of the middle class that have
fought against Qadafy in the past, a way out based in the “order”, “democracy”
and “stability” to re-build Libya.
Thus the LNC, to succeed with the National Assembly has started a
campaign of provocations against the masses, accusing this or that militia of
being “armed Qadafists” in order to chase them, jail them and repress them.
The new government attempt to win social base not only with the
electoral trap but also with the help of a lot of money, hiring thousands of
new public officials with high wages to rebuild the state, arming a new army officer
caste very well paid, and so on.
3- The current counteroffensive
of the reaction is backed by the massacre perpetrated by Al Assad in Syria on
behalf of imperialism, as we have already said. The Libyan masses are who
feel the most the terrible genocide in Syria. They saw from the beginning the
uprising of the exploited in Syria as part of their own revolution. They saw in
there the forces for overthrowing together the Zionist state of Israel.
Thousands of fighters went to fight to Syria jutt when the imperialist lackey
left claimed there were no conditions to get there and support the fighting of
the masses in Homs, Deraa, Damascus, etc. Many of those fighters came back to
Libya after suffering the defeats and the same destruction than their Syrian
brothers. The TNC claimed “if you want to
keep waging war, go to Syria!” ; this was said as an attempt to dissolve
the militias. What counterrevolutionary shrewdness on the side of the bourgeoisie!
Let’s say it again, in Libya there not only exist electoral deception and
a pacifist wave of democratic demagoguery on the part of the bourgeoisie, but
also there are treasons of the world proletarian leadership, a genocide going
on in Syria and a support to the state of Israel on the side of
the entire world left either directly or indirectly; the proletarian
leaderships are supporting all the sectors of the Palestine bourgeoisie so the
latter can keep, so far, the Palestine masses disciplined in concentration
camps as by Hezbollah in Lebanon or the murderous Hashemite monarchy in Jordan.
Had the Palestinian working class up surged and with the fighting masses of
Syria controlling Damascus, this imperialist offensive could not have even
reached Benghazi.
4- The simultaneous existence of two parallel powers within the same state
is irreconcilable.
Thus, to the
spontaneous mass action against imperialism which burnt the US consulate in Benghazi,
a counteroffensive of the LNC government followed in Libya supported in layers
of the middle class who want peace, quietness, to keep doing business, and to
start progress again.
cadres of the bourgeoisie as the ones in the Law School of Benghazi University,
together with old Qadafist professors disguised in “democrats” are some of the
main launchers of this action under the command of the government.
The argument that the bourgeoisie uses to threaten the people is that “due to an action by a few, now US is going
to attack us”… and “it is going to
happen as in Syria”. This is what the government wages as well as their Qadafist
social base and the rich middle class who are or were rehired in order to rebuild
all the state machinery.
There is enough money to do that, out of the huge oil rent of Libya
which is exporting 1,400 million barrels of oil daily, but now those go more
and more to US and less to Europe.
The reactionary demonstration, launched by the government and with the
threatening bombings of the US Navy, created a counterrevolutionary action.
To the spontaneous mass action followed this reactionary class response against
the masses… that is because amidst the great actions of the entire Middle East
and North of Africa a distinctive fact was apparent in Libya: where the masses
kept armed … an imperialist ambassador died and one of the most important CIA headquarters
in the entire Middle East and the North of Africa was dismantled. CIA agents ran
away from Libya in chartered private jets; hundreds of them did, as the
international media claimed. This is a qualitative fact. In Qadafy’s Libya, CIA
had the more important counterrevolutionary jails and redoubts in Africa and could
act as controller of all the army and business movements in the Mediterranean. As
we Trotskyists insisted many times, the revolutions in the North of Africa and
Middle East set in a terrible crisis the imperialistic counterrevolutionary devices
in the region.
Imperialism is obliged to give a lesson. The demonstrations against the
US embassies keep spreading as a big bang on the entire region as in Pakistan,
Nigeria, and Iran and also in Greece or in front of the same White House in USA
and against the US embassy in Toronto (Canada).
In this process, the
Palestine masses started also to upsurge against the Palestinian authorities
that make the masses starve as Qadafy did, and that on behalf of the counterrevolutionary
Zionism, keep the Palestinian masses as cheap labor force.
US imperialism, the master of the world, had to effectively attack and
in Libya concentrated its cannons and sped up the imperialist offensive that it
had planned to launch through the LNC.
The imperialist powers know well
what the entire reformist left-wing tries to hide...
It is about a single socialist and
worker revolution in the entire region
5 – With the massacre in Syria,
imperialism saw a way to begin to stabilize the region. With the spontaneous
revolts against Yankee embassies throughout the region, the masses gave a
left-wing blow against that counter-revolutionary stabilization plan. Even
before, the revolutionary strike of the Marikana workers, in South Africa, threatened
to extend the Maghreb explosion to the entire Africa. These fights threatened
to break the fence to the Asturias’ workers in the Spanish state. There, the
working class resisted and showed that neither in Europe the masses have given
up and that only their leaderships are the ones that have done so,
desynchronizing and dismantling their struggles.
But the imperialism has to contain
and stop this wave of anti-imperialist revolts that have stood out, indeed, it
has to chasten them. Now the counter-revolutionary forces have concentrated in
Libya. NATO troops will put all their power to define a counter-revolutionary
action to increasingly start creating the conditions to disarm the masses in
Libya. Also to chasten the masses that have risen up attacking the Yankee
embassies so that they don’t trigger an
anti-imperialist struggle in all the region, which would mean a new step up in
the masses’ revolutionary struggle.
If this process of anti-imperialist
struggle from the masses is developed, it can check and strongly destabilize
the regimes and governments that still haven’t fallen in the region, as well as
deliver severe defeats to the regimes that kept the bourgeois power despite the
revolutionary wave, as in Tunisia or Egypt.
nyone who sees the events in every
country of the Maghreb and Middle East without noticing that we are facing a
chain of revolutions, counter-revolutions, electoral traps, parliamentary
diverts and huge betrayals from the leaderships of the proletariat at an
international level, won’t be able to find their way in these changing events
and sharp turns that happen in the entire region and in each country of it. And
much less to advance towards setting up an international revolutionary party of
a single and only revolution that is developing and is extending throughout the
Maghreb and Middle East.
6- Let’s imagine what would happen
if there isn’t a punishment in Libya in view of the generalization of the
anti-imperialist struggle. If this generalizes killing ambassadors, later they will
hang the managers of the imperialist companies not only in North Africa but
also in all Middle East, like it was in Tonghua and Lingzou (China) or Suzuki
in India. What terrified the bourgeoisie and the imperialism of the
anti-imperialist actions against the Yankee embassies and terrified as well the
world reformist left-wing is the danger that these actions lead the
generalization of the class war between the exploited and the exploiters to a
higher level. The reformist left-wing is terrified by that because this
intensification of the class struggle indicates that every time there is less
possibility of conciliation between the classes so that the reformist agent has
the reason to exist historically.
We are facing new clashes between
revolution and counter-revolution... BUT THROUGHOUT THE ENTIRE REGION.
It is that in Libya the imperialist
bourgeois counter-revolutionary action that is underway not only put a gun to
the head of the masses with the US Army, and with the government inciting the
middle classes against the armed exploited, but also as we already said the
imperialism hits the masses throwing them the slaughter in Syria.
The genocide in Syria is a material
force that imposes the “consciousness” of “peace at any cost” not only in Syria
but trying to do so in the entire region.
This “consciousness” based in real
physical losses, although temporary, is also what gives the material base to
the counter-revolution in Libya to act with the slogan of “peace” and “enough
or it will happen to us what happens in Syria”, that “the militias must disarm”
and “for a strong army to restore order”. This is a Khadafist proclamation,
requiring an army that brings order by gun-shoots like Gaddafi.
From the entrails of the
counter-revolutionary “democracy” for rich people they try to create the
conditions for a Khadafist general dressed up as “democratic” crush the
masses... the ones that the left-wing accused of being “NATO agents”. The
mourners club of Gaddafi, Stalinists, chavists, new prodigal sons in the ranks
of Stalinism as the renegades of Trotskyism, also participated objectively from
this march or were their honorary presidents... with Obama, trying to dissolve
the armed workers and youths militias who the bourgeoisie accused of
destabilizing and being murderers of Yankee ambassadors and the left-wing
accused them of being “NATO terrestrial troops”.
This crossfire is the one that created the conditions for the
reactionary demonstrations against the Bengasi militias.
7- We insist, we are facing
reactionary and counter-revolutionary responses to new and big masses actions
against imperialism in the entire region. What a paradox! In Libya it is
exposed the genocide Al Assad. US
threaten to apply the same Syrian plan in Libya.
What does the butcher Al Assad and
Chávez with Castro say? ... Condolences to Obama.
That is to say, not only in this
counteroffensive are taking part the Yankee marines and the NLC government in
Libya. Not only Al Assad, Putin, Hu Jintao and their genocide in Syria are part
in this counteroffensive.
Asking for peace and disarmament are
Fidel Castro, Chávez and all the scoundrel renegades of Trotskyism that got on
the NATO helicopters to terrorize the masses.
This is the “holy alliance” that counterattacks in Libya to contain the
anti-imperialist wave in the entire region
and to make them pay for the audacity they had in their spontaneity,
anti-imperialist youths that in their fury attacked, with right and justice,
the Yankee consulate. In any case, their despair, desynchronization or “isolation”
in the attack isn’t their responsibility but the one of the treacherous
leaderships that betrayed the revolution in Libya as they do today in Syria,
enclosing them country by country, supporting every transition government,
expropiators of the revolution.
There we can see in Egypt the so-called revolutionary “socialists”
linked to the “socialists” of the Queen of England that leading and
coordinating over 300 unions in Egypt denied leading any of them to mobilize
and burn the Yankee embassy. They are lackeys of the
English imperialism and above all they have the nerve to accuse of “backwards
muslim masses” those who burned the Yankee embassy in Cairo, when these same
masses are who at the scream of “Hezbollah, Al Assad and the Yankees guard the borders
of Zionism” lead the marches against the genocide in Syria, while they burned
the Israel embassy.
If they devoted to something, the
Egyptian “socialists” and the ones from all over the world that got dirty and
prostrated Socialism, it was to put the longest distance between the working
class and the burning Yankee embassies; that was their role. This time, they
couldn’t do it.
Salafists! Cries Obama and the
English SWP. This is the tragedy, that they can’t yell Socialists! because
these miscalled “socialists” are at the foot of imperialism and they let the
Islamic bourgeoisies to manipulate with religion the anti-imperialist masses.
In Tunisia, a wave of strikes from
miners, metallurgic, health and rail workers is in full advance. In Taurorine
the working class and the exploited occupied the government house and threw the
governor away. Food and oil workers announced a general strike and all the
treacherous leaderships of the world proletariat support the UGTT leadership,
essential pillars of the fraud regime in Tunisia. Meanwhile, only thing that
the Tunisian salafists have done is to condemn the attack to the Yankee embassy
in that country.
While we write this, before the
boiling point of the events, in Aleppo the revolutionary offensive of the heroic
Syrian combatants return, again there is fighting house by house, again the
tanks of the murderer Al Assad burn... the resistance lives.
The imperialist counter-offensive in
Libya, where the attack to the Yankee embassies got as far as it could get, was
immediate. This is a hint that the revolutions that started in 2011 in the
REVOLUTION. There aren’t raining flowers in Syria nor there were thrown petals
to the Yankee embassies, it is the class war. The dust is falling, the outlines
of the buildings can be seen clearly: it isn’t the spring, it’s the revolution!
The conditions of the worldwide
situation that shape the clashes between revolution and counter-revolution in
North Africa and Middle East
Yemen |
8- Only from this international
vision we can understand that we are entering a new act of the Libyan
revolution. For the leadership crisis, for the treason of all the proletariat
leaderships at an international level, the double power in Libya failed to
break in its favor the status quo with the bourgeoisie power after the defeat
of Gaddafi.
The status quo is being broken by
imperialism, keeping and deepening the looting of Libya as with Gaddafi, and
trying to re-legitimate against the clock a government to reconstitute the
bourgeois state. For this is that they imposed before the electoral trap, and
now they unleash this counter-revolutionary counter-offensive to disarm the
exploited double power This can’t be done in a single act, because this double
power of the Libyan masses is at the same time the expression of a
revolutionary process in the entire Maghreb and Middle East, that even fenced
and betrayed, has not exhausted its energy in the battlefield of the class war.
We have to see this situation from
an international point of view since now in Libya it is concentrated, as in
Syria before, the plan of the counter-revolution and the “holy alliance”,
precisely to prevent this time that the actions against the Yankee embassies
generalize in a new phase of revolutionary offensive that decidedly and openly
attack the bourgeoisie and imperialism interests in all the Maghreb and Middle
The issue is not defined. The new
anti-imperialist onslaught of the masses, the battle of Syria and the
imperialist counter-offensive in Libya that has begun, are battles of a single
class war that shakes Middle East, North Africa and that threatens, as we saw
with Marikana, to extend to the entire African continent. This is a class war
that is spreading, with the uprisings in Pakistan, to the martyred Asia. These
processes threaten as well to set on fire the “new Vietnam” that Afghanistan
can mean to imperialism, where the little prince of England’s head has a honor
Syria and Libya are key focus that
imperialism must clash if it wants to really start to contain the revolutionary
masses offensive that is expanding in the region, even now in Asia, not only in
Pakistan. There they are the Indian workers burning alive the Suzuki managers
as they did with the Yankee ambassador in Libya or as the workers from
Bangladesh uprising in general strike.
Syria and Libya are two focus of a
war of maneuvers and concentration of forces from the “holy alliance” in these
two countries, where farthest the first phase of the revolution got to. The
counter-attack in Libya is today a response to a new strike given by the masses
to the chin of the Yankee imperialism with the burning of the embassies. It is
still being discussed in the US Senate what happened in Libya, whether an
organized or spontaneous action... While the Washington politicians discuss
this fact they have already ordered their centurions in the Mediterranean Sea
to punish the Libyan masses, starting with disbanding their militias. That is
why they have to use the NLC and the reactionary forces of the same Libya.
Yankee imperialism sold the image
that the Obama’s left disseminated throughout the entire world and in Libya,
that is, the Yankees were the great benefactors of the victory in the struggle
against Gaddafi. Actually the imperialism tried until the last moment to
preserve him and to place his caste of officers like the generals of the NTC
and now the NLC.
A direct attack of the US marines against the militias would provoke a
generalized uprising of the insurgent masses in the entire region. It is an
urgent task for imperialism to create a counter-revolutionary and reactionary
base in Libya, even semi-fascist.
The situation in the region and the
whole world is polarizing. The class clashes are intensifying. The imperialist
recession and crisis do not give breath or room for concessions. The kornilov-action
in Syria could not put out the flame of the revolution; it still can’t settle.
Meanwhile, in Libya the reaction is raising their heads as it happens in every
revolutionary process where the masses don’t seize the power, but they are
still far from crushing it.
In the Russian revolution calendar,
if Syria was “August, the month of the kornilov-action” -that still isn’t
defined-, the reaction raising their heads in Libya is “June” and “July”, the
month of slander, lies, deceit and trap behind the back against the
revolutionary masses.
These are the consequences of the
fact that the working class was not able to seize power and provide an
alternative due to the betrayal of their leadership and the treason of the
leadership of the world working class.
All of them, Stalinist,
social-imperialists, renegades of Trotskyism, centralized but each performing
their own role under the baton of the bourgeoisie, prevented at every step the
revolution from opening its way in the imperialist Europe, which would have
changed the world. The NPA and their associates in France prevented since 2008
the occupations of factories and the youth workers revolts from generalizing as
a revolution, the same as in Greece where the CP devoted itself to support the
bankrupt imperialist regime hit against the workers and youth vanguard, while
the renegades of Marxism supported the Syriza leadership and their policy of
“socialism through the pacific way” that ended up putting a respirator to the
agonizing bourgeoisie and their regime fenced by the masses.
The leaderships of the working class
did the impossible to divert, prevent and abort the beginning of the socialist
revolution in Europe. However, these leaderships could not prevent in 2011 the
unleashing of the chain of revolutions for the bread that began in Tunisia,
extended to the entire North Africa and Middle East and dislocated all the
counter-revolutionary mechanisms and devices of the imperialism in the region.
These revolutions did not allow the treacherous leaderships of the working
class to live in peace. These, terrified, then devoted themselves to
desynchronize the revolution in Maghreb from the class struggle that was
developing in the imperialist centers, precisely to prevent the imperialist
domination from blowing up in the air as it happened in North Africa and in
this way they guaranteed the bourgeoisie stability in the metropolis.
If in Libya
power was not taken, the revolution in Europe did not start despite the
recurring offensive of the working class and exploited, because of the rotter that
is the present leadership of the proletariat. Without doubt, the imperialist
states have an intrinsic strength superior to the colonial or semicolonial
states due to the power of their finance capital. For that, for the working
class of the imperialist powers it will be more difficult to begin a revolution
in the heart of the metropolis than for the proletariat in the colonial or
semicolonial world. However, when this revolutionary upheaval takes place it will
be a million times more powerful because it will hit on the plexus of the
pirates of the finance capital ruling the planet.
treacherous leaderships’ centralized action allows the bourgeoisie to launch
its offensive with the imperialist powers trying to settle down their
counterrevolutionary plans in Libya and the whole region. Meanwhile in Europe
they command a twofold attack against masses. There, at every moment, they try
to submit the working class to any variant of the bourgeoisie. In Spain there
is an attempt to submit the Catalonian working class to a bourgeois faction so
much imperialistic and servant of the crown as that of Rajoy’s, one that only wants
to dispute who pays for the loses of the crisis. In France, “socialist”
Hollande applies worse plans against the working class than the “right wing”
Or like in
USA where “democratic” Obama has applied the plans of the Tea Party. Today the
treacherous leaderships of the AFL-CIO, Stalinists, other pseudo-lefts and the renegades
of Trotskyism again with the devious excuse of “everybody against the right-wing”, sustain imperialism to re-legitimize
the bourgeois imperialist general staff in USA in the next presidential
The native
lackey bourgeoisies of the colonial and semi colonial world have already their
candidate for the next US elections…The Al-Assads, Qadafi-type ones, the
governments continuers of Ben Ali and Mubarak, are all subservient to Obama. But
not only them: the “Bolivarians” in Latin America carry out the best electoral
campaign at the service of Obama. There you see Chavez and Castro guaranteeing
to submit the chased, attacked and jailed immigrant workers in USA, and the
coloured US working class to “democratic” Obama. At the service of that
“coloured Bush” they advance in the capitalist restoration in Cuba and sell out
the Colombian resistance, sponsoring the FARC leadership that signs the
surrender and submission by “hugging” each other with the fascist government of
In that way, Wall
Street finance capital never loses: if Republican Party’s Romney wins he will
apply its plans and if Obama wins, as was already sufficiently proven, he will
apply Romney’s program better than Romney and the Tea Party.
Thus, it is
necessary to oppose to the “Republicrat” regime and its imperialist electoral
fraud a National Congress of all the worker organizations and militant
students, It is necessary that Occupy Wall Street and Oakland “indignados” call
for it under the war cry “our dreams
don’t fit in your ballot boxes!” to take again the road of the 2001
struggle against the pirates of Wall Street and its government.
It is clear that the European and US working
class, in order to be able to upsurge and defeat the attack must take off and
defeat all the labor bureaucracies and aristocracies, be them Stalinists, fake
“socialists” and renegades of Trotskyism.
The crisis of leadership is getting deeper and
deeper. The treacherous leaderships concentrate their forces to disorganize all
the masses’ gains and everything the masses set up in their revolutionary
struggle. Thus, the fight for resolving the crisis of leadership of the
proletariat amounts to defeating such overabundance of leaderships, those
agents of the capital within the worker movement, to liberate the hands of the
working class for confronting their executioners.
The masses’ energies exist, they aren’t
exhausted yet. The process is open; the class war doesn’t give a truce. The bourgeoisie knows what the traitors
to Marxism try to hid to the masses, that is, the anti-imperialist struggle during the last weeks can wake up again
the working class of the imperialist countries, provoke an electrical shock
and create new conditions for the working class of those countries to lead
within the imperialist beast the demand of the oppressed peoples and the semi
colonial world, since the proletarians of the metropolises have in their hands
the possibility of the victory.
9-The bourgeoisie and imperialism with very
high exploiting class conscience always knew to distinguish their class enemy
organized in militias and armed masses. They never got confused thinking that the armed
masses in Libya were “ground troops of
NATO”, since they reached Misratah from Benghazi, they advanced to Tripoli
and executed Qadafy in Sirte. Till today the bourgeoisie never got confused, it
always knows where the enemy is.
The rascals
of Chavismo, the slanderers against workers like Albamonte, Lora, Callinicos,
Altamira and other accomplices of Capital, continuers of Stalinism are who put
a blindfold on the world proletariat’s eyes so that they see the revolutionary militias
like enemies… just those whom the counterrevolutionary demonstrations today in
Libya try to destroy and massacre.
shameless people would have participated in that “democratic” United front against the “ground troops of NATO”. Those rascals carry an ineradicable stigma
and the working class and History will chase them because their atrocities
against Marxism and revolution will not go unpunished and let alone they will be
able to keep speaking in the name of “socialism”.
10-In this
counteroffensive in Libya, the reactionary mobilizations in the streets
organized by the government, are an expression of the fact that reaction is raising
its head. This is the new moment of clashes between revolution and
counterrevolution in Libya. Trotsky stated that if the Republican Front had won
in the civil war against Franco, a general as repressor and murderous as Franco
would have emerged from the same core of the Republican Front since the latter
would have been obliged to disarm the masses.
And this is
what they try to impose today in Libya. We cannot forget that -after the
execution of Qadafi by the militias last year- the TNC and Hillary Clinton
demanded the government to disarm the militias. It is what they are trying to
accomplish now through this 48hs ultimatum. Let´s see if they can achieve it!
-for that reason, the New York Times affirms that “many officers, much to their regret, suggested that a direct
confrontation with any militia will be very risky”. Salej Joudeh, a member
of the Council of Ministers of the LNC said that the problem will not be
resolved in a week. The bourgeoisie understands the relationship of forces,
perceives it at each step. When they are facing a revolution, the bourgeoisie
defend their property and deepen all their class instincts. They advance as much
as they can to conquer a relationship of forces to their favour and at the same
time, gauges each millimetre so not to throw fuel to the fire…though presently
they put their feet to it, because the bourgeoisie is not infallible. The
bourgeoisie believed in the efficacy of their counterrevolutionary blow in
Syria till the end, and received a big blow on their head in all their
For that
reason, the bourgeoisie affirms that in this situation, for now the key is not
to send US marines or the new battalions of the Libyan counterrevolutionary
army against the militias but to lead the petty bourgeois masses, civil
servants, the LNC’s soldiers of the without uniform, to the barracks in order
to disarm the militias in a deceiving way since the militias don´t shoot
against the people. They know that the militias refuse to shoot against the
disarmed people. Precisely it is what those who defeated Qadafy swear. How much
goodness and innocence the revolutionary masses have! And how far they are from
the cynical calculations of the ruling classes!
This is a
mortal weapon against the masses. The government is gauging up to what extent
the militias are alienated from the masses or super structuralized. The appeal to a Congress of the worker
organizations and the militias all around Libya should have been done long ago,
we are already working against the clock, and the longer it takes the dual
power organs to centralize, the more blood will be spilt again of the Libyan
The relationship of
forces in Magreb and Middle East and the plan of imperialism and the bourgeoisie
11- While gauging
the relationship of forces imperialism knows that it needs to give a lesson in
Libya as they are doing against the Syrian masses to stop the chain of
revolutions that started in 2011.
Against the
burning of the embassies, the bourgeoisie respond with a counter-blow; even still
confused, they hit while retreating. It is the open class war, but with the
chiefs of the proletariat tying the proletarian hands so that workers aren’t able
to hit and moreover, blindfolding their eyes so that they cannot distinguish
who is their true enemy.
How does Obama’s
lackey government gauge the relationship of forces and conquer a new one
against the masses in Libya? While it takes out to the streets the reactionary forces against the
militias, it affirms that “there is no problem with the militias that are under
the control of the Ministry of Defence and are in relationship with it”. This
is a deception. All the militias go to the Ministry of Defense and to the
Government to take funds for the hospitals, for security, etc.
What is the
objective of this? To liquidate all the independent chiefs of the militias and
put instead of them LNC generals and officers at their heads, which is what has
happened with the two most important militias in Benghazi.
What does the
rank and file say? “We are the national
army, there is no other one; we will never repress the people”. That’s
because the masses don’t see any army different from the militias. Moreover,
they voted in the facts all over Libya that they accepted the elections but
they would not vote, to be a guaranty that no one would ever more attack the
The LNC manipulates these just aspirations and
false conscience of the masses, putting reactionary forces in the streets and
with the NATO planes looming over the heads of the Libyan people in the cities.
Here it is a huge contradiction: the masses don’t see that there can be a
national army different from their militias but they neither see that with LNC
generals those militias will be disarmed. This question has not yet been
resolved because ultimately there was not a peaceful road to the armament of the
masses, which had to destroy the Qadafist army to arm themselves; in the same
way there will not be a peaceful road to a new concentration of the weapons in
the hands of the Libyan bourgeoisie.
This is a
sinister counterrevolutionary plan, which will only end when the last
militiaman is disarmed.
Moreover, the
government has used as a scapegoat the small militias in the outskirts of
Benghazi, led by ultra-Islamic bourgeoisies, accusing them of minor robbery and
blackmails to the service of the local bourgeois. They were also accused of
starting the fire at the US consulate in Benghazi.
A veritable
counterrevolutionary plan of deceptions, reactionary demonstrations in the
streets, and liquidation of the militia natural chiefs, intervention of those
militias on the part of new officers… step by step they are creating the
conditions for a definitive counterattack and the dissolution of the militias.
But this is still in the works, even with the masses setting on fire the CIA
headquarters, the LNC government has to beat around the bush and sell forgeries
to disarm the masses as it is not yet able to accomplish it in a single stroke
and with a single demonstration, much less all over Libya.
A direct attack and a bloody clash with the
Qadafist officers of the LNC against the militias do not guarantee the
bourgeoisie a sure and immediate victory, for the moment at least. It even
could be fuel spilt over the dry straw in the field to worsen the fire. The
government is just preparing the conditions to massacre openly.
The present Imperialist-native bourgeois plan
has the objective of recovering Benghazi, which yesterday was the capital of
the revolution, so that it turns to be now the capital of counterrevolution an
of the restoration of a sound regime in a semi colonial state, subservient to
imperialism. The
vanguard detachment of the reconstitution of a regular army as the base for a
new and strong bourgeois state, from Benghazi to Misratah to Tripoli to the
Western regions up to the Tunisian border: that is the plan, which cannot be
fulfilled, will not be fulfilled in a single day. Today counterrevolution has
to follow the route of revolution to strangle it and drown it in blood. But
this relationship of forces imperialism has yet to conquer it among the clashes
between revolution and counterrevolution not only in Libya but all over the
12- Let’s see. How did the counterrevolutionary demonstration act in these
conditions on Friday, September 21st, with some hundreds of active
demonstrators? These demonstrations were led first of all against the Abu Salim
Brigade which is the one that took from Qadafy 40 tanks that subsequently
reached Brega and were bombed by NATO so they could not get to Tripoli. What a
difference with murderous Qadafy and the NLC! When the reactionary demonstration
arrived, despite the clashes, the shoots from both sides and the confusion, immediately
this militia gave up the public building and its slogan was ”we are not going to attack the people and
the disarmed civilians, we are not for that, we are not repressive forces”.
Such a kindness, but at the same time such a naiveté from the masses because of
the crisis of leadership …
But with these “military troops of
NATO”, as the treacherous renegades of Trotskyism said, how is it possible
to start a counterrevolutionary offensive against the working class when the militias
even refuse to be repressive forces against any disarmed citizen?
As Trotsky stated in the Russian Revolution in 1917 about the Petrograd masses
after February, they did not have conscience of the hatred that the class enemy
had against them. This hatred was concentrated in the bourgeoisie government of
Kerensky to which the same masses had given their power. It was necessary the
development of the butchery of WWI, the famine and the Kornilov offensive for
the masses to distinguish Kerensky as the chief of the counterrevolution. This
question, without the Bolshevik Party, would have been impossible to be
achieved up to the end and even less to take power in October.
Therefore, this reaction that stands up pushed by the US planes and the
NLC government, attacked the entire militias, from the more collaborationist
ones to the more isolated ones or even to those that were under marginal
bourgeois forces. Its slogan was “one
army only” and “no militias”.
For example, we can see how this action gathered base in Benghazi
denouncing and repudiating the action of the Muslim militia Ansar Al Sharia
which is totally discredited among the masses of Benghazi. With this excuse, it
tried a pogrom against all the militias in the city.
It is a counterrevolutionary action fully planed with the aim to hit a
fraction of a militia controlled by the discredited ultra-religious bourgeoisie,
so from there, it could be made possible to attack the two most important and
independent militias in Benghazi.
After this action, the government released a press communique demanding
the militias of Libya to be disarmed in 48 hours. The real slogan of Obama’s
is: “no more militias, not even the servile ones… we want a regular,
disciplined army”.
13- But imperialism does not have a relationship of forces
enough to impose just now this counterrevolutionary plan in a single act. Sectors
of the militias did not and do not want to disarm and other militias do not agree
with having generals or officers of the LNC at their heads.
For that reason imperialism cannot rebuild completely the bourgeois
state that the revolution smashed until it does not impose a disciplined
vertical army, which is the heart of the bourgeois state, i.e., a band of armed
men at the service of guarding the private property of the capitalists. This
means that the bourgeoisie cannot yet establish a normal command line of a counterrevolutionary
army of the ruling classes over the base of disarming the militias.
Facing this situation, the bourgeois plan is to submit
the dual power and submit the rebel militias to the Defense Ministry whose
members did not shoot a single shot against Qadafy. Imperialism has not got yet
to impose to the militias its officers’ caste. However, it started to prepare
firm steps in that way. A violent clash between the classes will become
inevitable. For that reason we have to prepare the vanguard of the working
class in Libya and the entire region so it can defeat their class enemy.
Today the bourgeoisie is not in conditions to smash the dual armed power
of the masses. But the existence of two simultaneous and parallel powers -that
of the exploited and on the other side that of the exploiters in the same state
is irreconcilable and cannot last for long. The working class without a revolutionary
party leading it could not take power and now it is the bourgeoisie which tries
to give a way out on the base of the forces it has conquered. This is the role
of the deception and the expropriation of the revolution through the parliamentary
way. This is the moment when as imperialism and the exploiters have not been
able to smash the militias, they seek to put them under the control of the
bourgeois institutions of the National Congress, as is the Defense Ministry. That
is, with a deception they want to submit the militias to the “democratic” forms
of the cruelest dictatorship of Capital.
How does this bourgeois plan work with which they are looking to dissolve
the armed dual power of the masses? It is a “combined state” where while the bourgeoisie
aims to rearming its officers’ caste, it submits the Libyan worker and popular
militias to the institutions of the “democratic” regime.
The bourgeoisie is putting into act the old policy proposed by
Hilferding, a social democrat theoretician who in the ‘20s betrayed the German
revolution. He defended in German the entrance of the factory councils (soviets)
into the bourgeois Constituent Assembly in this way liquidating the revolution.
Trotsky said about this wretched policy: “I
should like to recall to you that in 1917, before October, Zinoviev and
Kamenev, when they came out against an insurrection, advocated waiting for the
Constituent Assembly to meet in order to create a "combined state" by
means of a fusion between the Constituent Assembly and the workers' and
peasants' Soviets. In 1919 we saw Hilferding propose to inscribe the Soviets in
the Weimar constitution. Like Zinoviev and Kamenev, Hilferding called this the
"combined state". As a new type of petty bourgeois, he wanted, at the
very point of the most abrupt historical turn, to "combine" a third
type of state by wedding the dictatorship of the bourgeoisie to the proletarian
dictatorship under the sign of the constitution.” (Leon Trotsky, Problems
of the Italian Revolution, 1930)
So, in Libya we are facing a “Hilferdingist” plan where the bourgeoisie,
not being able to smash the militias, tries to “combine” them with the Defense
Ministry to submit and liquidate them as a guarantee to reestablish the command
line of the bourgeoisie army, the basis of the state of the exploiters.
The working class must
unite their ranks and centralize their forces to defeat the imperialist
provocation and conquer the bread, taking to victory the worker and socialist
14- This
means that we are getting into a moment, when the impossibility of reconciling two
antagonistic powers has been put red-hot in Libya. Yet the bourgeois power
can’t be established in a single stroke, which shows also the limit of its
counterrevolutionary action.
A huge
confusion prevails within the masses, as counterrevolution has waged a hard
blow, the first one it can apply to the masses since the death of Qadafy. But confusion
does not reign within the masses, but also in the government and the
imperialist general staff over which should be the next step and up to what
point their counteroffensive can advance.
Let’s see
what is the opinion of a well-to-do petty bourgeois student of the Law School
of the University of Benghazi: “We can’t
ask for everything… stop it just now! The militias were warned, we won’t allow
any more extremism here”. “This isn’t the country that we wanted in February 17th”
–what a shameless guy!-. “The
militias aren’t bad, they are good people, but we can’t build a country based
on militias” says a spokesman of reaction. And it states repeatedly: “The army has taken more courage, everyone is
telling it to act with iron fist”
These people are
claiming for a Qadafist regime in a “democratic” disguise. It is the reaction raising
up its head, with the “democracy” and “freedom” flags that they didn’t even
knew how to conquer as they weren’t shooting a single shot against Qadafy. As
it happens in each big revolution in which the masses don’t know how to take
the power, and so they cede it to the bourgeoisie: the reaction rises its head;
it lies, deceives and tries to recover what it considers as its own at any
What does the
National Congress president, Mgaryef, alert about? After congratulating the
population that “faced the illegitimate brigades”,
it summoned the protestors to leave and not to attack the places occupied by
the Defence Ministry brigades… That is, the brigades that the Ministry would be
controlling and imposing on them new chiefs.
Salim Derbi, the leader of the “Martyrs of Abu Salim” militias clarified: “we were told to leave a public building, and
we accepted that petition, because our responsibility is the security of the
city, not to confront any sector of the people”, “our members have their own normal lives, so they all will go back to
their lives and jobs” What words! How much truth in them! These militias
are the armed working class... How much slander against them! How many
counterrevolutionary alliances to disarm them! Their “normality” is to be a worker, live of their job and by the
afternoon to take care of the city against any Qadafist rearming. These armed
workers deserve to be an honor tribunal to take there all the scum and the shameless
people that in the name of “socialism” have been accusing them of being “imperialist agents”. Their weakness is
their innocence and their good will… the innocence of not slaying that
counterrevolutionary mobilization and the government that had send it against
them. Sooner than later their fighters will feel that that was not a
mobilization for “democracy” and “freedom”, but one for the restoration
of reaction and the counterrevolution. It is the task of a revolutionary
leadership to achieve that when the workers understand this, it isn’t too late.
The LNC and
their lackeys are frightened to go off the relationship of forces because they
fear that in their normal life the armed masses could be mistreated in their
jobs and that ends up throwing fuel to the fire.
The last word
hasn’t been said yet, the speed race to regroup in a National Congress the
militias and the poor people’s organizations is the task of this moment. Moreover,
it should serve to discipline the sectors that act for their own behalf while
being led and manipulated by bourgeois fractions of the same National Assembly
and of the Libyan bourgeoisie, from where a secessionist front raised of the
different Libyan regions. But in the first place, to discipline those reactionary
forces that have risen their heads though they haven’t shot a single shot
against Qadafy and which seek to get rich as he did, with a miserable part of
the oil rent that imperialism spares from the looting of Libya
15- Of course that if a National Congress of
the factory committees, of all the militias, of the committees of the unemployed,
of the supply-and-price-control, of the millions of immigrant workers, of the trade
unions that face the same Qadafist bosses, of the health, education and oil workers
were to gather, there would be reunited the overwhelming majority of Libyans
that are the exploited. We would be facing a true democracy of the ones below,
the workers, against the fake “democracy” of the LNC that is a democracy for
the ones above, for the rich and the exploiters that are a tiny minority.
The first thing that this National Congress
would say and demand was the militias shouldn’t be dissolved, but let give the
bread for the people, because there is still hunger and the people hasn’t
conquered a decent wage, jobs, health or education.
This National
Congress would state that the exploited of Libya have their fate linked to the
downthrown of Al Assad, the Jackal, the butcher of the Syrian people, and that
their combat won’t end until crushing the Zionist-fascist State of Israel to
free the Palestinian nation, which was the battle cry that thundered in the
streets of the entire country when Qadafy was executed.
With a
Congress like that, the trenches of the battle would be clear. The Chief of the
National Assambly, the LNC, and that stupid student representative of the rich
classes that want to progress by looting Libya alongside the imperialist oil
companies, would show themselves as what they are: the expropriators of the
bread of the masses that gave their life for the revolution. In that National
Congress it would be clear –and we will fight for that-, that the militias ARE
CLASS THAT IS THE LIBYAN WORKING CLASS, which doesn’t have any dirty business
behind the scenes with imperialism to loot the Libyan riches.
In that
Congress it would be stated that the militias are the only national army that
isn’t under the command of the NATO and the CIA, which backed murderous Qadafy for
40 years because he facilitated them the looting of Libya.
A National
Congress of the workers’ organizations and the militias would state that the leaders are chosen by the workers and
the poor people that is the majority of Libya. They would say that they don’t
recognize the LNC officers -or any state official- because all the latter were
accomplices of Qadafy’s dictatorship, worked for him, were his Defense
Ministries, his “tribal” chiefs and his “moles” in the neighborhoods and
With only
summoning to workers and popular
tribunals, the masses would be capable of judging, punishing and expelling from
every state office the thousands of Qadafist that nest there to hold the LNC, those
Qadafist generals of the Defense Ministry in the first place.
The Libyan
revolution hasn’t conquered yet the bread; Libya has stated to the masses of
the world that without weapons we won’t conquer the bread, and without facing
the US and worldwide imperialism it is impossible to succeed.
Reaction has
raised its head in the hand of this government that is the same dog as Qadafy
with a different choker and today attacks the masses once more. Reaction has
arisen its head backed by the fence that the traitorous leaderships have imposed
to the Libyan revolution and the heroic Syrian resistance.
Those who
summoned to the 21st September reactionary mobilization were the
enemies of the revolutionary masses that rose up in February 17th
against Qadafy. On February 17th of 2011 a fight started with
thousands of Martyrs to conquer the bread and the freedom; the mobilization on Friday,
September 21th 2012 is a mobilization of the “democratic counterrevolution”,
behind which the bourgeoisie and the Qadafist generals were hidden, who supported
Qadafy for more than 40 years in his role of lapdog of Imperialism
They are who seek
to settle the LNC, that Qadafist-without-Qadafy government, enemy of the
working class’ conquering the bread, jobs, decent wages and housing, but also
they seek to double the delivery of the oil and the entire riches of the nation
to the imperialist looters and to deepen the super-exploitation of the workers
of the entire Libya at the service of the MNCs.
The LNC, the
ones from above, want Qadafy’s Libya to return, where the democracy of the rich
can build back the palaces with their golden water-taps for the millionaire bosses,
while the ones from below, the workers and exploited keep surviving in misery
and desperation.
government has a distinct specificity compared to Qadafy who was the agent of
all the imperialist powers: The LNC is a direct agent of Obama and US
imperialism. How certain was the strike of the exploited against the US
Consulate! This was what has driven ultimately the LNC, to try and attack the
masses, which was shown to be premature.
In face of
the plan by those from above, the exploited, the ones from below must impose
their own plan, a workers’ and popular
emergency plan for all the wealth of Libya to be for the Libyans that work
and not for the wealthy ones that yesterday supported Qadafy and today try to travesty
themselves of democratic to keep the nation kneeled to imperialism.
For that, the
Libyan working class must have a weight as revolutionary class in the political
life of the nation to conquer the bread and the demands of all the exploited,
driving the revolution to its victory. A militia and worker congress of Libya
with a revolutionary leadership at its head would show that the LNC government,
together with the CIA and Obama is backing murderous Al Assad; it would show
that what was inside the US Consulate was a den of bandits, repressors of the
masses of the Maghreb and the Middle East. The best and most effective
solidarity with the Syrian and Palestinian masses is the masses to take the
power in Libya.
For that, the
working class must be organized to face this millionaire bosses’ class, a few
minority that keeps enriching themselves with the starvation and misery of the
exploited that gave their lives fighting against Qadafy.
For factory, workplaces
and shop committees to impose the workers’ control, without compensation, of
any factory or workplace that locks out or close its doors and doesn’t work to
make the production roll! Out with the Qadafist boards of directors!
For trade
unions organized by branch of industry, based in the direct democracy and that
gather all the workers of Libya to fight against the bosses and for decent
wages! No more misery wages! For a minimum wage of 6.000 denarius, for a sliding scale according to the cost of living for
The LNC government, the same as that of Qadafy, is super-exploiting
again thousands of Egyptian, Tunisian, Bangladeshi, Sudanese, Ghanaian, Syrian,
Nigerian workers in the factories, shops, ports and in the oil companies of
Libya. They are who do the worst jobs in Libya, but are also part of a class
that fights in Egypt and Tunisia, and that can bring the strength that the
working class of Libya lacks to stop the offensive of the reaction that is rising
its head. A National Anti-imperialist Congress of the Libyan working class,
constituted with delegates of the
Tunisian, Egyptian, etc., immigrant workers’ committees that work as slaves in
the oil companies, in the factories and other work places in Libya would be
a huge bridge to the unity of the working class of the entire North and Central
Africa and the Middle East, under the demand of “equal wage for equal work!” And “all the rights to the immigrant
workers” so they aren’t used to lower the wages of all the workers.
unemployed committees to impose the reduction of the work hours per day without
reduction of the wage and another shift in all the factories, companies and other
workplaces so all the available hands get in to work!
For committees
of supply-and-prices’ control to guarantee cheap food for the entire working
class and the poor people! For that, we must end with the chain of brokers and
middlemen, with which the Qadafists speculate to increase even more the price
of the food of the workers and the exploited families.
For youth committees
in the militias, the trade unions and all the self-organization bodies of the
exploited! No more subjugating and enslaving the revolutionary youth that led
the combat against Qadafy! For a plan of public works under the control of the
workers’ organizations to build houses for the Libyan youth, and also
hospitals, schools, roads, sewers, water and energy nets, and all the needed
infrastructure for the whole of the workers and exploited of Libya to have a
decent life! The state and the bosses must pay the dowry needed by the
exploited youth to marry! Immediate rise of the budget for education in all the
levels and for health, which must be free for all the exploited!
There is
plenty of money to guarantee these demands to the Libyan proletariat. We must expropriate without compensation
and under workers’ control the oil, the factories, the banks and all the wealth
of the imperialist MNCs and their junior partners of the Qadafist bourgeoisie. We
must denounce and disavow all the economic, political and military agreements
that tie the oppressed nation to the imperialist looters! Out with imperialism in
Libya and the entire region! Libyan oil for the Libyans! That way the more than
50.000 million dollars of the oil rent would be at the service of the working
class and the exploited of Libya and the entire North of Africa and Middle East
to get them decent wages, food, housing, health services, education,
To rebuild
Libya it is of utmost importance to nationalize the banks and conquer a single
-state- bank under workers control!
Starting the broadest self-organization of the
working class and the masses, centralized in a National Congress of the
fighting labor organizations and all the armed masses, the poor will begin
setting Libya free of the subordination to imperialism and its LNC Qadafist
lackeys. In this powerful Congress of the oppressed people the forces to carry
out a real working and popular plan to solve the crisis will be launched and
working class organizations will mature to take the power.
All these demands can only be guaranteed by a
government of those from below, a revolutionary government of the fighting
organizations and the militias of the working class and poor people of Libya,
throwing down the government of the CNL.
16 - The most
immediate task is to unmask the government of LNC. It is a Government of Obama’s
and Al Assad’s, the Egyptian military’s and of the shameless expropriators of
the proletarian revolution in Tunisia.
Government of the LMC is the biggest ally of Zionism. Who defended the US
ambassador who was supporting with the entire apparatus of the CIA in Libya the
Zionist state of Israel?
Who condemns
the attack on the US embassies throughout the region if not the Zionist state
of Israel together with the LNC and the other imperialist lackey governments?
Or can anyone doubt that the attacks on the US Embassies and Consulates across
North Africa and the Middle East are due to the support imperialism gives to the
Zionists to keep the Palestinian masses as pariahs in their own land?
The march of
the reactionaries was a pro-Zionist demonstration by those who want “peace and
order” so imperialism is able to keep its oppression over the oppressed
A Congress of the militias and labor
organizations would have at its head the flag of the Palestinian masses,
because with those flags was celebrated in Tripoli the fall of Qadafy.
For the victory of the
revolution in North Africa and Middle East it is necessary the leadership of
the Fourth International founded anew
17 - More
than ever, despite and against all reformist currents, the struggle against
U.S. imperialism has broken the siege the treacherous leaderships had imposed
over every revolutionary process. The Libyan revolution is in danger, but so is
imperialism throughout the region. New revolutionary and counterrevolutionary clashes
are in the works, indeed, they are already here. The masses of Africa and
Middle East as the revolutionary outbreaks in Asia and Latin America, show they
are giving much more than everything out of themselves.
bureaucracies and aristocracies and all social-imperialist parties, Obama’s
servants, have prevented up to now the Japanese, European and American working
class from starting new revolutionary maneuvers. When they have done so as in
Greece or attempted to as in Spain, or when surrounding Wall Street in New York
they have been fenced and betrayed from inside by their leaderships. The limits
the revolutionary masses of North Africa and Middle East have in their
revolutionary struggle against imperialism is the role of the treacherous leaderships
that are preventing the intervention of the working class of the metropolis
precisely when in the semi colonial world the headquarters of the imperialist
powers that is, their embassies, are burning. And precisely these are the best
conditions for the European and American working class to stand up.
But Chavism,
the Bolivarians, the Al-Assads, the Stalinists of all sort have already
declared themselves in favor of voting for Obama. The fake Trotskyists support
them on their shoulders and they all together will say: "How backward the masses
The same as
the Three Wise Men the enemies of the proletariat have carried before Obama
their gifts. The brothers Castro have given Cuba. The miserable fake
Trotskyists and Stalinists render him the Syrian genocide. And all the slanderers
of the Libyan masses want to give him the militias, massacred and disarmed.
Or that is
what they intend to do. The heroic masses haven’t given them yet the
opportunity of giving gifts or being kings, this question will be defined in
the next period.
The crisis of
the proletarian leadership is deepening ever more. This is the most important
of the speed races between how fast we the revolutionary forces could defeat in
our combat the treasonous leaderships of the masses and how fast these
treasonous leaderships could surround and defeat from inside the revolutionary
processes. Conscious revolutionary
forces are negligible in the region but they will get stronger if they fight
for coordinating and centralizing the fighting mass organizations at
international level against all the leaderships that betray the revolution. Thus
the best conditions can be created to conquer a mature revolutionary party to
seize power.
Trotsky said,
talking of the processes that had already begun in Spain and France in the 30's
when vanguard revolutionary parties and mass organizations haven’t emerged yet,
that the task of the initial groups that fought there was to collaborate with
the masses to set up suitable organizations to fight against the bourgeoisie.
That is, the centralized and armed Soviets which are the only organizations capable
of permitting a quick development and maturity of a revolutionary leadership,
while the masses have the best conditions and organizations for combating.
18- As stated
by the Transitional Program of the Fourth International, the crisis of
leadership is the overabundance of treacherous proletarian leaderships, living
on the crumbs that fall from the exploitation of the working class and as vile
traitors, hanging from the coattails of the bourgeoisie.
Socialists" –in order to whitewash their treacherous policy- will say that
Libya needs a revolutionary party and an International. They say so very
comfortably from the capital cities of their countries. But they have not put
their energy to the service of making it possible. They are far from the
Leninist apothegm: "We change the
Bolshevik Party of Russia for the chance of being together with the proletariat
in the German revolution."
From the ITLF
we have insisted, with our tiny forces on the task of setting up a
revolutionary party in Libya and the entire region as a task for all healthy
revolutionary forces of the international Trotskyist movement.
Only some few
forces have joined us to try to break the siege that surrounds the masses of
Libya and Syria. But none of them have come close, and we regret it, even a
millimeter in the support of the foundational forces the Internationalist
Trotskyists were able to set up in the very places the events took place to strengthen
their offensive together with the masses.
Indeed the
crisis of leadership is the big problem, but that crisis is reduced to the
overabundance of treacherous leaderships that strangle the proletarian
struggle, the crisis of the Fourth International and its dissolution by the renegades
of Marxism, and also the centrism that still dwells in self-proclaimed
revolutionary currents that prevent the working class from developing an
internationalist praxis able to declare an international battle against the counterrevolutionary
proletarian leaderships that conspire -also internationally against the
proletarian revolution.
From Libya
itself, internationalist forces have called on May Day to set up immediately an
international Conference of revolutionary Workers’ Organizations and the
healthy forces of the international Trotskyist movement to set up the
insurrectionist revolutionary party not only in Libya but throughout the
Maghreb and the Middle East.
In this task,
our weak forces are already acting in the same events. But anybody who talks
about setting up a revolutionary party for the victory of revolution and does
not devote the 100% of its forces for this purpose in Libya, Syria and the
martyred Palestine, anybody who does not fight for this may proclaim its fight
against the limits of the masses’ spontaneity. "We need a revolutionary party" sounds like a litany when
you do not put all your forces to set up a Committee for the Re foundation of
the Fourth International, the only party capable of leading the masses to the
revolution. Because otherwise ... what party are we talking about so that the
masses overcome the limits of their spontaneity, if is not the Fourth
International founded anew?
They talk
about combating the masses’ spontaneity by setting up national parties as if those
parties could be heaven-sent, without defeating the treacherous leaderships
which manipulate, corrupt and demoralize the struggle of the masses.
They want an
October revolution descended from heaven without conquering a Zimmerwald-Kienthal
that centralizes the internationalist forces capable of leading revolutionary
parties to guide the masses to victory.
Trotskyism and national Trotskyism have become
incompatible in this battle against the treacherous leaderships of the world working
class. The latter not only frees the hands of the treacherous leaderships that
are acting centralized at international level to strangle the revolutionary
processes, but how couldn’t it be otherwise, it ends up capitulating and
adapting itself to them country by country.
Now more than
ever the task of setting up a revolutionary party in Aleppo that resists, in
the Libyan workers militias that do not surrender, is a task of all
revolutionary forces that proclaim themselves part of international socialism.
The events
increasingly split up the waters between reform and revolution; to set up a new
Kienthal and Zimmerwald, an internationalist block to intervene in the
processes of revolution and counterrevolution in the world, is not only a
program to fight but an obligation as well.
In Syria and
Libya the fate of the working class is perhaps at stake for a sizable period
The European
and US working class must overcome the resistance of their leaderships. They
should draw lessons quickly from how Syriza and its "peaceful road to
socialism" laid a trap for the Greek revolution, this is an immediate and
unavoidable task. The working class must learn from the experience of the revolutionary
events in Europe. The Greek working class was led to a dead end of
subordination to the bourgeois order; that was made by preventing it with the
sticks of Stalinism from burning the bourgeois parliament of the Troika. Its
fight and the revolution it had begun, was separated from the rest of the
European working class.
In Greece,
all forces and the rainbow of the world left concentrated their forces to
strangle from the start the Greek revolution. It was because the spark of
Athens could set on fire the entire Europe.
Things are going
very wrong for the European working class.
The success
of the Syrian genocide and a crushing of the Libyan masses would quickly bring
barbarism and counterrevolutionary looting multiplied by the thousands across
the Maghreb and the Middle East.
If the revolution in semi-colonial world is
crushed, the destiny of the European and US working class is already cast in
history ... it must look up in the mirror of the working class of China, India
and the exploited masses of Homs.
It is necessary to break the siege that has
been also imposed to the US and European working class by the social
imperialist parties. There is no time to lose.
It is necessary to set up an international Committee to confront with the program of the socialist revolution in Libya, the reaction that is raising its head. We must stop the slaughter by Al Assad. It is necessary to make stand up the working class in the Americas to prevent the capitalist restoration in Cuba. It is necessary to put an end to the fraud of the "peaceful road to socialism" proclaimed by Syriza in Greece and re-ignite the spark of Athens to set Europe on fire. We must break the siege that Stalinism and the fake Trotskyists have imposed to the Chilean working class and youth. It is necessary to make the Latin American working class stand up to put an end to the Bolivarian and their fraud of a “socialist revolution”. We must fight for the working class independence from the Bolivarian governments in Bolivia, Venezuela, Argentina, to fight as in Libya and Syria.
We must stir up the Chinese working class against Hu Jintao and all the imperialist powers like the United States and Japan that are looting China while preparing new invasions in the future, as it is foreshadowed by their taking of islands belonging to China in the Pacific.
It is necessary to set up an international Committee to confront with the program of the socialist revolution in Libya, the reaction that is raising its head. We must stop the slaughter by Al Assad. It is necessary to make stand up the working class in the Americas to prevent the capitalist restoration in Cuba. It is necessary to put an end to the fraud of the "peaceful road to socialism" proclaimed by Syriza in Greece and re-ignite the spark of Athens to set Europe on fire. We must break the siege that Stalinism and the fake Trotskyists have imposed to the Chilean working class and youth. It is necessary to make the Latin American working class stand up to put an end to the Bolivarian and their fraud of a “socialist revolution”. We must fight for the working class independence from the Bolivarian governments in Bolivia, Venezuela, Argentina, to fight as in Libya and Syria.
We must stir up the Chinese working class against Hu Jintao and all the imperialist powers like the United States and Japan that are looting China while preparing new invasions in the future, as it is foreshadowed by their taking of islands belonging to China in the Pacific.
It becomes imperative to set up an
international committee to regroup principled Trotskyist forces to prevent the US
working class from continuing another day more tied by the treacherous
leaderships to murderous Obama and the regime of the "Republicrats".
These are the acid tests which rapidly separate reformist from revolutionaries. It is a question of fighting in every country for this program, because only it takes us really closer to making the world working class rebel and to building together with it and the youth a path that leads directly to victory.
No time to lose. Definitions are necessary now.
We do not get into despair; we know that the dilemma between revolution and counterrevolution won’t be defined in a single act as we have been insisting since 2011. A whole period of revolution, counterrevolution and imperialist bankruptcy has opened
These are the acid tests which rapidly separate reformist from revolutionaries. It is a question of fighting in every country for this program, because only it takes us really closer to making the world working class rebel and to building together with it and the youth a path that leads directly to victory.
No time to lose. Definitions are necessary now.
We do not get into despair; we know that the dilemma between revolution and counterrevolution won’t be defined in a single act as we have been insisting since 2011. A whole period of revolution, counterrevolution and imperialist bankruptcy has opened
But the
unprecedented hardship of the masses, the genocides perpetrated by imperialism
today which prepares new wars and fascism cannot wait anymore. From these
heroic battles under the burning fire of this time of crisis, wars and
revolutions which has become immediate and present, material forces that will
take again Bolshevism to the masses are emerging on condition we the
internationalist Bolsheviks want and are willing to do so decisively.
Today more
than ever:
Out with the
Long live the
Libyan militias!
The militias
do not disarm! Disarm the bourgeoisie and imperialism!
No turning in
of arms in any barrack because they are necessary to expel imperialism
throughout the Maghreb and Middle East, they are to support the war pickets as
in Marikana and to cover the European working class’ backs!
Death to Al
Assad and his counterrevolutionary occupation troops in Syria!
Down with the
counterrevolutionary Zionist State of Israel!
Out with USA,
European and Japanese imperialist pirates from North Africa and Middle East!
Less than a
year ago the slogan: "Today Libya, tomorrow Wall Street" was painted
in the streets of Misratah. It's the same fight. That just aspiration of the
revolutionary masses deserves to be realized. Long live the unity of the
working class and the oppressed peoples of the world with the U.S. working
class facing imperialism at home!
You not only
have to burn but also expropriate the finance oligarchy, the parasites of Wall
Street, that suffocate human civilization in a chain of hunger, desolation,
wars and massacres to try escaping from their own crisis.
Chavez, Assad and the Castro brothers send
condolences to Obama. Stalinist and fake Trotskyists accused the masses of
being "ultra-left" and "Salafists" when full of anti-imperialist
hatred they burn the US embassies. Those embassies are true headquarters of
counterrevolution to organize counterrevolutionary actions against the masses,
military coups like Pinochet in Chile in the 70s and genocides like today in
The Trotskyists of the ITLF call to retake
today more than ever: THE BATTLE CRY OF
That’s why we
the members of the Internationalist Volunteers Movement, the Leon Sedov Brigade
and the FLTI fight in the streets of Aleppo, Benghazi, Misratah and Tripoli.
That’s why we
fight internationally against the treacherous leaderships that shoot from
behind the revolutionary masses and therefore we fight for the foundation anew
of the fourth International
Movimiento de Obreros Voluntarios Internacionalistas (Internationalist
Volunteers Movement)
Movimiento Revolucionario de las Milicias de Libia (Revolutionary Movement of the Libyan Militia)
members of the FLTI
Movimiento Revolucionario de las Milicias de Libia (Revolutionary Movement of the Libyan Militia)
members of the FLTI
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