miércoles, 31 de octubre de 2012

Endorsement from the International Committee in support of the Syrian masses in Chile


From Chile, a greeting to the Public meeting in support of the Syrian masses convened in Buenos Aires, Argentina

From the International Committee in suport of the Syrian masses in Chile, we want to express our total endorsement to this day of international combat and public meeting/festival on October 27 in Argentina “in support of the Syrian workers and people” and to every activity that contributes to the overthrow of the jackal Al-Assad, killer of workers, bloody tyrant sustained by the US imperialism. We have recorded a video where we send you our greeting and the next days we will convene a Public meeting in defence of the Syrian masses in the University. From the other side of the Andes, we send a revolutionary fraternal hug to those who today raise this important activity supporting those who fight and die in the Syrian streets.

We firmly believe that the Syrian masses`fight must reach a good result. Unfortunately, the usual traitors have tried to siege his fight. They are members of the Friends`club of the “bolivarian” revolution that is a true fraud against the worker and peasant revolutions in the American sub-continent. They are so cheeky to say that the Syrian masses-revolutionary and antiimperialist workers and youth- are “agents of imperialism” and “sponsored by NATO” ... this is the same slander launched against the Libyan exploited that today are at the head of the fight against the US embassy and set on fire his ambassador.

They confront Yankees and imperialism, while the Chavez, and Castro ones, and their followers are fanatic voters of Obama and the imperialist US pirates who sent Al-Assad to make the “dirty work” in Syria for the sake of their business. All the hypocrites who support Obama sent him the condolences due to the execution of his embassador in Libya and denounced the fire of the embassies taking place in the whole region. We send condolences to the massacred humble workers in Syria and workers killed by the South African police and government in Marikana. This is why our condolences are for the exploited and not for their executioners.

Here in Chile,  we have been carrying out huge fights for one and a half year for win public and free education based on the nationalization of cooper without payment and under workers´control. For this, we have learnt a lot from the experience of the masses in the North of Africa and Middle East. Thus, we must overthrow Piñera and topple this filthy regime founded by the killer Pinochet and continued and adminitered by the Concertacion and the Right-wing sustained by the whole reformist left.

Long live the International unity of workers! For an International Committee in support of the Syrian masses! For an International day in solidarity with the masses that fight in the Syria`s streets!

Al-Assad, you will finish like Muammar Khadafy!
Make Syria the grave of Al-Assad, Obama, and imperialism!

International Committee in support of the Syrian masses- Chile

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