miércoles, 31 de octubre de 2012

Endorsement to the Committee in Defence of the insurgent masses of Libya and Syria, from Sao Paulo, Brazil


Long Live the festival-event in defense of the martyrized Syrian masses

Down with the murderous Al-Assad! No more silence! Stop the genocide!

Comrades of the International Committee for Syria, from Sao Paulo Brazil, we send a big hug for all you, in this moment in which a big step forward is being conquered in the fight to break the silence regarding the genocide of the Syrian masses.

We know that with the slaughter in Syria they want to punish the world working class. But who silence the slaughter and slander the fighting masses won’t be able to live peacefully, we won’t allow it, each slander and each second that the silence is kept mean more slaughter, more starvation, more misery and more and more benefits for the murderous exploiters.

Right now in Brazil it is being carried forward a huge counterrevolutionary plan against the exploited of the city and the fields. While they prepare thousands of dismissals in the industry to impose a maquila regime (regime of the sweat-shops) and the militarization of the workers neighborhoods; in the field they are slaughtering the poor peasants as is the case of the Guaranis-Kaiowas peasants in Mato Grosso do Sul (In the Paraguay frontier). It is what Morales just did with the TIPNIS peasants and what Lugo did some months ago with the poor peasants in Paraguay. Today there are dozens of murdered children and young, raped woman and several of them have killed themselves in a manner of protest in face of such attack and impotency. The pelega bureaucracy of all the trade union centrals give their backs to the exploited that are being slaughtered by the fascist gunman paid by the fazendeiros and the agro-buisiness transnational companies. The leaders of the trade unions, of the CUT and Conlutas look to the other side, they know that if the workers and peasants alliance is consolidated, the Brazil of the exploited upraises.

That is how the siege to the Syrian and Libyan revolution is expressed in Brazil! The attack to those brave workers is the same attack all the workers and oppressed people of the world suffer.

The same ones that defended Khadafy and now do the same with Al-Assad, are the guards of the interests of the Khadafy-Assad in the continent, of the Bolivarian like Chavez and Castro that sell  out Cuba to the Imperialism, as Morales and Dilma that slaughter the poor peasants and super-exploit the workers, as the Kirchner, Correa, etc. They are the voters of the murderous Obama, the Chief Commander of the banker oligarchy in Wall Street and their murderous troops in the world.

We are certain that the festival-event will be a huge success, because it was conquered with a huge effort, the same that the Syrian masses make in their combat.

Long Live the revolution of the North of Africa and Middle East!

Down with the murderous Al-Assad, puppet of the imperialism and zionism!

Break with the fence against the fighting masses of Syria and Libya!

Down with the counterrevolutionary agreement of Obama, the NATO, the zionism, Turkey, the CNS and the generals of the ELS to expropriate the heroic fight of the Syrian masses!

No imperialist intervention! Destruction of the zionist state of Israel!

All the power to the Local Coordination Committees and the rank-and-file soldier Committees!

Stop the attack to the workers and peasants in Brazil and the entire American continent! Fight as the youth that fences Wall Street! Expropriate without payment and under workers control the bankers so their crisis is paid by them!

Committee  in defence of the upraised Syrian and Libyan masses, from Sao Paulo, Brazil

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