domingo, 18 de noviembre de 2012

Statement of the Syria Committee of Chile, member of the International Committee in support of the Syrian masses before the last events in Palestine

November 15th, 2012
Egypt demonstration against the Israeli attack to Gaza
For the last days, the army of the Zionist Fascist of Israel has launched a brutal attack against Gaza, killing more than 20 Palestinian martyrs.

From the International Committee in support to the Syrian masses, we claim our international support to the tormented Palestinian masses that are being bombed, throw missiles and military attacks by the side of Israel. We claim that we do not recognize Israel any national character, and we claim it is a real military enclave of US imperialism, a real military fort in order to defend their interest in this region of the world.

Barak Obama, recently elected as US president is the one who led the bloody attack, carried by the Israelis authorities, war officers of US imperialism.  This attack aims to hit all the exploited masses of the region, and it is part of the genocide carried by Al Assad, absolute lackey of imperialism.  He is the one carrying it out for months over the working class and the exploited ones who have upsurge in order to get bread, work and national independence in Syria.

The imperialism, through its gendarme Israel led today a terrible counterrevolutionary attack against the masses of Palestine, Syria and the entire North of Africa and Middle East. The imperialist bourgeoisie develops this attack after legitimate the bloody butcher and anti worker Obama in the president position in USA, with the complicity of all the Latin American bourgeoisies, starting by Chavez, who called to vote for him in the last president elections. Chavez himself who under the name of Socialism and the “Bolivarian Revolution”, at the same time fully defends the butchery of Al Assad in Syria, he sends condolence to the US pirates after the Libyan exploited masses make justice with their ambassador in Bengasi, just few months ago. Now, with Obama with another 4 years managing the business of the entire US bourgeoisie, the imperialism go for the death of his ambassador, and try to smash the revolutionary chain in North of Africa and Middle East, that from the streets of Libya, Egypt, Tunisia, Syria, so on threats to push the heroic Palestinian proletariat to get into the revolutionary scene. It is precisely the imperialism and its guardian dog of Israel try to smash the revolutionary anti imperialist vanguard of the exploited masses of North of Africa and Middle East.  The fight of Palestine will not win if it is not destroying and digging in history the state of Israel, recovering the historic Palestine with its capital Jerusalem.


We claim that we only recognize Palestine as nation. We defend unconditionally the right to defense itself against the imperialist occupation imposed since 1948 when UN, with the open support of the Stalinism, founded the state of Israel on the bases of slaughter and genocide. We believe strongly that the freedom of the Palestinian masses will not come at the hand of the bourgeoisie parties as Hamas or Al Fatah, who have show total submission to their imperialist masters and they become in real jailers of the Palestinian masses.  Only the working class, unifying their ranks with the revolutionary masses of Libya, Egypt, Syria, so on and the entire world can defeat the imperialist occupation, destroy the fascist state of Israel and get the defiantly freedom of Palestine.


We claim that the fight of the Syrian masses and the Palestinian masses is the same fight against the national bourgeoisie and the imperialism plunder of the oppressed nations. It is the same fight as in Egypt, Libya, Tunisia, so on.  It is the same fight of the entire working class.

We claim that this attack against the Palestinian masses is part of the attack that the entire world bourgeoisie have lunched against the working class and the exploited ones of the world to go out of the economic crisis that shake the entire world.

We fully condemned all the ones who, in so called “solidarity” with the Palestinian people, support the imperialist policy that live in “peace” the two states, one Israeli and another one Palestinian.  If the Israeli state exists, the Palestinian masses could not free themselves.  The existence of the Israeli state mean, over al, oppression, tortured, genocide, violence, bombs, hunger and misery for Palestine.

The current attack against Palestinian defined two trenches, again, in the class struggle. This is or we are on the side of the Palestinian masses fighting for the destruction of the Israeli state or we are for the Obama´s plan and other imperialist pirates of “two states”, one state fully armed with one of the most powerful army of the world, Israel and the other one with the hunger masses to live in real concentration camps.

We call the world working class and al their organization to organize right now to demonstrate to the Israeli and USA embassy, and to make all type of actions in solidarity with the Palestinian people, setting up the international solidarity of the working class, and rejecting all attempt to confuse the exploited ones with the speech that the masses who fight in Syria are “agents of imperialism”. This speech tries to divide the exploited ones, to submit them country per country to their own bourgeoisie, weather it is Al Assad n Syria or the bourgeoisie of Hamas and Al Fatah in Palestine, all imperialist lackeys.

 It is necessary to stop the slaughter of the guardian dog of US imperialism, Israel, against the Palestinian masses!

It is necessary to destroy the Zionist State of Israel, to free Palestine, with its capital Jerusalem!

A single class, a single fight in Syria, Palestine, Libya and the entire region! A single class, a single fight in the entire world against imperialism!


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