martes, 20 de noviembre de 2012


11/14/2012 Statement of the FLTI

Under the orders of Obama and the gunboats from Turkey and Zionism:

The SNC, the "National Coalition", the generals of the FSA, the Arab League, the bosses and big traders of the provinces that have not put a single dead, not thrown a shot and who for decades shared business with Al - Assad...

In order to hijack revolution and support the Zionist-Fascist State of Israel
For setting an example worldwide and for chastising the revolutionary masses all over North of Africa and Middle East
For restoring the power of the exploiters in Syria

We that have been fighting, that have seen thousand hundreds of our martyrs lying dead on the battlefield, that have lost our children, parents and siblings in the struggle against Al Assad’s army…

We must disavow any covenant, agreement, or government of the exploiters!

All the power to the Local Committees of Coordination and committees of rank and file soldiers!
To smash Al Assad and his servants, expropriate the bourgeoisie and imperialism, and conquer our bred, jobs and national independence

For the destruction of the Zionist-Fascist State of Israel!
Turkey and NATO troops: hands off Syria!

For a Federation of Socialist Republics of the North of Africa and Middle East!

The Al-Assad genocide against the Syrian masses, plus the parliamentary diversion and attempted disarmament of the militias in the revolution of Libya; the fraudulent "National Assembly" in revolutionary Tunisia; and cosmetic reforms, after the fall of Mubarak, on the military regime in Egypt by the caste of officers of the army and the Muslim Brotherhood: all those are different links of a same imperialist counter-offensive across the region to carry the revolutionary processes into a defensive phase. Thus, imperialist pirates, headed by Obama and Merkel, along with the native lackey bourgeoisies, seek to advance in recomposing regimes and Governments who have been battered by the offensive of the masses, after nearly two years of strife and revolutionary fighting in the Maghreb and the Middle East.

Imperialism knows it must accelerate its steps to define to its favor the Syrian issue, before the masses across North Africa and the Middle East and especially the Palestinians again revolt for "bread, jobs, freedom and national dignity". None of these demands, which pushed the masses into combat, have been met by these pro-imperialist regimes and governments that arose to expropriate the revolutionary struggle of the exploited.

This string of revolutions which broke out in Northern Africa and Middle East, as a single, unique and indissoluble revolution, has reached its point highest point in Syria since a year ago. There, all counter-revolutionary plans boil down to disarming and dislocating the local coordinating committees and the committees of rank-and-file soldiers, which were the real dual power organs of the fighting masses that arose in the insurrections city by city. This is the objective of the incessant bombardments, widespread massacres, killings against both combatants and non-combatants, women, youth, elders and children, over 300,000 martyrs fallen and much more wounded, the destruction and devastation of entire neighborhoods and cities; so much brutality and the lack of food, water, shelter, electricity, hospitals, medically, that forced millions and millions of exploited to navigate from one region of the country to another and also into exile in refugee camps, in order to survive in the midst of this terrible hell imposed in Syria by imperialism and Al-Assad.

Al-Assad has done and is ready to continue doing- this 'dirty work' on account of all the imperialist powers to massacre the Syrian people, leaving scorched earth. Meanwhile, the Free Syrian Army says to the resistance fighters: "either you integrate to the FSA fulltime for pay, or go home and stay there", to dissolve the masses fighting organizations and try to co-opt a sector of militias fighting against the genocidal army. At the same time, "ultra-left" Islamic fractions send scattered groups - from the multitudinous vanguard of combative masses - to carry out ineffective and isolated military actions, where the most courageous elements of the revolution end up being massacred. Such are the deeds of the different agents of imperialism in Syria.

However, imperialism must prevent Al-Assad and the rest of its agents from going beyond the relationship of forces conquered in their favor. The general staff of the counter-revolution is of the view that there have been already sufficient defeats over the Syrian masses as to prevent a "new Libya", i.e., that armed bodies impose a nationwide dual power and lynch Al-Assad, as happened to Khadafy in Libya. But in turn, imperialism well knows that these defeats are not sufficient as for Al-Assad, hated and confronted by the whole of the exploited in Syria and the entire region, going on massacring at close range or staying in power, which would risk either the open process of civil war extending for too long or new mass revolutionary onslaught developing throughout the region.

The situation in the region remains unstable. The powerful revolution in North Africa and the Middle East has weakened all the institutions and tools of domination of the bourgeoisie. The imperialist gang have not forgotten for one moment that a mockery of traditions, teachings and culture of the Arab masses sparked the fury of millions of exploited that effectively burned the US, UK, German, etc. embassies, in dozens of countries in the region. Do not forget that in Benghazi (Libya) an US Ambassador and several CIA agents fell dead who were in the same U.S. "Consulate" that was the basis of the US secret services; a fact that dethroned the head of the CIA, murderous general David Petraeus.

A “pact” for hijacking revolution
The Syrian exploited should disavow any negotiation and agreement of the "national coalition" of opposition politicians and military coming from the Al - Assad regime aimed to getting together again the power of the bourgeoisie and imperialism!

Obama and other heads of the dominant powers’ plan is to seal a Pact of "national unity " with the "democratic" generals of the FSA merging with the Bonapartist general in the current army of Al - Assad who would quickly run to pose as "democratic" in defending the business of the bourgeoisie and imperialism. To do this they have put in place the so-called "national coalition" that unifies the "opposition" of former politicians from Al - Assad regime, military that have "changed sides" at the last moment and "exiled" bosses and large traders who never put a single dead, or fired a single shot. This "national coalition", blessed by the bandits of the Arab League, seeks to subsume and liquidate the local coordinating committees and other bodies of self-determination, armament and direct democracy of the masses in struggle. So they conspire to expropriate the revolution and rebuild the battered regime.

This plan may or may not include Al - Assad. For sustaining in power and not being left aside out of the negotiations (and the sharing of spoils), Al - Assad launched a firework show with his troops on the border with Turkey and "attacked" Lebanon. At the same time he is trying to seal "peace" covenants city by city with different bourgeois fractions, which seek to pose before the eyes of the masses as those that "guaranteed" a cease-fire of the Syrian army.

So what is acting in Syria is a real counter-revolutionary covenant to expropriate the revolution, sustain the Fascist Zionist State of Israel, setting a deterrent to the revolutionary masses across North Africa and the Middle East, and thus reconstruct the power of the exploiters in Syria. It is a pact to impose the "peace of the graveyards", based on the brutal genocide of Al - Assad, on account of the imperialism and the bourgeoisie in the region against the Syrian working class and masses.

This perfidious counter-revolutionary policy is commanded by US imperialism. Today, after the result of the presidential elections in the United States that gave the victory to butcher Obama, the US Government and the damn regime of the "Republicrats" (that one-party formed by Republicans and Democrats, all of them representatives of the Pirates of Wall Street) has been re-legitimized.
This allows the United States alongside its agents of the bourgeoisie in Turkey, to militarize the entire border with Syria with the NATO army and artillery (US imperialism cannot yet act with its military troops directly in the revolutionary processes of the region, because this would unleash again the revolutionary fury of the masses).  Part of this same plan, is that as soon as the last votes of the elections were counted in the United States, the fascist Zionist State of Israel, with the ok of the US launched some missiles to Syria to discipline Al - Assad and force him to sit down and negotiate. Meanwhile, on the other hand, this military enclave of imperialism in the region fired several bombs against the Palestinian masses in the Gaza Strip, which left 10 Palestinians killed.
With all this they seek to put a limit to murderous al - Assad and compel him to accept his departure as the US pirates command.

In Syria and across the region we are watching the reissue of the "Operation Cast Lead" that US imperialism unleashed in 2008 first from the hand of Bush and then from Obamas; the latter had just won the election- while the fascist Zionist State of Israel  went on bombing at close range the Palestinian masses in Gaza.
The current "Operation Cast Lead" combines the policy of genocide, massacre and razed land in the hands of Al - Assad in Syria, with these counterrevolutionary pacts that are developed in North Africa and the Middle East to impose the "peace of the graveyards", which include the terrible back-stabbing perpetrated from the inside against the Syrian resistance.
Central part of this counterrevolutionary plan, in Latin America is the role played by Chavez, Castro and other "Bolivarian" Governments that have also sealed pacts with the US imperialism at the service of stabilizing its "backyard". The anti-worker and servile-to-imperialism "Bolivarians", are responsible to sell out the Colombian resistance and finally consummate the giving in of the conquests of the Cuban revolution with the restoration of capitalism in the island. They are who hold and support Jackal al - Assad, like yesterday they did with Dog Qadafy of Libya, while they come from playing their role of submitting again the black and latino proletariat and other immigrant workers to butcher Obama, with rogue Chávez campaigning for Obama and calling openly to vote for him. This was after all "Bolivarians" sent their "condolences" for the execution of the US Ambassador at the hands of the revolutionary militias in Libya.

A counter-revolutionary ring to defeat the revolution and bring to their knees the true Syrian nation: that of the working class and the exploited

To impose this counterrevolutionary plan, US imperialism, along with its gendarmes in the region such as Turkey and the State of Israel, is exploiting the conditions created by the brutal massacre against the revolutionary masses in Syria. And this is so because the fact that the Syrian masses are slaughtered with a real genocide is not only a success for Al - Assad and the Syrian bourgeoisie, but also for all the imperialists and the bourgeoisie at the global level. In Syria what is acting is not any "national army", but occupation troops on account of imperialism and Zionism, which are armed to the teeth by the butchers Putin of Russia and Hu Jintao of China.
This army is not just crushing the revolutionary masses, but besides, as an "army of occupation of imperialism", it is imposing in its turn a defeat of Syria as oppressed nation. This means that if it manages to impose its plans against the working class and the exploited, to no doubt that imperialism will tie with double and triple chains the oppressed nation to further intensify its plundering and spoliation of Syria.
Only the working class can confront and defeat, with its fighting organizations, the counterrevolutionary plans of imperialism in Syria and across the region; because the proletariat is the only truly national class, because it has no interest that tie it to imperialism, while al - Assad and all the native bourgeois who are in the "opposition" do have many intertwined interest with it.

Current events show in a raw and stark way that the Syrian bourgeoisie, even the more "oppositionist" one, and its "Muslim monks" of mosques where the masses took refuge to organize their struggle, never wanted the exploited to be armed and self-organized. They only wanted to utilize the masses and 'democracy' to discuss a distribution of the business.
For this reason the “opposition” bourgeoisie, which has not shot a single shot and is as much an imperialist agent as is Bashar Al Assad, today is negotiating covenants to set the “graveyard’s peace” city by city with murderous Al Assad.
It is the same that the Kurdish Communist Party did some time ago, which, together with the bourgeoisie of 5 Syrian provinces of Kurdish ethnicity, signed "peace agreements" with Al - Assad to dismantle and butchering the ranks of the resistance and put today the masses on the defensive. That was how Stalinism betrayed openly the counteroffensive that the masses staged in July-August, which reached the very gates of Damascus; in that betray they left Al - Assad hands-free to continue massacring on account of imperialism.
By reaching an agreement with al - Assad, backstabbing the exploited like the FSA and supporting Hezbollah in Lebanon, Stalinism was which guaranteed the real fence to the Syrian masses and acted as a fifth-column against the exploited. All of this, legitimized and sustained by the Renegades of Trotskyism, that are dedicated to slandering the revolutionary masses accusing them of being "agents of imperialism", or to openly supporting the crooks of the FSA and those former Assadite generals who never were in the frontlines fighting against the occupation of Jackal Al - Assad.
Without this counterrevolutionary ring, imperialism could not have even sat down to negotiate a “peace plan” immediately.

Imperialism draws lessons from the Libyan revolution to prevent Al - Assad from falling in Syria defeated by the masses

For the bourgeoisie and imperialism, it is crucial that Syria does not turn into a "new Libya", i.e. that the head of Al - Assad does not roll down as happened yesterday with Qadafy’s. Therefore it should be the very same Al - Assad with his counter-revolutionary troops, who crush the masses before they can build and conquer a nationwidel dual power as happened in Libya.
In Syria a policy of genocide was applied; the bourgeoisie displayed a clear class instinct. What occurred in that country was a "Korniloviad", i.e. counter-revolutionary blows to curb the chain of revolutions that began in Tunisia, besides preventing Jerusalem from burning!
Precisely, this way they aimed to prevent the scenario of Libya, where the insurrections by city triumphed as local insurrections - as was the case in Benghazi, Misratah, Brega and the West--leaving Qadafy’s power cornered in Tripoli (where imperialism organized a brutal massacre so that the dictator did not fall down). Thus, in Libya, the apparatus of the national State, i.e., the band of armed men from Capital, and also the Qadafist regime were disarticulated. A dual power of the masses arose, as they were not only armed, but also controlling territory.

In Syria, to prevent this from happening, Al Assads heavily armed planes and helicopters shelled recklessly the cities to avoid any possibility of success for the exploiteds local insurrections. At the same time that the massacre, mass destruction and scorched-earth policy was perpetrated, these local insurrections were contained by the hollow chatter about 'peace' of the imams of the mosques, which tied the hands to the masses so that they do not arm. Meanwhile, the Renegades of Marxism spoke of "struggles for democracy" and supported Al - Assad so that his regime adopted self-reforms voluntarily.

Today it is a million times clearer that the key purpose of NATO’s intervention in Libya was to prevent Tripoli from falling into the hands of a victorious mass insurrection given that they were besieging the city- and for facilitating Qadafi to seal an agreement before his head rolled down. For this reason, NATO not only bombed Brega and Misratah so that the masses do not move, but it also sent Qadafi and his generals a pair of bombings for him to accept negotiating a "national unity" Pact with the TNC, before the armed masses got all over Libya and a national dual power emerged; though, that dual power could finally be imposed and until today imperialism and the Libyan bourgeoisie have failed to disarm it.

If this "Pact" between NATO, Qadafy and the TNC (today LNC) could not be applied was because was broken by the revolutionary masses, that moving forward with insurrections by city, from the West and from Misratah arrived in Tripoli and blew away that agreement. After this, the militias of the working class and the exploited cornered Qadafy and executed him in Sirte.

To make this not happen in Syria, imperialism supported and armed Al - Assad, via Putin and Hu Jintao, so that he could slaughter the exploited; then, the plan was to impose upon him a negotiated departure on the basis of that crushing of the masses, in order to avoid that a revolutionary crisis unfolded and the masses imposed an armed dual power.
Imperialism drew a great learning from Libya. On the contrary, the working class couldn’t do that. The treacherous leaderships prevented it. Therein the problem of the working class and its crisis of revolutionary leadership lies which is actually the overabundance of treasonous leaderships.

The Syrian revolution exposes the servile policy of the world reformist left

Several political currents of the reformist left were waiting for an attack by NATO in Syria to "demonstrate" that the insurrected masses that were being massacred were "agents of imperialism". Now, while the masses are still soaking Syrian soil with their blood thanks to the massacre by Al Assads troops ... they are silent. They are pretty cynical!
The current genocide in Syria has unmasked the slander and infamy of the "club of friends" of Al - Assad and their lackeys, the Renegades of Trotskyism. All the leftist servants of Al - Assad and Obama expected intervention by NATO in Syria. But life did not shoulder their deception and lies. The reality proved that it was Al - Assad who made the "dirty work" to NATO and the imperialist powers, massacring the exploited rebels so that these could not take power over the foul-smelling corpse of the bourgeoisie (in all its religious and commercial variants).

As everybody can see now, NATO, despite rivers and oceans of ink deployed by the reviewers of revolutionary Marxism, ignored the "theoretical" world reformist left. Before Syria’s "Misratahs" and "Benghazis" could win as local insurrections, this time in Homs, Deraa, Aleppo, Hama and other cities, imperialism armed Al - Assad to the teeth, through Russia and China, to impose the genocide and the Genghis-Khanish plan of “scorched earth”. Lackeys like Chavez, Castro, Putin and Hu Jintao were devoted to sustaining Al Assads "bayonets".

Al - Assad and imperialism had their hands free to apply this policy because the world reformist left allowed them. From one of their sidewalks, more pro-social democratic wing told the masses a "spring of peoples", "democratic revolutions" and "fights for freedom", were to come so that they had to undergo the opposition bourgeoisie. Meanwhile from the other, the pro-Stalinist wing accused the fighting masses of being "ground troops of the NATO" and "agents of imperialism".
Thus the exploited were cheated around the world and the Syrian masses were fenced, so that before such an awful genocide the most concentrated battalions of the labor movement of the dominant powers - USA.USA, Japan and Europe could not be who came to aid the Syrian exploited.

History will speak of this tragedy, this betrayal and these backstabs to the working class, as young generations of the proletariat are still learning about the betrayals and backstabbing against the heroic working class that fought in the Spanish Civil war in the 1930s.

The tragedy of the proletariat is the crisis in its leadership. That is why the working class has not yet been able either to draw lessons from the fighting that it waged, or to realize the perfidious role of its enemies and traitors that nest in the interior of its organizations both at a local and at international level as a product of this crisis.
The expropriation of the revolutionary processes from Morocco to Egypt to Palestine through all kinds of pseudo-democratic deviations was made possible because the entire world left called the masses to celebrate their "Spring" with the flowers of the parliaments and the petals of the votes in the phony and rigged constituent assemblies of the exploiters.

But unlike the Spanish Civil War, the revolution in Syria is not yet defined. It is because here the "Iberian peninsula" goes from Morocco to Palestine, and the outcome will be defined in the capitals of the imperialist countries.
The role of revolutionaries in those combats is to clean the road for the exploited so that they can fight and recognize who are their friends and who their enemies, so that they are able to fight.

In order to stop the genocide and conquer bread, jobs, freedom and national independence…

It is urgent to smash Al-Assad and his occupation forces!

It is necessary to disavow all agreements among Obama, Al-Assad’s generals, the FSA, the SNC and the “National Coalition” of the “oppositionist” bourgeois!

It is a question of life and death to prevent the Local Coordinating Committees and the Committees of rank and file soldiers from dissolving; on the contrary they must be extended to each factory, neighborhood and workplace in general!

It is urgent to centralize under them the popular and worker militias! It is necessary to expropriate the expropriators and put the entire production of the country under workers control!

The General Staff of the FSA must be ignored!

All the power to the Local Coordinating Committees and the Committees of rank and file soldiers!

But as the saying goes, you have to "bell the cat". Nothing is written in heavens. The demands for which hundreds of thousands of exploited were killed have not been achieved up to today. The increased hunger, misery, unemployment and imperialist oppression weigh more and more on the masses’ shoulders.
Late 2010 and early 2011, the revolution began when a young man in Tunisia incinerated himself. But more than one year and a half after the start of this process, in 2012, the masses, which two months ago staged a new uprising because imperialist pirates laughed at their customs and culture, cremated an imperialist Ambassador and his CIA aides and dozens of diplomatic buildings were set on fire. The masses of Libya refused to disarm. Masses in Tunisia are still fighting against the government that hijacked their revolution and against its fraudulent "National Assembly". In Jordan Palestinian and Jordanian exploited return to win the streets against the bloody Hashemite monarchy of King Hussein.

These are lashes and flashes that if developed could produce a second revolutionary onslaught of the masses all over the region; but to advance they must see more clearly their enemy: imperialism that was always behind the sabers of the counterrevolutionary generals and Governments in the region, and which is now behind the Governments that have expropriated the worker-popular revolution through their puppet parliaments and their fraudulent elections

To halt the genocide, today more than ever it is necessary to prevent local coordination committees from being dissolved and to put them on their feet in every neighborhood, factory, school or college and centralize them by city, region and nationally.
Down with Al - Assad! We must prevent the "reconstruction" of Syria from coming in the hand of imperialism, the bourgeoisie, murderous Al - Assad and those who agree with them! We must not allow the entry of Al Assads troops to any city! Production must be put under workers control and from there the slogan must be risen that to win the civil war, we must expropriate the expropriators of the people, BREAK WITH THE COLLABORATIONIST BOURGEOISIE, ignoring the officers of the FSA and reconstitute the militias which should vote their chiefs and coordinate and centralize! The only power that we recognize is that of the local coordination committees and the committees of rank-and-file soldiers which are the only ones that can guarantee bread, jobs and national independence expropriating all the bourgeois and imperialism!

Many workers and exploited, to wage war only see the possibility to put themselves under the orders of the FSA to be given technology and weapons, and so the FSA tries to co-opts the vanguard sectors who yearn to arm themselves to face the troops of Al - Assad.  We must denounce this danger as the plan of the bourgeoisie, to form a FSA which is going to be a not so free “Syrian army”, with the Generals of Al - Assad under the command of Obama and the US Navy in the Mediterranean Sea, next to the Generals of Al - Assad.
The problem that the bourgeoisie and the high command of imperialism have is that they may co-opt a sector of combatants but are incapable of resolving the appalling misery and the sufferings of millions of exploited of Syria, who are full of immense hatred. In these depths of the exploited must concentrate all the attention of the revolutionaries to help the masses to be organized and to rearm again; because they will only find solution to their problems, if workers and masses take the destinies of the nation in their own hands, i.e., if they seize the power.

The struggle of the Syrian exploited will only succeed as part of a sole and only revolution all over the region
It is necessary to prepare a new revolutionary and victorious assault of the masses!

For the destruction of the Fascist-Zionist State of Israel!

For the victory of a sole and only revolution all along the North of Africa and Middle East for bread and jobs, against imperialism, and the capitalist governments, regimes and states!

For a Federation of Socialist Republics of Northern Africa and Middle East!

Forces to do this are among the hundreds of thousands of oppressed that won the streets and burned the US, German and British embassies in several countries of the region. The power of the exploited lies on the tenacity and fighting spirit of the Tunisian masses; on the militias of Libya which don't want to dissolve, and on the energy that the masses of Syria still have to resist.

To enhance these fights, it is necessary to coordinate and centralize the struggles of Africa and the rebellion of the laborers in South Africa which has now begun in Namibia. The program of the laborers in Marikana "12,500 Rands for all" and "give us the silver or we kill the managers", must be the program of Tunisian workers to break through the bureaucracy of the UGTT and of the workers in Libya to unite with their brothers from Egypt and other African countries who do the worst jobs in Libya, in order to bring back to revolt the working class of that country.

The struggle of the masses of Syria will have a perspective of victory if the working class of the region returns to struggle. There is no way that the exploited succeed country by country; precisely on that division imposed by imperialism, the native bourgeoisie and treacherous directions the strength lies of the enemy to realize its domination over all the exploited. A single class, a single fight, an only and same revolution!

We must put an end to the imperialist plundering, pulling down the Rafah wall, destroying the Zionist-Fascist State of Israel and liberating the Palestinian masses! For a secular, democratic and non-racial Palestine based on the self-organization and arming of the masses!
We must crush the 5th fleet of the US army! We must transform the entire region in the tomb of the imperialist troops! We must defeat the Government of the US protectorate in Iraq! For the triumph of the resistance in Afghanistan and Iraq! For the defeat of all the servile bourgeoisies, either "Pan-Arab", "secular" or "Islamic", all servants of imperialism, guarantors of the Zionist-Fascist State of Israel and slaughterers of their own people! Down with King Hussein of Jordan! For a Federation of Socialist Republics of the North of Africa and Middle East!

The working class of the dominant powers, United States, Europe and Japan, should make heard their voices and defeat the union bureaucracies and reformist leaderships that tie their hands and submit them to the imperialist parasites. The workers of the main metropolises are those who have the key so that the revolutions of North Africa and the Middle East can succeed. The proletariat in U.S. and Europe should stand up to the cry of "the enemy is at home!" to boycott the imperialist war machine! The motion put by the masses of North Africa, i.e.,  that to get bread and jobs there it is urgent to pull down the capitalist Governments, regimes and States  -must succeed in the heart of imperialist Europe!

These are the immediate tasks that the world proletariat has to accomplish in order to defeat the imperialist attack and for the masses of North Africa and the Middle East to succeed in their fight for bread and national independence.

The masses need a revolutionary and internationalist leadership at their head

Reformism betrays and desynchronizes the struggle of the exploited; but the proletariat does not and won’t leave it alone, to live peacefully, because which is in bankruptcy, crisis and decline is the world capitalist system, today sustained essentially by those treacherous leaderships that betraying the struggles of the working class, only prepare the way for fascism and war.

We Trotskyists were the first to arrive and will be the last to withdraw from the battlefield of the working class from the North of Africa, the Middle East and worldwide. As much as our forces allow, we will redouble our fight, as a fulcrum to help that hotbeds of radicalization and fight, regroup there where the proletariat breaks the encirclement of reformism to fight against the exploiters. It is urgent to build a revolutionary internationalist organization running from Morocco to the martyred Palestine as a sensitive nerve that when it is touched at some of its points it vibrates as a perfect system in its entirety.

There's no time to lose! It is urgent to regroup the revolutionary working class organizations to defeat the reformist leaderships of the proletariat worldwide and advance in the Re-foundation of the Fourth International of 1938, the leadership that the masses of North Africa and the Middle East need in order to succeed.

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