viernes, 14 de septiembre de 2012

BREAKING NEWS - “Arab Spring of South of Africa” Lies! This is the beginning of a revolutionary uprising of the black workers


With their self defense committees the mine workers of Marikana deepen their fight and it spreads in the reion

The white men are shaking!”, “The police forces that shoot us are shaking!

 The fight of the mine workers of South of Africa is deepen with theor strike committees and self defense pickets, the mine workers of Lonmin started to spread their fight, armed with sticks, machetes and spears went shaft by shaft and mine per mine uprising the other mine workers and lauching the strike in the other mines of the region, not only the platinuim mines but also the gold fields as it is the case with the transnational KDC. Long live the heroic fight of the mine workers of south of Africa!
The mine workers in their fight formed a Was Committee against the transnacional, the governemnt of Zuma and the bureucracy of NUM and COSATU.  These committees are formed by the mine workers of Lonmin, North Wast Platinium, the Anglo Platimium of Bleskop mine. The mine workers of Marikana voted to intesify their fight to 5 weeks since the strike started.  In this way, the fight of the South African workers continue and spreads to the country.

 On monday, while the government togethere with the management and the rotten NUM bureucracy tried to negotiate to see how they stop the strike of the mine workers, 10.000 workers marched from a mine to the the other one of Lonmin transnational.  The mine workers demonstration  was 1.5 km using both sides of the highway, and were surrendered by the police who were fully armed.  Thus the 10.000 mine workers armed with sticks, machetes and spears moving with the cry war of: “The workers who went to work, if we found them we kiil them” , “The white man is shaking”, “The police forces who shoot us are shaking!”.  This is the way to fight, this is the way to fight agaisnt the transnationals, this is the way to fight agaisnt Zuma’s government and the rotten union bureucracy of NUM, COSATU and CP!

 But the workers with a clear class instinct, they know tat they fight will be long and after an assembly, one of their representatives asked to the ones who live with their women go back to their rural areas in Eastern Cape, Lesotho, Mozambique and Swaziland.  He asked the men to let the women and children go home. “There is no food, let the women go”, as the workers did not get the paid for August and the lack of food and the heat are increasing more and more.

 This heroic fight shows how certain the workers are in order to get their demands of R12.500, work, better life conditions, health, education, decent living conditions, the worker need not only fight agasint the management of the mine, but also against the trecheorus bureucrats of NUM-COSATU.

Out with Zuma and ANC-SACP, continuty of the regime of Mandela, Apartheid and the imperialist transnational! Down with the union bureucracy of NUM-COSATU!

The reformist left said that it is necessary to fight agsisnt the Zuma’s government, but How?… making a demosntration to the parliament of Zuma to put pressure, so this is “better and Hill less workers”.  Shameless! In this way all the reformist currents supporte the CP and the Zuma’s government and deny to stand up the slogan for Revolutionary General Strike in the entire South of Africa and Worker Congress in Marikana with delegates of the entire region because their demands are the demands of the entire labour movement in the region and around the world!

 The bourgoisie press ask if this is not the beginning of “Arab Spring of South of Africa” Lies! This is the beginning of a revolutionary uprising of the black workers who proudly are shouting: ““The white men are shaking” and “The police forces who shoot us are shaking!”.  Long live the revolutioanry fight of the black workers of South of Africa!


“Arab Spring of South of Africa” Lies! This is the beginning of a revolutionary uprising of the black workers

In the South of the continent, the mineworkers of Lonmin of Marikana, an fighting example for the workers of the world

The imperialist bosses, the trecherous union bureucracy of the ANC together with the police of Zuma and the murder government



The worker of Marikana does not give up and declare:

We do not recognize the treators of NUM! We neither accept more verse nor to keep dying of hunger!…

We got into the fight for our women and our children, and now for our deaths:



In Asturias of the Spanish State, the miners got into the fight at the war cry of: “if this is not fix, war,war”. While their women did it with an example class instint agaisnt the monarchy and the governemnt saying “if our sons are in hunger, yours will bleed”.

 The bourgoisie responded with a genocide in Syria, where the murderous Al Assad and theirnoccupation troops on behalf od NATO and the imperialist powers killed mecyless, making the worker neighbours of Aleppo, Hims and Damascus in ruins. The masses are still resisting.  If this slaughter can be carried on is because the Free Syrian Army (FSA) call to surrenderd and disarm the revolutioanry mases, because the Stalisnim with the Kurdish  CP, leading, sell oput the resistance because the former Trotskysi and all the reformist leadership gathered in the World Social Forum have put some of them a siege of slanders and others were silence agsint the Syrian workers and people.

Once again, the color working class, vanguard of the world working class, together with the calss brothers and sisters of North of Africa and Middle Eastm of the slavered China, of Greece, of the Spanish State, with their fight of increase of wages show the  path of how to fight agsint the war declared by all the capitalist and their governments.

 30.000 workers of the Lonmin mine went into the fight.  The leaders of COSATU, together with the private security of the company attacked the strikers. They defended themselves and set up a strike picket that in a tough resistance make the murders of the security forces and the butcher strike breaker of COSATU in their place.
The response of the morder bosses, their government and their police did not wait.  More than 34 strikers were killed by the ANC polcie while there were 78 wounded and dozens and dozens were detained.  The bodies of the wounded show that they were crashed on their head by police trucks.

However, the Lonmin mineworkers did not give up.  With their massive strike of 3000 worklers armed with sticks and direct democracy shake with their terrify fight in the black continent… thousand times repressed by the imperialist pirates.
There, as the rest of the world, the transnational and the imperialism have launched a brutal war to the workers. As in Syria, as the workers of Suzuki in Indian and as the tough fights of the Chilean workers and youth, the Lonmin mine workers fight.
The exploiters are merciless with the workers. This is the reason that today they do not have it, in their own defense, in defense of their own children, their dignity and wages these thousands of revolutionary workers that  represent millions of exploited ones that carry on their back with centuries of repression and oppression. 
Zuma, SA president members of the ANC, came out within the SACP, that did not hesitate to stay together with the Apartheid,and today to be continuity of this regime, that kill the Lonmin workers.  It has injailed more than 260 workers. Today they are released thank to the tough fight and picket and for the honor earn in front of the the eyes of the working class.
The mine is surrender of police forces.  While the bureucrats of COSATU seek to negotiate and uprise the strike. The workers are on one trench.  They fight for all, giving a example of how to fight, agaisnt this reformist leadership who are seeking to put the workers down in the negotiation table invented by the institutions of the governments, regimes and boss states.
The police, thirst of blood, prepares once the pact is negotiated btween the COSATU bureucrats and the capitalist, to ge into to make a bloodshed.

Despite everything, the workers do not give up.  It is more worth it to die than to keep living being humiliated and deepin the misery of this iname system.  The traitors of the reformist leadership have sieged them. They as servatns of the Stalisnist, at the service of the imperialist mines have not even got close to the mine and even less make a call to the world working class to stand up in support with their class brothers and sisters.  They have not called to upsurge the colour workers of USA, as they did not do it with the inmigrant workers who are being attcked in Europe.  Nothing. Silece and isolation.  They only call for a peacefull demostration to the ANC South African parliament to put pressure and get food… this is a real treason to the workers that in mine fight heroically.

As never before, today it is on the agenda to set up the Fighting Committee of all the workers of South of Africa there where it is fought, together with the Strike Committee of the mineworkers of Lonmin.
Only worker delegates of the most important cities of Zimbabwe, taken the solidarity of their comrades, were in the strike committee of Marikana.  They are the colour revolutionary workers of the Worker Internationalist League (WIL) of Zimbabwe.

A solidarity committee of the miners of Marikana in Cape Town, launched by WIVL, did not call to send delegates to the strike committee of Lonmin and they did not even dare to call for a revolutionary general strike to overthrow the killer governmen of Zuma and in  this way the Lonmin worker win.  If they win, the working class of the entire South of Africa will wil.
They are, as WIVL, renegades of Trotskyism that have used the slogan of “rank and file soldier committees” and “self defense committees” for peace times and they hide it under the ground at times, as now, of class struggle.
Those social democrats launched a a peacefull demostration to the ANC South African parliament to put pressure and to get food… this is a real treason to the workers that in mine fight heroically.
However, there in Marikana, South Africa, as in Alleppo streets in Syria fighting as a single fist together with the most exploited workers of the working class wave the clean banners of the 4th International.
There the Trotskyists of the FLTI fight.
However, in the opposite barricade, in this arena where we defend the interest of the boss, the former Trotskyist support the Stalinist and the bureaucracy of COSATU, as they did before with the CP in Greece.  The Stalinist hit the workers who were trying to burn the parliament- and they continue doing the Castro brithers, these new riches that together with Obama are restoring the Capitalism in Cuba.

From the tired soil of uprising Marikana, a new revolutionary tendency, a new cry war taken from the most deepen ear of the colour workingc lass in South Africa, it is sounding all around the planet: R 12.500 OR WE KILL THE MANAGEMENT!
The motion is announced.  The world working class must take this fight in their hands if they do not want to be smashed by the capitalist and their agents within the worker movement.  Long live the fight of the worker of Marikana! If this is not fixed, so war, war, war… of the workers agaisnt their executioner! World worker, stand up!
On one side, the fighters of the 4th Internationa. On the other side the entire world reformsit left together with the mercenaries of the bosses the COSATU bureucracy and the Stalinism.

Reports from Marikana
 The bosses and the killer police, supported by the trecherous COSATU threat with a new slaughter agaisnt the mine workers of Lonmin
“The workers do not give up and promised that they are going to kill the management of the mine if they do not get their demandas!”
Comrades of the FLTI, we write you from the heart of Marikana, where the vanguard of the colour working class fight agasint so many centuries of exploitation.
There are a strong police presence around the mine: the workers promised thet are going to kill the entire  management of the mine if they do not give the workers demandas!
The workers are not going to work and are looking forward the result of the conversations between their representatives and the management.  If they do not agree and if they do not get the R 12.500 that btbey are asking for with right, the workers are going to act and they are going to kill from Monday of next week.
We talked with many workers of the picket.  The workers are tired by the treason of the COSATU and the CP, at the beginning they did not trust.  The biggest challenge was the languague as most of the comrades did not speak English.  Anyway we could talk and break the first impression, they treat us as one of them.
 Getting into was difficult, as the mine and their opperatins is an area where we could not reach.  The police forces are around the place as the threat that the mione could be totally burnt for the furious mine workers.  
 There are many workers that take ahead their daily task together with their relatives.  There are young workers that work in the mine with their parents.  Other comrades, for example, with tears in their eyes and showing a deep rage told us that his uncle was murdered in the shoot by the police and he was going to be burried on Friday.
The Trotskyist worker will go to the funeral.  Of course it is our responsibility to make the world working class know the motion launched by the heroic workers of Marikana agaisnt the management ofLonmin: “If we do not get R12500, we will kill the entire management!” This is the fight agaisnt the capitalist and their managers! And against the trecherous bureucrats! World Workers, take this fighting banners in your hands!
Worker delegates of Zimbabwe in South Africa
Committee of the FLTI in Marikana
Worker International League (WIVL) of Zimbabwe
Report II - September 7th, 2012
 A new war report from Marikana together with the Lonmin mine workers
The unions which are in the negotiation are NUM and COSATU, the Association of Miners and the Construction Union (AMCU) is not part of the peace agreement and the strike workers are now being represented by BIAZOR who once represented MANDELA. The workers are telling that if they do not have the R12.500 they will not go back to work and the management with pay with its life.
We will keep you informed as soon as we have any news.

martes, 11 de septiembre de 2012

The revolutionary slogans of the militant masses in Syria!

Against the slanders and fence of the world reformist left sustaining Al Assad who commands a brutal genocide in Syria on behalf of all the imperialist powers…


The revolutionary slogans of the militant masses in Syria!

“The butcher continue killing, the observers continue observing and the people continue their revolution”

September 10th, 2012


The parties of the left reformist, the “friend club” of restoring the capitalism as Fidel Castro and the new Cuban bourgoisie, the social imperialist parties, union bureucrats of all kind said they support the murder government of Al Assad who is killing in a real genocide of the working class and the poor people of Syria.

This treason will pass to the history as one of the most cruel stabs on the back to the working class on the side of the trecherous leadership of the proletariat, paid by the great imperialist capital, who claimed to be Socialist and dirty it every day.

“What more is it necessary to happen for the world believes we are been massacred?” Occupied Kafaranbel  05/27/2012
 Renegades of Trotskyism, as WRP (UK),SEP (USA), PTS (Argentina), POR (Bolivia), LBI (Brazil) and other lackeys of Stalinism, today they are backing that in the fight of the exploited of Syria “the leadership of NATO and CIA that led was set up”.  They justify as left and legitimize the countrerevolutionary action of the genocide Al Assad, together with Stalinism.  They all support the borders of the Zionist state of Israel, and in this way support Al Assad.  They all support Al Assad who is making the “dirty work” on behalf of the imerialist powers, fully armed by the great friends of Merkel as Putin and Hu Jintao.

“Sorry for the disturb, we are dying for you”
 This cynisim made a real siege that from February had left the hands free to Al Assad to smash the revolutionary uprising of the Syrian masses.
The Syrian workers and peasants do not have land-air misil, or a night view finder. They just fight with knifes, weappons, and when they can they sell some of the belongings for a Kalashnikov.  The Syrian exploited do not even have a place to bury their martyrs.
Here, the only land troops of NATO, of Obama and imperialism are the ones that are part of this occupation army of Al Assad, and all the trechrous parties of the working class that supported it and are in its trenches, supporting its tanks, planes, helicopters that kill the exploited in Syria.

“The Syrian People deserts from the world since it has abandoned us” Occupied Kafaranbel
 Today, all the neighbourd where the workers live and the town of the poor peasants are in ruins, sending to the history due to the bombs of the genocida Al Assad.  Neither a neighbour of the upper bourgoisie nor of the rich middle class have been touched by a bomb.
The genocide is ongoing.  It tries to defeat the revolutionary process that from Tunisia shook North of Africa and Middle East, and in its way forward threat with the uprising of the Palestine masses that are getting into the fight in Jordan, in the south of Lebanon and in West Bank and Gaza itself.
This time the nurses of capitalism must be the gravedigger of the workers.  The left reformist currents that today are supporting Al Assad, they have their hands with stains of worker blood. They will never again be able to talk in behalf of the proletarait and socialism in fron of the world working class.

“In Syria…-One, two, three, four Can I already see?- No, not yet!
They are the Videlist and Pinochetist left. Workers of the world must know that before the military coup in Chile, Fidel Castro was announcing the “peacefull way towards socialism” and that “in order to defend democracy” in 1973 they put as Minister of War to Pinochet, who was in charge of smashing then the Chilean working class. In the mean time the Argentinean CP travelled around the world in `76-`77 defending the “democratic” dictatorship of Videla... under the excuse that he sold wheat to the USSR, even when their own members were killed in the Videlist concentration camps.
Today the sellers of Socialism, servents of Al-Assad, support an even more fuerce dictatorship; even bloodier and more agents of TNCs than Videla and Pinochet’s dictatorships, who would blusa befote the massacre and genocide in Syria.

“Kill us instead of Baba Amro” Al-Hawla (Homs)
 Cinism is reaching the skies and won’t be unnoticed in history. Those who support Al-Assad also support brothers Castro, Chavez adn the stalinist who are making a pact, as they did in Central America, the selling out of the Colombian resistance. As the history of the expriences shows, they always end with massacres against the best layers of the Colombian workers and peasants.
The “budy club” of Castro and Chavez, and the renegades of Trotskyism support them, sell out the Colombian resistance as they sell out Cuba to imperialism.
They are the ones who put unde the control of the US military bases in Latin America the workers and peasants masses of Colombia, and they acusse the Syrian masses of “being CIA and NATO agents”.
These currents can’t and won’t be able of keep lying. The mask falls. From the common graves merge the bllod that condemns their lies and slanders against the Syrian working class.

“To whom it concerns: who represent me are the revolutionaries on the battlefield and not those staying in hotels”
 There is a “holly alliance” that supports Al-Assad and his massacre: is the alliance of the imperialist powers that are waiting for Al-Assad ende the massacre in Syria, as the butcher of the Great Serbia did, Milosevic, against the exploited and oppressed masses of the Balcans in the ‘90s. Once the “dirty work” is done, the bosses of Al-Assad will come to be in charge of the situation... the imperialist powers will be ready to divide the plunder. But in order to achieve it they must smash all kind of vestigie of revolution all over Northern Africa and Middle East.
This “holly alliance” of the fence and shots in the back of the Syrian masses is integrated by the “democratic” Generals of Al-Assad who disarmed the masses district by disctrict and city by city, demanding the submission to the “Free Syrian Army” who haven’t shot a single gun and they only take pictures and run to Turkey. Those who fight in Syria with the working class, its youth and poor peasatns who organize in the Committee of Local Coordination, together with their chilndren, rebel soldiers who refuse killing the people.

“Iam druso, alauí, Kurdo, ismaelí, Christian, jewish, and asyrian…I am the Syrian revolutionary and I am proud of it”
 Kurdish CP is also part of this “holly alliance”. They signed a pact with Al-Assad from 5 Syrian provinces with Kurdish population. They took the masses out to celebrate so they can be bombed and slaughtered. They are the deliverer of the Syrian revolution.
The left currents and self-procalimed of Socialism, which support this massacre and human slaghtery against the working class are nothing but different links of the same links to strangle the revolutions in Northern Africa and Middle East.
The crimes against the Syrian and world working class won’t remain unpunished. The children and also the children of the chilndre of the current generation of the world proletariat will condemn in the history, but also they do and denounce today the workers, students and poor peasants of Syria. They talk... when the bombings stop, coming out from the destroyed homs, they tell the truth.

“Do you think we are idiots? Our blood is spilt while you act and share out the roles of the good and the bad. Everybody is a liar and bobby trap” Occupied Kafaranbel
 The Committee of Internationalist Volunteer Workers and the Brigada Leon Sedov we fight with them and from there we answer them.

“Security zone”

Other slogans griten by the revolutionary Syrian masses
 -“Go slower, there is still mosques without bombing, non-killed children and non-raped women” Baniyas, the one resisting
-“Neither salafistas nor Muslism Brothers, nor sect means the freedom”
-“We will not address the presidents or kings, but we will address the consciousness of the peoples for them to be on the side of the Syrian people” Homs, Al-Wa´r
-“Urgent: Annan demands the Syrian authorities they don’t use heavy armament.  If they use light armament no matter…”Occupied Kafaranbel 04/22/12
-“The world gives immunity for Al Assad while we don’t have right to even bury our dead people” Kafaranbel of the liberation
- “Everybody apologies for not spreading the images of children, but nobody has apologized for the silence facing the massacre”
-“Kill me,  Did you believe I was alive before?” Amuda Coordinating organ 
-“Only in Syria: The only safe zone from the tanks’ bombs and soldier’s attack is the Golan” Zabadani
- “You have stained with blood Syria, you have exterminated Dariya, you have destroyed the walls and houses and your silence have only left destruction” Youth of Damascus for the building of future 08/28/2012
- “What more is it necessary to happen so that the world believes we are been exterminated?” Occupied Kafaranbel 05/27/ 2012
-“To those Syrian removed :  the houses of the Palestinian refugees are waiting for the honor to receive and put up you” Palestinians from Syria
The pancard were originaly published by

sábado, 1 de septiembre de 2012

Chronicles from Syria.

August 19, 2012

"The army of Al Assad and the regime is committing genocide against the Syrian people. They are bombing entire cities are crumbling leaving scorched earth"

After a lost battle (in this endless war against hypocrisy and greed that rules the world and its starvation system) in the still rebel Libya, where for the moment a "democratic" system only in favor of the rich people and tyrants has imposed, and paying attention to the intentions of Libyan and worldwide workers and labors that deeply feel the slaughter and oppression of their brothers and sisters of class throughout the world: a group of internationalist fighters became present in the uprising Syria..

When we arrived, because of the experience gained in the battles of the Libyan uprising, we immediately joined the fighters who were facing Assad's troops.
As in Libya, here the planes flew above our heads, when they shoot they do not hide saying “it was a mistake" (as they claimed in Libya when NATO planes bombed positions and vehicles of the popular and workers militias that overthrew Gaddafi).

Gradually we were familiar with the dialect and the terrain in the area (very similar to Palestine).
The battles fought here are fierce, hundreds of brave fighters die as martyrs and hundreds are injured.
There are great war differences between the masses and the tyrant’s defender regular army, but even though the oppressed people-driven by hunger-
together with the internationalists who are here, resist couragely and bravery.
every day against tanks, armored launchers, aircraft, helicopters and soldiers trained to slaughter.


Today the situation is very hard; the battles are for the industrialized and productive cities, where the pipes that provide natural gas to Europe are.
The army of Al Assad and the regime are committing genocide against the Syrian people. Whole cities are crumbling with their bombs and leaving scorched earth, there is no electricity, gas, water, or food, thousands of men, women, children and elderly people have been killed or have to flee and leave behind their destroyed homes to crowded and humiliating border camps.
That is why not only the people and workers around the world, but also the Syrian workers who are in those cities are asked to organize themselves to fight against the tyrant who subordinated them to hunger and poverty and lived and enriched himself by the sweat of the exploited people’s brow  .
Our weapons are available to the people and their demands. Here there are millions, who do not recognize the
SNC and its generals, but we make solidarity with the ranks and files of the "Free Syrian Army", whose members are brave and courageous workers who daily gave their muscles to the oppressors to get the bread. Although it should be necessary to mention that WE ARE NOT PART OF "FREE SYRIAN ARMY ".

We disagree with the world powers government’s intervention because we know about their intentions, but we are willing to receive help from their workers. They can give the help we need to achieve our goal: stop the killing launched by the tyrant who ruled Syria for 40 years under a garbage “red” painted regime, which speech intended to be "progressive and revolutionary" but their actions are just the opposite.
Here we struggle to live in
decently, earn a decent living wages and to help all our brothers who live under the oppression of poverty and ignorance imposed by the tyrants of the world.

We denounce all reformist currents that supported the murderer Al Assad under the excuse of "Free Syrian Army", and are treating the masses, who heroically resist this real genocide, as if these were the expropriators of the revolution (ie the SNC and FSA). These currents, which have given their back or have slandered the Syrian masses brutally slaughtered, will not be able to speak anymore on behalf of the workers and the exploited people in the world.
We also denounce the Kurdish Communist Party, remaining faithful to its history, is betraying once more the exploited Syrian and Kurdish masses, doing the dirty work of calling the militias to demobilize and disarm, or directly giving them in, while the genocidal Al Assad continues its widespread masssacre.

So, against all this treachery, we want to thank Latin American, Japanese and African workers, the Chilean students and students of the Faculty of Arts, UBA, Buenos Aires, and the thousands and thousands of workers and exploited peoples in the world that are standing up against capitalist barbarism and their murderers governments.

 From all of us, for all those comrades who are sending their help to the battlefront once again, despite and against many organizations that call themselves "revolutionary", a strong and revolutionary huge.

 Brigade "Leon Sedov"