jueves, 21 de junio de 2012

Words on the demonstration for the Syrian masses in Argentina

D., a student member of the Committee in Support of the Syrian Masses in  Argentina

Comrades, my name is D. and I am part of the Committee for Syria. This Committee was formed because of the declaration of the comrades from Tripoli who called for international actions to denounce the al Assad massacre and in support of the Syrian comrades. Very few of us joined this appeal.
There are currents that claim to be on the workers’ side and "left fronts" which in their vast majority say they are with the workers, but when you have to fight they prefer to continue fighting for a seat in the Parliament, rather than fighting side by side in an international struggle in favor of  the working class.
National Trotskyist and Social Democratic parties, which say they are for the "socialist revolution" in their discussions of internal committees or during meetings with their comrades they do not mention such a historical massacre against working people in Syria. The same comrades speak of repression -but they ignore the massacre the entire people of Syria is living today. The same comrades who speak in the name of "socialism" instead of defending it, stay quiet while negotiating a seat in the provincial legislature.

Comrades, we must join the Committee for Syria and defend the comrades who are being massacred.
The Cristina (Kirchner, N.Ed.) Government which have relationships with the massacrers sends the federal police to “say hello" to us and say "I`m going on with the imperialism, the ones that repress and massacre."

So comrades, we must go on militating about what is happening in Syria. It is a revolution that is being slaughtered. Either all the organizations and comrades start fighting together in favor of our class comrades or the revolution will be lost and fascism will be imposed.
So comrades, thanks for coming to the act and continue fighting for Syrian people and our class comrades. Thanks

David Soria, on behalf of Paty Workers Commission.

Comrades, I have the honor to be here with you, young students, some parties and internal committees, and to be part of the international working class.
What we propose is that we can help from this International Commission of factory workers comitting us to participate in this campaign, and that's what we were doing in the Committee in Support of the Syrian Masses in Argentina.
We must take this campaign everywhere, we have to call all internal committees, and unions recovered from the bureaucracy, combative sectors, and raise up the working class in a campaign going to all the layers of workers to break down the siege (that the false friends of the workers have mounted, N.Ed.) within the own working class, comrades.
For the unity of the working class! Thanks, comrades,

Walter Montoya, a leader of  Democracia Obrera (Workers Democracy)

Good evening, comrades. We are finally here. And as you see the Bolivarians are the escorts of the fascists of Al-Assad. Not only Chavez sells them oil but also Kirchner with his murderous police takes care of them so that we cannot reach the door of the Syrian Embassy.
They all know very well that in North Africa and Middle East there are not mere mobilizations or revolutions "for democracy." They know very well that the masses are fighting for bread and in their fight for bread the exploited masses have opened a chain of worker and socialist revolutions throughout North Africa and Middle East, which by the hand of the Greek exploited threatens to enter the heart of imperialist Europe.
 Today these Menemist rats of the Syrian-Lebanese bourgeoisie, guarded by Al-Assad’s police that is the same Kirchner’s police in Argentina, accuse us of being supporters to imperialism. That same slander was raised by the World Social Forum and all its organizations worldwide accusing the Libyan people of being armed by imperialism. This calumny was destroyed by the Libyan masses themselves who made murderous Qaddafi’s head roll down. Precisely this slander had the objective of isolating the Libyan masses, its aim was politically enclosing the Syrian working class and exploited masses so Al-Assad, on behalf of imperialism, the whole Arab League and the Zionist rats of the fascist state of Israel, could massacre the greatest vanguard that raised up in Middle East to continue the Palestinian struggle. They are the slaughtered Syrian masses of Homs, Deraa, Damascus, and Idlib that once again raise up and do not surrender.

This is what make them go crazy, this is what fill them with despair. They were waiting for the surrender of the exploited; but there is no surrender here because the masses have conquered the conditions for fighting. Nobody gave them the conditions as a gift.
From Europe, form USA and the rest  of the Americas they told us that “there are no conditions” for marching  for Syria. But the masses, in the worst of situations, beside common graves full of their beloved ones, stood up again and went on fighting from the debris of the bombed working class neighborhoods.  This stubborness of the Syrian masses is the reality that obliges imperialists to prepare with the help of the UNO, Hu Jintao, Putin and the Arab League each time a superior massacre.
Though, comrades, Beware! Because once al Assad has done the “dirtiy job”, imperialism willo try to enter Syria with the UNO. We cannot allow it to do that. We already know them. We aready know how they act. They are tose which have worked always as caretakers of the Zinost borders, beccause they are afraid, very afraid that the Palesinian masses turn again to the streets, burn once more the police stations of Fatah and Hamas, arming themselves and sweeping away the Zionist State of Israel for good.
Because today the siege was broken in the north of Syria, from Hatay, -which is an old Syrian province that since 1939 is in the hands of Turkish imperialists- and form Lebanon, with the insurrectin and the revolts of the masses.
The siege we are not breaking it here: it has began to be broken by the masses, as for example the 400 mosques in Tunisia that have sent their youth with the Quran under their armpits to combat in Syria; or the Libyan exploited in Bengazhi, Tripoli and Misratah that did not wait for anyone to act and armed the militas and the international brigades sending them to fight in Syria, as happened in the ‘30s in the Spanish Civil War.
That’s why it is a shame that the international worker brigadas aren’t yet standing up, organizad as they were for example in argentina in the ‘30s, when comrades of the bakers union travelled to Sapin with nurses and Money, in support of the struggle against Franco’s fascism. What are we waiting for, that we don’t carry just now this motion to the working class?
Because what unifies us, the world’s exploited, to fight alongside the Syrian masses is not merely the struggle against imperialism. That is a common notion that we share, they are the same massacrers there and here. But in the same way that in the 19th Century we were united by an international fight for the 8 hours, today in order to conquer bread, what unifies us is the fight for the worker and socialist revolution, so that the working class seizes the power.
Thanks, comrades.

lunes, 11 de junio de 2012

June 6th, 2012

Statement for the mobilization/demonstration to the Syrian embassy in Argentina

From the revolutionary internationalist militias of Libya we salute the public meeting of the Argentinean workers and their mobilization to the embassy of Syria to defeat the carnage carried on by murderous Al-Assad.
In Libya the militia men, students and workers marched and set on fire the Syrian embassy on February in Benghazi while the murderous troops of Al-Assad were slaughtering in Homs. That is why the Syrian embassy closed and the ambassador ran like a rat. We expelled him, as we enjoy taking justice in our own hands giving Qadafy the assassin what he deserved.
From here we organized brigades which fought side by side with the oppressed people of Syria, facing the agent of the ruling powers: Bashar Al-Assad; he was receiving arms from Putin and Hu Jintao and is supported by Chavez, Castro and other Bolivarian governments.
Not only we, the exploited people and militia men of Libya, are letting our martyrs on the streets of Homs, Hama and Deraa and fighting alongside the exploited people of Syria. The Egyptian workers were the first ones in marching over the Syrian embassy while shouting: “Assad you will have the same fate as Muammar (Khadafy)! and “US, NATO, Assad and Hezbollah are the caretakers for guarding the borders of Zionism!”

This is how from the heart of the working class that started the revolution in Northern Africa and Middle East we started breaking the silence imposed by most of the forces who claim to be “left”, “popular”, etc at world level. Since January they are turning the blind eye and have done nothing to support our class brothers and sisters of Syria, allowing Bashar Al-Assad to kill them mercilessly.
But despite them, workers all over the world are breaking the fence mounted against the Syrian masses with the brigades that we are sending from Libya to fight there; with the fighters organized by hundreds in the mosques in Tunisia who are joining the Syrian resistance; with the masses of Hatay in Turkey who supply the needs of the Syrian exploited, refugees as well as fighters that are recovering there; also the US workers and youth who marched in USA against Obama who is Bashar’s boss; from the workers in Lebanon who rebelled supporting the Syrian people, against Hezbollah that supports Al-Assad like the Iranian Ayatollahs.

Demostration "Stop the slaughter in Syria! Out Al Assad! Committee for Syria"

That is why we salute this day of fight in Argentina, which matches the call made by workers organizations who recently also met in Tunisia.
It is important, and it’s always timely, to join forces to rebel the world working class in order to stop the imperialist hand that supports its lackey Al-Assad who is slaughtering the oppressed people of Syria.
The road for fighting alongside the Syrian people is already clear. All people need is decision to follow that road. That is why from Tripoli, Benghazi and Misratah, and also from the refugee camps in Turkey and Lebanon in the Syrian borders, we are waiting the adhesions and effective solidarity from all the worker organizations of the world.
Honoring the martyrs, we call all the worker organizations around the world to collect money, medicines and food and send doctors, nurses to the refugee camps and to help the Syrian resistance, and mainly to send international brigades to fight side by side with the Syrian masses and defeat Bashar.

We have to stand up side by side with our brothers and sisters of Syria. They are also slandered by the same ones who affirmed that we, the Lybian workers who gave our lives confronting Qadafy, were servants of imperialism. It is said by those who speaking in the name of workers and “anti-imperialism” guard the “left” pocket of the Wall Street bankers. They are those who like Chavez, sent oil to supply the war machine of Al Assad. How excellent the resolution of the Deraa militias is about transforming in battle-target the firends of fascism, the bolivarian ships containing oil entering the port of Syria to supply the tanks of Al-Assad the killer.

Our struggle in the North of Africa and Middle East is the same fight as that of the workers of USA, Europe, Latin America and the five continents to stop the attack through which the imperialists try to throw over us all the crisis of the capitalist system in bankruptcy. 
As it happened in Libya with us, the Syrian exploited have not been armed by any general who claims to be “democratic” that deserted Al Assad’s army but today is hidden in Qatar.
The weapons to defend themselves from the massacre were conquered by the Syrian masses, their children, their  husbands, their relatives passing to the exploited’s side in order to fight Al Assad. They sell their possessions to gain weapons and ammunitions to confront the troops of Bashar the killer. We, the exploited who supply them from Libya, Lebanon, Turkey, Palestine, are doing the same for the heroic resistance fighters in Homs, Deraa and the entire Syria for them to win.
We know very well that the only agents of imperialism in the streets of Syria are Al-Assad’s troops; neither the Arab League, the Syrian National Council, the UN nor NATO are confronting Bashar. All the contrary, they are all waiting for Al Assad’s finishing to crush the Syrian masses.

As yesterday we saluted and sent our greeting to the demonstration of over 10,000 workers and youth in Washington, today we are with you in Argentina greeting those comrade workers, youth, oppressed, who are resisting alongside the Syrian masses and we take as ours what the Tripoli dockworkers expresed so fairly in their assembly on April 24th: “Today in Libya we need another revolution, and if we have to carry out 10 revolutions, we will do it. And if we need 20 revolutions in Libya and Syria, we will do it too. Either we live well or we die fighting for it. Let it be known by all the managers, bosses and chiefs: we will not rest till we get our demands; and if we have to close the dock preventing the entry and departure of goods, we will do it; and if we have to go out with our riffles to settle accounts with all the bosses, we will also do it. We will not give away our martyrs’ blood.”

Solidarity with the Syrian exploited people!
Long live the Syrian revolution!
Down with Bashar al-Assad!
That the Mediterranean Sea is set on fire! Death to imperialism! Let’s smash Zionism! The Palestinian banner must be placed in its capital: in the Jerusalem recovered by the oppressed rebelling in Maghreb and Middle East!

Revolutionary Combatants of the Libyan Militia
Internationalist Volunteer Workers Committee
Movement of Factory Committees and Base Assemblies of Libyan Workers

jueves, 7 de junio de 2012

BUENOS AIRES JUNE 7-5:30 PM March to the Syrian Embassy!

Before the massacre and genocide in Syria:

Let’s all march to the Embassy!

 Before the massacre to the Syrian people by dictator Al-Assad on behalf of imperialism and NATO; with the complicity of the Arab League and the support of brothers Castro, Chavez and the Bolivarians; and before the silence of most of the world left. As part of the international day of fight and together with all the demonstrations that, before or after, are being propelled all around the world to break the silence and the fence over the Syrian revolution:

Let’s march to the Syrian Embassy!

Let’s stop the massacre against the Syrian people!

Out with Al-Assad who is slaughtering on behalf of Obama and looks after the borders to Zionism!

Long live the Syrian and the entire North of Africa and Middle East revolution!

 Thursday June 7th, 5:30 pm

We meet in Callao and Cordoba

Convoked by: Committee of Support on the Syrian Masses

Endorse by: Izquierda Socialista, Democracia Obrera, Comuna Socialista,  Movimiento T.ORR.E, La Cigarra, Estudiantes No Agrupados, Shop Steward Commission of Paty