jueves, 7 de junio de 2012

BUENOS AIRES JUNE 7-5:30 PM March to the Syrian Embassy!

Before the massacre and genocide in Syria:

Let’s all march to the Embassy!

 Before the massacre to the Syrian people by dictator Al-Assad on behalf of imperialism and NATO; with the complicity of the Arab League and the support of brothers Castro, Chavez and the Bolivarians; and before the silence of most of the world left. As part of the international day of fight and together with all the demonstrations that, before or after, are being propelled all around the world to break the silence and the fence over the Syrian revolution:

Let’s march to the Syrian Embassy!

Let’s stop the massacre against the Syrian people!

Out with Al-Assad who is slaughtering on behalf of Obama and looks after the borders to Zionism!

Long live the Syrian and the entire North of Africa and Middle East revolution!

 Thursday June 7th, 5:30 pm

We meet in Callao and Cordoba

Convoked by: Committee of Support on the Syrian Masses

Endorse by: Izquierda Socialista, Democracia Obrera, Comuna Socialista,  Movimiento T.ORR.E, La Cigarra, Estudiantes No Agrupados, Shop Steward Commission of Paty

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