martes, 28 de agosto de 2012

Emergency call to the world working class from Syria

August 24th, 2012

From Aleppo, Homs

We write from the deepest revolutionary focus of the armed masses. We have resisted with our rifles, house to house, street to street, in the rebel Syria against the massacre carried on against our people by the butcher murderous Bashar, supported by Russia, Iran and China. And also, for a secret pact with imperialist powers, which also pact with the NSC (that is a bunch of coward bosses who aren’t even in Syria), the high command of the FSA and CP of Kurdistan (who banned their militant rank and file to fight the regime directly), and they create division within the brave masses who are fighting with Kalashnikov against tanks, planes, helicopters, heavy artillery and mercenaries trained to kill. Thus they create the perfect scenario so Syria becomes today a concentration camp, where misery, starvation and massacre against the people are extreme. They use this method to kill everyone who dares rebelling and demand decent life conditions and decent jobs. And, at the same time, they protect, no matter what, the borders of the counterrevolutionary gendarme army of imperialism in the region, i.e. Israel. They also want to prevent that the Palestine People get revenge after so many years od starvation, misery, massacres and oppression with a great Intifada.
We call, first of all, to the working class of Aleppo to organize to take control of the factories that belong to that guy who, with starvation, misery and death, has oppressed you for over 40 years. You have to make them work for you and the starving people of that city and those who bravely fight day after day with their guns against the attacks of the pig. And we also call to the world working class to follow the example of our South African brothers. They have fought not only against the tyrants of their government and the bosses, but also against their treacherous leaderships, who are a bunch of dogs who look after the government’s chair to the Tyrant and his business with the imperialist powers that are starving and oppressing more and more their own peoples. They, traitors, are the same who slandered our combat, treating us as “mercenaries” or “being at the service of imperialism”. This war is also against them and on it already started a huge militant solidarity from different points of the world.
We will win our war here if our class brothers and sisters in the world rebel and fight against the tyrants who oppress them with misery and slaughters and against the traitors bloodsuckers who, pretending to be one of us, prevent us fighting and divide us.
Let`s return the uprisings of Tunisia and Egypt!
For a second Libyan revolution to finish once for all with Kaddafism and prevent that the imperialist powers plunder oil! For our heroic brothers who are fighting in Yemen!
To erase the borders in Northern Africa and Middle East! For the union, solidarity and fraternity of all the oppressed peoples of the world!
For the liberation o Jerusalem!
They can’t fool us anymore. Representative democracy and the economic system promoted by world powers only lead us to misery, death and division among us. They tyrants of the world know that in Syria we won’t allow that they impose us their rules. That is why they have transformed it in a deathly trap with anyone who dares facing them.
We are thousands of people who aren’t under the banner of the Free Syrian Army, but we show solidarity with the brave rank and file soldiers who left the army and the workers. Let’s unify our weapons and let’s be clear that the enemy is also in home. For the unity of our Kurdish brothers against the tyrants who live from the sweat of these peoples! For a Syria with decent jobs, wages, education and health, without poverty! For the expropriation of the fuel and gas companies of Der Azzor to end with people’s starvation!
Over the ruins of the bloody regime of Al-Assad, lackey of imperialism…
The power must be in hands of the local coordination committees, where the proletariat and rank and file soldiers who are fighting against Al-Assad!
They are the real representatives of the working class and the Syrian people and not the generals and politicians of NSC and FSA!

- Committee of Internationalist Volunteer Workers
- Brigade Sedof al-Laith

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