jueves, 20 de diciembre de 2012

It was held a big cultural political meeting in defense of the Syrian and Palestinian masses in USACH!

The International campaign to break the siege against the revolutionary masses of Syria gets deepen
Facing the call of the International Committee in support to the Syrian masses, youth and revolutionary workers who fight against the military civic regime of Pinera, Concertacion and the Communist Party were there…
It was held a big cultural political meeting in defense of the Syrian and Palestinian masses in USACH!
The last November 30 it was held a great “tokata” in defense of the Syrian and Palestinian masses in Universidad of Santiago de Chile.  Almost 200 workers and revolutionary youth gave active solidarity with the fight of the revolutionary masses of North Africa and Middle East, with the deep conviction that the fate of the proletariat of that region of the world depends on the fate of the world proletariat.
While in Gaza people did not count the last death body of Palestinian left by the bombed of the Zionist army, the US imperialist dog watchers in the region, an important sector of the militant vanguard of the working class and the Chilean youth did not wait to give militant solidarity. The Tokata of USACH was not “another party”, neither another “militant carrete”, as the ones organized by the reformism. It was a war internationalist meeting, which sword to revenge the blood of the martyrs of the international working revolution, and to take the war cry of the Syrian revolutionary masses who fight against the imperialism and the army of Al Assad around the world.
This meeting was an important contribution to the international campaign that the International Committee in support to the Syrian masses, integrated by different worker and revolutionary organizations of the world is doing in order to break the siege of slanders and cheats that the workers and youth fighting against the Bashar Al Assad are being accused of being agent of imperialism.
It was held this meeting in a country where Stalinism has a lot of weight, used thousands of time in order to stab on the back to the revolutionary fighters of the working class.  From the Communist Party up to the Movement of Revolutioanry Left (Movimiento de Izquierda Revolucionario (MIR) and Frente Patriótico Manuel Rodríguez (FPMR), including the renegades of Trotskyism, they have not only denied giving solidarity to the Syrian masses but also they have claimed, send by their chiefs Chavez and Castro, that Assad is “a friend of the masses” and a “anti-imperialist socialist”.  They have slander the masses accusing them to be agent of CIA, ground troops of NATO, so on as part of the international campaign of slanders and cheats against the working class that fights.
However, the huge revolutionary fight that the working class and the Chilean youth is carrying on from 2011 against the military civic regime of Pinera, Concertacion and the Communist Party has given a new generation of youth and revolutionary workers who are not submitted to the bourgeoisie not the slanders of Stalinism.
The different militant music bands, hip hop and punkies that were in this activity have shown their militant solidarity with the revolution, and a total independence with the treacherous leadership and the school of slanders.  They have shown that the real revolutionary art tied their fate to the international socialist revolution, and does not submit in front to the bourgeoisie or facing the reformist lackeys.
Different endorsements from different countries reached the meeting.  The campaign was launched against the persecution that the Argentinean bourgeoisie, together with the CIA and imperialism, was held on Trotskyist leaders as the comrade Carlos Munzer, fully defender of the Syrian revolution and the revolutionary fight of the world working class.
The meeting, finally, pay tribute to the five revolutionary martyrs of Brigade Leon Sedov, which lives were taken in the battle field at the hands of the Assad army in the revolutionary war that is carrying on in Syria.
All together we shout very loudly:
The blood of our martyrs will not be in vain!
Long live the Syria revolution! Down with the genocide of Assad, lackey of Obama! Dow with the genocide against the Palestinian masses! For the destruction of the fascist Zionist state of Israel! For the success of the revolution of North of Africa and Middle East! A single class, a single fight in the entire world!
International Committee in supporto to the Syrian masses – Chile
December 2012





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